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Basf herbicide list. Always read and follow label directions.

Basf herbicide list Explore expert solutions & high-yield programs that take your soybean crop to the next level. Click on the products to learn more. At BASF, we believe every acre of productive land has unrealized potential—the possibility for healthier corn, higher yields and increased profits. BASF has a long and distinguished track record of providing growers with innovative weed control solutions. Both treatments applied @ 64 fl oz/A Rutgers, 2023 HRAC Group How Distinct ® Herbicide Works Distinct herbicide works to enhance broad-spectrum weed control in preplant corn, soybeans and cotton as well as in pasture and rangeland applications with two active ingredients, dicamba and diflufenzopyr (DFFP). The two companies agreed to cross-license soybean traits, while developing complementary herbicide technologies, enabling both companies to offer innovative soybean weed management solutions. Endura® fungicide features the active ingredient boscalid, which offers growers a unique mode of action with superior disease control in many important crops. Plateau ® herbicide . Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh 1 Do not exceed maximum label rates for Liberty 150 herbicide per season. For more information about putting our products and programs to work for you, contact your nearest BASF BetterVM sales specialist or call 1-800-545-9525. It can be applied using a variety of methods and equipment, including low-volume foliar backpack, low-volume hydraulic, boom and boomless equipment, and stump-and-cut stem treatments and aerially. Because Arsenal ® Herbicide Applicators Concentrate is a low-volume herbicide, it helps manage public concerns, wildlife habitats and aquatic sites as well. Tower herbicide is a broad-spectrum preemergence herbicide containing the active ingredient, dimethenamid-p (DMTA-P), which provides excellent control of yellow nutsedge and annual sedges along with numerous grassy and broadleaf weeds including goosegrass, crabgrass, field sandbur and spurge. Pistol is a non-selective contact and residual acting herbicide for amenity use to control a wide range of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and grasses on porous surfaces on land not intended to bear vegetation. On October 27, 2020, BASF announced the U. 9 For soybeans, 28% UAN is not required when tank mixing with glyphosate. BASF and Corteva Agriscience today announced a long-term collaboration to develop new soybean weed control solutions for farmers around the world. Pair it with the BASF cotton herbicide portfolio and, in the future*, you will have even more weed control solutions than any other competitor offers available for use with cotton. Because Arsenal® is a low-volume herbicide, it helps manage public concerns and wildlife habitats as well. • Tank-mix with Pylex® herbicide for improved control of annual grasses, resistant biotypes of crabgrass and more Where to use Drive XLR8 herbicide Turfgrass on lawns, golf courses, sports fields, sod farms, parks, roadsides, schools and more - see label for full list of use sites. Status herbicide is a great tank mix herbicide and offers crop rotation flexibility year after year. broadacre crops and is flexible across many soybean trait platforms — it can be applied on LibertyLink GT27™, LibertyLink and Enlist E3™ enabled soybean acres. In agriculture, BASF offers a broad portfolio of innovative soluti These post-emergent herbicides for corn help provide multiple modes of action to improve herbicide effectiveness. Throughout the world, society has a view on how land should be used, what foods should be produced and how much space for nature should be provided on farms. If excess foaming occurs, a silicone anti-foaming agent may be added (Halt ®). Extreme attacks newly emerged grasses and broadleaf weeds with the knockdown power of glyphosate and keeps them down with the trusted residual control of Pursuit ® herbicide. 1 Add remaining water, start agitation, and spray immediately. Habitat Aqua Herbicide Habitat ® Aqua provides effective, long-lasting, post-emergent control of invasive and undesirable vegetation in and around aquatic sites. As growers well know, the best way to control tough weeds is to ensure they don’t come up at all. WSSA Herbicide Site Of Action (SOA) Classification List; Common and Chemical Names of Herbicides Approved by the WSSA (PDF) IUPAC Glossary of terms related to Pesticides (PDF) Herbicide Company “Genealogy” Chart Growers are looking at the most proven herbicide around: Pursuit herbicide. With Pursuit, you'll get proven, relentless control of the toughest broadleaf weeds and grasses, including nightshade, for a wide variety of crops. If tank mixing with Buctril ® M, Curtail ® M, MCPA Ester, Lontrel ® 360, Pursuit ® or Muster ® herbicides, add required amount of these to the tank before adding Select herbicide. After the herbicide is dissolved, if using a tank-mix, add the correct amount of second herbicide and continue agitating. A time-lapse video comparing an untreated plant to glyphosate-only treatment and a treatment of glyphosate mixed with Kixor. Resistance Management: Adding Alite 27 herbicide to your pre-emergence program, makes it 83 times less likely for your acres to develop herbicide resistance to tough-to-control weeds. Recommended to be applied as early post emergence when weeds are at 1-2 leaf stage. Its unique mode of action provides excellent performance on key driver weeds, greater application flexibility and unmatched convenience, with no known weed resistance in U. For unmatched performance and reliability management teams can confidently lean on BASF technologies Arsenal Super and Basta Herbicides. Liberty herbicide has no known resistance in U. Corteva Agriscience recommends Liberty herbicide, preferred herbicide partner with the Enlist™ Weed Control System. Flexible seed options enable you to overcome production challenges to maximize the value of your crop. herbicide . In 2020 we have added three innovative and important new herbicides to our range of proven crop protection solutions for wheat growers. Liberty herbicide has proven to provide superior control of tough weeds, including glyphosate-resistant broadleaves and grasses. Aramax Intrinsic brand fungicide is a dual-active, broad-spectrum powerhouse formulated to protect your fairways from 26 of the toughest turf diseases, including snow mold, large patch, brown patch and dollar spot. Aug 20, 2024 · DCPA is an herbicide applied to control grasses and certain broadleaf weeds in both agricultural and non-agricultural settings. Download production information, safety data sheets, technical data sheets and more for each brand family. See how a BASF non-HPPD corn herbicide program that includes Verdict herbicide makes sense for your farm with the Grow Smart Advantage tool, or connect with your local BASF representative for product advice and consultation. 3 40 acres/case rate of Centurion ADV is recommended for improved control of foxtail barley. How Clarity ® Herbicide Works Clarity herbicide takes care of a wide variety of weeds. As essential tools for controlling insect pests, insecticides improve the quality of life for humans, domestic animals and livestock. A Better Solution. Unique chemistry combination: first-of-its-kind solid-encapsulated herbicide technology that provides multiple modes of effective action; Flexibility: From pre-emergence to early post-emergence, the residual power of Surtain™ herbicide is an excellent tank-mix partner to Marksman ® herbicide, Engenia ® herbicide and atrazine plus glyphosate Axant™ Flex herbicide trait technology 1 – available in FiberMax ® and Stoneville ® cottonseed – is cotton’s latest and most comprehensive trait system 1. SEED BONUS Program Period: October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2020 With no known resistance to Liberty herbicide, you can have confidence and ease of mind when applying Liberty herbicide on the newest soybean trait platforms. Safe, effective control over a range of broadleaf weeds. Featuring a new mode of action, Frequency effectively controls weeds that have developed a resistance to other commonly used herbicides and provides excellent broadleaf control and warm-season grass control. You’re getting a vast network of support from a company that’s committed to bringing progressive solutions to farmers. Pylex is designed to minimise labour, chemical calculations and to provide an easy solution for increased efficiency. As part of the proven Clearfield Production System, Beyond herbicide adds simplicity and convenience. None on label for field peas or succulent peas. Through science and innovation, we enable farmers to make the most of every acre and meet the current and future needs of society. With Clarity, you have the versatility to deal with unpredictable spring weather, since its wide application window extends from as early as five to seven days after planting until 36”, tall corn. Kyle Miller, a technical specialist at BASF with 32 years of experience, gives us a closer look at the newest addition to the Finale herbicide lineup. The Outlook Herbicide Advantage Outlook® Herbicide for Cotton (pdf, English) Outlook® Herbicide for Peanuts (English, pdf) Outlook® Herbicide for Preemergence Weed Control in Sugar Beets (English, pdf) Outlook® Herbicide for Residual Weed Control in Corn (All Types) (English, pdf) Outlook® Herbicide for Residual Weed Control in Onions (Dry Bulb, Green) (English, pdf) Outlook® Herbicide A list of BASF Ornamentals products that have been discontinued. Habitat ® Herbicide does more with less while providing effective, long-lasting control of undesirable emergent and floating aquatic vegetation. Corn growers using Armezon tank-mixed with glyphosate get the benefits of multiple modes of action for excellent control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. Odyssey is an early post-emergence herbicide which gives good control against broad leaved weeds and grasses in Soybean, Groundnut, Cluster bean and Red gram with Broad spectrum action and Faster control of weeds Efficacy trials comparing BASF Basta Herbicide (glufosinate-ammonium) to generic glufosinate products at the equivalent rates confirms significant differences in weed control. Refer to full program terms and conditions for further details. Pursuit Herbicide Basf imazethapyr 10 Sethiya Krishi Seva Kendra alot naka tal, Tal, Dist. Herbicide for dry edible beans: Basagran Forté at 146 ml/ac (360 ml/ha). Pending EPA approval in early 2024, BASF plans to introduce Surtain™ herbicide to the market. Using Status herbicide as your planned post-emergent herbicide application for corn is the right choice for your fields and yields. agronomicadvantage. RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N. com for full list of participating BASF herbicides. Tank-mix with Pylex® herbicide for improved control of annual grasses, resistant biotypes of crabgrass and more Where to use Drive XLR8 herbicide Turfgrass on lawns, golf courses, sports fields, sod farms, parks, roadsides, schools and more - see label for full list of use sites. BASF has a long and distinguished track record of providing growers with innovative weed control solutions to help not only with yields and quality, but also resistance management, especially as more weeds grow resistant to inputs like glyphosate. It can be used as a tank-mix partner with Zidua PRO or Zidua SC herbicides to provide better consistency and resistance management. Oust ® herbicide . From seed to harvest, you’ll have the power to get the most out of In 2024, BASF maintained our commitment to low-interest grower financing despite market volatility and several federal rate hikes during the season. OneStep Herbicide, Onestep Aug 30, 2022 · Limburgerhof, Germany and Indianapolis, Indiana. Mode of action: Group 30 herbicide Active ingredient(s): 750 g/L Cinmethylin As the only Group 30 (formerly Group T) mode of action herbicide, Luximax® gives users the best of both worlds: it matches the highest standards of pre-emergent annual ryegrass control while protecting the other key annual ryegrass products in your herbicide rotation. Detail + 4 oz. S. Arsenal ® Powerline Herbicide controls a broad-spectrum of troublesome vines and brambles, brush and tree species, and grasses and broadleaf weeds. Read More Labels & SDS Renestra Insecticide is a Restricted Use Pesticide. BASF launches two new herbicides, Facet® and Duvelon® to support rice and tea growers tackle problematic weeds Raipur, India – May 4, 2023 – India is the world’s second largest producer of both rice and tea crops. Featuring a new mode of action that inhibits the production of an enzyme in plants, Detail ® speeds the burn-down of existing weeds without disrupting translocation to the roots. Voraxor knocks down emerged broadleaf weeds and has additive knockdown and residual impact on annual ryegrass to reinforce control of cereal cropping’s most damaging weed. Detail + 3 oz. Clean up weeds easily with Voraxor ® herbicide In soybeans and corn, Zidua ® SC herbicide offers the lowest use rate of any Group 15 herbicide with broad spectrum control of small-seeded broadleaf weeds and grasses. Active ingredient(s) 200 g/l cycloxydim: Formulation: Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) Pack size: 5 litres in outers of four: Crop(s) Winter and spring oilseed rape, linseed, sugar beet, fodder beet, mangel, potato, winter and spring field beans, combining and vining peas, dwarf French bean, swede, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, leek and salad onion, carrots and parsnips, strawberry With no known resistance to Liberty herbicide, you can have confidence and ease of mind when applying Liberty herbicide on the newest soybean trait platforms. Through an extensive pre-emergent herbicide portfolio, cutting-edge precision application technologies and innovations, see how BASF in the U. Continue agitation while adding the required amount of Merge adjuvant. cogon grass BASF is a leader tackling the fastest growing issue for growers: herbicide-resistant weeds. Complete filling the tank to the desired level with water. At BASF, we are constantly striving to combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. Freehand® herbicide offers the ornamental grower and turf manager a new tool for pre-emergent weed control of broadleaf and grassy weeds. It’s effective against problem species such as: TERRESTRIAL. Related Products Choose BASF's Tynzer TM - the best herbicide for corn which is tried and tested by many progressive farmers across India. This low-volume active ingredient herbicide is practically nontoxic and versatile enough to work well with a variety of application methods and equipment. Duraplex® TR Total Release Insecticide 1300 Orthene® TR Total Release Insecticide DuraGuard® ME Microencapsulated Insecticide DuraGuard® ME Trinity® Fungicide Finale Herbicide Pylon® TR Total Release Miticide-Insecticide Clearfield Production Systems help you get the toughest grasses and broadleaf weeds out of your fields and off your mind — protecting your return on investment in comparison to traditionally grown crops. Welcome to BASF Turf Solutions in Australia. provides growers with a holistic plan to defy weed resistance. Take out water from the field as it is a contact herbicide; Ensure proper coverage, since it is a contact herbicide; Apply Basagran® solo or along with tank mix ; At 2-3 leaf for broad leaf weeds and 2-3 inch of narrow leaf weed stage; Irrigate the rice plot (after 24 to 48 hrs. Liberty herbicide delivers superior weed control across multiple trait systems. g. Whether your specific area of need is forestry, airport, aquatic, industrial bareground, invasive/noxious, railroad, roadside, utility or western rangeland Voraxor is a powerful and effective herbicide that offers long-lasting pre-emergent control of broadleaf weeds. Marksman is available in cases of two 10-litre jugs, and in bulk for individual requirements. Our portfolio of insecticides works to prevent insect infestations that affect the quality and quantity of crops. A list of BASF ProVM products that have been discontinued. In comparison to a single application, a foundational pre-emergence residual herbicide followed by a post-emergence knockdown herbicide plus residual extends control later into the season, which helps keep your fields clean and increase your yield. Ideal for use wherever cost-effective control of tough nuisance weeds is critical, Overdrive ® delivers high performance along guardrails, medians and right-of-ways, and provides an ideal complement or alternative to existing roadside If tank mixing with Liberty 150 or Liberty 200 herbicides, add the required amount of Amigo ® adjuvant to the tank. The registration has an announced term of five years and includes new label enhancements to further reduce the potential for off-target movement. “Residual herbicides like Zidua SC herbicide and Outlook herbicide from BASF can really be an integral part of your program,” said Eric Eade, BASF product manager. Frequency ® herbicide . With no known resistance to Liberty herbicide, you can have confidence and ease of mind when applying Liberty herbicide on the newest soybean trait platforms. Verdict herbicide provides a strong residual foundation; Powered by Kixor herbicide technology to deliver fast, complete burndown herbicides may be effectively managed using herbicide(s) from a different group and/or by using cultural or mechanical practices. Overdrive ® herbicide uses a unique mode of action to deliver fast-acting, post-emergent broadleaf weed control as well as Glyphosate & Group 2 resistance management How It Works Overdrive is a unique, low-rate-use herbicide that provides post emergent control of a broad spectrum of annual, perennial and biennial broadleaf species. 7 % CS) is a selective pre-emergence herbicide for use in Soybean, Cotton, Chilli, Onion, Groundnut, Mustard, Cumin crops to control susceptible annual grasses and broadleaf weeds as they germinate. We’re also creating solutions with proven Plant Health benefits like growth ** Excludes Poast®, Optill® and Pursuit® herbicides. Herbicide tank mix for LibertyLink canola: Liberty 150 + Facet L + Centurion 9 See label for other crops. It can be used at 4-leaf stage through green ring (+14 days for varieties) following at least one application of either Clearpath™ herbicide or Newpath ® herbicide. Plus, when you choose Surtain herbicide, you’re getting more than a corn herbicide. Add correct amount of Ignite herbicide. Tynzer TM provides effective control over narrow leaf and broad leaf weeds while ensuring complete safety of your crop. Detail + 10 lbs. Stomp Xtra ( Pendimethalin 38. Herbicide for LibertyLink ® canola: Liberty 150. It's effective against problem species such as: A complete list of weeds controlled can be found on the Arsenal® product label. *Use 0. Since Basta ® acts by contact action, it is safer to the crops as compared to other non-selective herbicides in directed spray. For product information including warning phrases and symbols refer to the products section. Pylex Herbicide revolutionises Bent grass greens management in not only its efficacy, but also its advances to labour efficiencies and turf safety with its pre-measured packaging. Herbicide for Roundup Ready Soybeans: Glyphosate. Since Basta® acts by contact action, it is safer to the crops as compared to other non-selective herbicides in directed spray. BASF Agriculture Liberty herbicide is the weed management system with a different chemistry and unique site of action that kills tough, resistant weeds in days, not weeks. , October 18, 2022 — For more than two decades, growers have controlled their weeds with two trusted BASF solutions, Beyond® herbicide for Clearfield® Production System crops and Raptor® herbicide for alfalfa, dry beans, and soybeans. Basagran controls 26 difficult weeds, including Canada thistle and lamb's-quarters, in all types of beans, field peas and soybeans plus additional crops. Get rid of sedges and broad leaf weeds in your rice field with Basagran ®, BASF's proven solution for tough weed problems. Diuron . Grower Financing Finance your BASF crop protection and seed purchases with 0% fixed APR 0% Financing Season Long BASF Agriculture Liberty herbicide is the weed management system with a different chemistry and unique site of action that kills tough, resistant weeds in days, not weeks. Powered by BASF’s proprietary BAPMA salt and high-performance dicamba, you can be confident that you’re getting the most BASF herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and biological controls manage disease, weeds and insects and increases plant health in nurseries and greenhouses By 2025, BASF will be the only company with a complete non-HPPD acre offering, including pre- and post-emerge solutions. Add the required amount of Select herbicide Give your soybean crop every advantage by layering pre- and post-emergence residual herbicides. Thanks to novel BASF technology, Surtain herbicide revolutionizes early season weed control by giving farmers more power in their early season applications and helping to keep them from chasing weeds throughout the season. Behind every great soybean farmer is a team of BASF specialists. Status herbicide begins working within hours of application for fast and complete burndown of tough broadleaf weeds, while Zidua SC herbicide delivers long-lasting residual control, up to two weeks longer than many competitive products. Herbicide for Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans: glyphosate 11 4 See label for a complete list of additional available tank mixes and their rates. AgronomicAdvantage. us 1-888-566-5506 Always read and follow label directions. Overdrive ® is a unique, low-rate-use herbicide that provides postemergent control of a broad spectrum of annual, perennial and biennial broadleaf species. The best performing herbicide for black-grass control in winter barley, containing robust doses of key actives to control grass weeds; Approved for use pre or early post-emergence offering flexibility in variable autumn conditions Farming is the biggest job on earth – and it’s getting bigger and more complex. In the future, Axant Flex technology will provide a new site of action and first-of-its-kind solution for cotton, to more effectively combat herbicide-resistant broadleaf weeds, including Palmer amaranth and grasses. Beyond ® Xtra herbicide combines Beyond ® and Raptor ® herbicides into one do-it-all label. Axant™ Flex herbicide trait technology 1 – available in FiberMax ® and Stoneville ® cottonseed – is cotton’s latest and most comprehensive trait system 1. 2 Refer to Centurion ADV and Liberty 150 herbicide labels for full list of covered weeds and specific application timing. Armezon herbicide is a Group 27, post-emergent herbicide that is quickly absorbed by leaves, roots, and shoots to quickly control target weeds. Verdict herbicide is an enhanced pre-emergence herbicide for corn with residual and burndown capabilities that provides consistent control throughout the season. Tank-mixing with Zidua ® SC herbicide brings together strong burndown and extended residual for powerful control of HPPD-resistant waterhemp and pigweed, emerged or not. If you want safe, effective control over a range of broadleaf weeds, get Basagran ® herbicide. It exhibits better efficacy against certain hard-to-kill weed species which are not controlled by conventional products currently being used by growers. Note: Use 2 oz. Non-agricultural use sites include non-residential turf and ornamentals. Information: Use plant protection products safely. 3L/ac on coarse-textured soil. ” Give your wheat paddocks a proper break. We’ve been a pioneer and pacesetter in researching and developing new active ingredients to combat fungal diseases in crops. A versatile non-selective knockdown herbicide registered for the control of over 80 weed species in a wide range of crops. bettervm. As an over-the-top dicamba with the lowest use rate, an early application of Engenia ® herbicide helps you cover more acres more efficiently, so you can focus on tackling more items on your to-do list this season. Herbicides for corn: Frontier ® Max, Aatrex ® Liquid 480, Dual ® II Magnum ®, Primextra ® II Magnum, Prowl ® H2O, Ultim ® 75% DF, Elim ® EP Herbicide 25% DF. Watch Kixor, the active ingredient in Eragon and Integrity herbicides, take down tough weeds such as Canada fleabane. Luximax ® and the newly registered Voraxor ® will add extra flexibility to pre-plant spraying programs and extend the spectrum of residual pre-emergent weed control. Finale XL T&O herbicide is BASF‘s newest non-selective, contact herbicide formulation with enhanced active ingredient loading. 1 oz. Its two unique active ingredients, pendimethalin and dimethenamid-P, prevent weeds from growing and multiplying by inhibiting cell growth in seedling shoots and impeding plant cell microtubule assembly in roots. Pursuit® is a well-known herbicide which ensures effective control of grasses and broad leaved weeds in Soybean, Ground nut, Black gram, Green gram and Red gram. Mode of action: Group 10 herbicide (formerly N) Active ingredient(s): 200 g/L glufosinate-ammonium Formulation: Soluble concentrate (SL) Basta® Non-Selective Herbicide is a versatile non-selective knockdown herbicide registered for the control of over 80 weed species in a wide range of crops. Frequency ® Herbicide is a new herbicide for industrial bareground sites, utility substations, roadsides and railroads. . Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved its registration of Engenia ® herbicide for over the top application in dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton. row crops. Tower herbicide is an effective preemergent herbicide for the control of numerous weeds that cause problems in field-grown and landscape ornamentals. Detail offers quick and complete burndown as well as residual control of Group 2-, 4- and glyphosate-resistant kochia and other tough-to-control broadleaf weeds. BASF is committed to providing solutions to manage the agronomic challenges growers face at every stage of crop development. Habitat Aqua may be used in directed applications for control of invasive plants in naturalized areas, including privately owned, provincial, federal or other public lands and parks. Consult your local BASF representative, state cooperative extension service, land You can now apply a group 14 herbicide pre- through early post-emergence and get excellent crop safety and residual weed control. Research trials have proven that Zidua SC herbicide provides residual control in corn and soybeans lasting up to two weeks longer than other herbicides. Used properly, BASF herbicides provide a more effective, fully integrated, and more environmentally responsible approach to managing vegetation than mowing and other mechanical means alone. 1 When tank mixing always add tank-mix partner first and ensure it is thoroughly mixed before adding Ignite. BASF are dedicated to investing in the research and development to offer new technologies, to bring creative and best-in-class solutions to life for unmatched efficiency. www. Glyphosate-Resistant Canada fleabane - Control with Kixor herbicide. Apply Marksman in 88 (220 L/ha) to 140 L/ac (350 L/ha) at a pressure of 150 - 275 kPa. It delivers fast control of the toughest weeds at lower use rates than prior formulations. Contact your local BASF AgSolutions ® Grower or Retail Representative or call AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273) for additional information on supported tank mixes. Visit www. Mode of action: Group 10 herbicide (formerly N) Active ingredient(s): 200 g/L Glufosinate-ammonium Formulation: Soluble concentrate (SL) Basta® Non-Selective Herbicide is a versatile non-selective knockdown herbicide registered for the control of over 80 weed species in a wide range of crops. It’s the first and only imazamox herbicide approved for use in both the Clearfield ® Production System and in conventional crops such as dry beans, peas, alfalfa, soybeans, and wheat. Ratlam 51 vallabh nagar, alot naka tal, Tal - 457118, Dist. Sharpen herbicide helps you work quickly and efficiently when it’s time to get your high-quality crop ready to harvest and out of the field. , broccoli, kale, cabbage), cucurbits, tomatoes, onions, and herbs. Contact your local BASF AgSolutions ® Grower or Retail Representative or call AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273) for additional information. Learn how Finale ® XL T&O herbicide can help landscapers control weeds faster and more efficiently with lower use rates. rate for weeds larger than 6 inches. Detail + 4-6 oz. This saved US growers over $40M in potential interest charges, including savings to BASF Seed customers (Stoneville ® cotton, FiberMax ® cotton, Xitavo TM soybean seed 1 , InVigor ® canola seed Benefits of Clearpath® Herbicide* Incorporate Clearpath herbicide into your Clearfield Production System this year, and clear your mind and your fields of red rice Sharpen herbicide is a premier harvest aid for crop desiccation, 2 drydown, and weed control that readies row crops like cotton, canola, dry beans and soybeans for a clean and timely harvest. From BASF’s portfolio of solutions for corn, to personalized planning and protection against risk, our people in the field and the labs work with you to address the challenges you face. Extreme herbicide is the leader of a category of value-added herbicides created specifically for maximum weed control in Roundup Ready ® soybeans. Agricultural use sites include cole crops (e. “When tank-mixed with Liberty herbicide or Engenia herbicide, soybean farmers can control tough weeds like pigweed and waterhemp through canopy. Detail is a new herbicide for industrial bareground sites, utility substations, roadsides, railroads, utility rights-of-way and forestry sites. Tower features a new active ingredient for ornamentals and an easy-to-use liquid formulation. ) Liberty herbicide delivers superior weed control across multiple trait systems. Always read and follow label directions. See how the BASF two-pass program makes sense for your farm with the Grow Smart Advantage tool, or connect with your local BASF representative for product advice and consultation. C. 9. 1 Excludes private-label Clarity, Optill and Poast herbicides. Clearfield Production Systems deliver efficient, long-lasting weed control, crop quality and global market acceptance. Always read the label and product information before use. Mode of action: Group 27 herbicide (formerly H) Active ingredient(s): 60 g/L Topramezone 60 g/L Cloquintocet-mexyl 320 g/L Liquid hydrocarbons Formulation: Suspo-Emulsion (SE) Frequency® Herbicide adds new dimension to selective weed control as it's the first post-emergent Group 27 herbicide that isn't locked into partner chemistry. Detail ® Herbicide is a new herbicide for industrial bareground sites, utility substations, roadsides, railroads, utility rights-of-way and forestry sites. basf. lchn ptcovu aeen nmqk ibuayu qxeo sajpt pxfsk yfydyc etiiev bhmbnsxm chou hpz pendu bnfwe