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Blue mill cards. My personal pick for anti-mill is to just use my graveyard.

Blue mill cards 63% of Here are a few of my favorite card combinations for mono-blue mill: [[Traumatize]] & [[Fraying Sanity]] combination to instant mill your opponents entire deck. Trend Jan 22, 2024 · Continuous self-mill cards mill you multiple times over different turns, like Deranged Assistant and Mesmeric Orb. Thought Scour, Tome Scour, and Mind Sculpt are your instant Mill spells. That improved the drawability of the Deck. sideboard. At two mana, this is a great way to get the gameplan going and give opponents rad counters. 4 mana for a rock that produces 2 mana isn’t a very good rate, but this card in particular makes up for it by having a pretty kickass ability, especially so in a mill deck. Last updated: 2025-01-29 04:03:20 Jan 28, 2025 · We then divide this number by 730 (365 days times 2 years) to determine how many copies of that card are played per day over a two-year period. This is the primary reason why black gets added to mill decks. Grading Scale. Tags. Also helps with removing those pesky Eldrazi Titans that will make normal mill impossible. Last updated: 2024-12-18 09:12:10 Nov 1, 2024 · The cards on this list read, “When (card name) enters the battlefield, (something will happen). As a result, I added a sideboard and went up to 23 lands by cutting a couple of the more expensive cards. So mono blue doesn’t have many good ways to mana ramp outside of mana rocks. Jan 9, 2025 · Here is a list of the most played Blue Self-Mill cards in Historic sorted by their popularity. For example, if you want a big stompy creature, you’re most likely going to be looking at green cards. I’m focusing on mono-blue enchantments, though plenty of multicolored enchantments include blue. And plenty more cards to threaten life totals through mill if you do blue/blue. Retired and inducted into the Limited Hall of Fame: Pack Rat, Umezawa's Jitte, The Scarab God Mono Blue Mill is also known as [E] Blue Mill, jack mil explorer or Tasha is Back! (H). Been wanting to get back into Magic, and I've always been interested in playing mill. They provide better loot than Basic puzzles, are a bit harder, but also give access to the next tier up: Advanced (Red) puzzles. Glimpse the Unthinkable. 99 Mono Blue Mill is also known as Mill. Altar of the Brood Mono-Blue Mill. It is focused around flooding your opponent with cards and destroying their deck to fatigue them. The problem with any mono blue mill is not being able to kill anyone that's running a shuffle titan or [[Gaea's Blessing]]. Last updated: 2025-01-09 05:24:03 Sep 20, 2024 · 2. These make up the backbone of Modern mill decks, and Ruin Crab was a pretty big role-player alongside rogues in its Standard. Oct 28, 2024 · Unsurprisingly, Bruvac remains one of the most popular mill commanders, but of course comes with the downside of not being able to play black cards as well as all the classic blue staples. Cards. be/-04-o3EAu5oYellow Reveal - https://youtu. Last updated: 2025-01-11 05:54:15 52 cards where the text includes “flashback” and the colors ≥ U. Glimpse the Unthinkable is a powerful mill card costing one blue and one black mana. Trend Jan 30, 2025 · We then divide this number by 730 (365 days times 2 years) to determine how many copies of that card are played per day over a two-year period. Innistrad Remastered. Tome Scour is really good, mill 5 for one blue mana. 95 FREE delivery Fri, Jul 5 Jun 5, 2024 · A bit of a unique contender to the list, Emry, Lurker of the Loch is a self-mill card used in blue/black Dimir decks, primarily focused on secrecy and underhanded deeds. 2 days ago · We then divide this number by 730 (365 days times 2 years) to determine how many copies of that card are played per day over a two-year period. Every time you cast Naru Meha, Master Wizard, Diligent Excavator will mill two cards, as it is an Historic Spell. Trend This is my take on the mono blue mill deck with cards from zendikar rising. Patient Rebuilding lets you mill 3 and draw a card each turn. Consuming Aberration. Alter Reality. This will allow you to mill their entire library. From tapping Neerdiv for the mill to giving it a free casting to trigger her again in one card seems amazing here. If this chain of events happens, you infinitely mill the entire table and win. (Mintstrosity, Ice Out, Grabby Giant) 1. Think of them as the thieves guild from most fantasy works except they really like to do things to upset their opponents. Scryfall makes no guarantee about its price information and recommends you see stores for final prices and details. Sep 17, 2024 · We'll cover every card that you can open in a Play Booster. They’re often tricky, giving the blue player advantages that other decks struggle to play Updated Oct 07, 2024 by Torekai92 using our MTG Deck Builder. Deck focused on milling your opponent, with alternate win condition of a few large creatures that grow from milling! Modern legal. Song of Blood Oct 11, 2023 · Of all the MTG colors, blue has the most mill cards, and its best cards pair well with a control deck. Pretty straightforward this week. Sep 12, 2024 · Khans of Tarkir gave us a way to call the color trios that have enemy colored combinations, and from that MTG set we got "Sultai" for the combination of the enemy colors black-green and blue-green, BGU. maindeck. Mono-Red 38 decks. Could also be decent sideboard cards. Apr 29, 2023 · Blue-Black Mill a Standard MTG deck played by simoneakiratrimarchi on 2023-04-28 Card prices preferences: MTGO ARENA PAPER More . Archive Trap it’s a big daddy mill for zero, as a sideboard card against tutor decks this is your linchpin. Also, I think replacing some of the cards with Khalni Heart Expeditions wouldn't be a bad idea. Search Bar. I’m at the point where it’s working like 60-70% of the time, and I’m looking for some recommendations for good mill cards. Trend 517 Magic cards found for +Mill. Since you mentioned Barrin, here's a few combos I can think of that would work and feel on-theme because they include bounce or wizards: Oct 8, 2019 · For creature matchups, we have a motley crew of blue cards, with So Tiny being our Sword to Plowshares, Warrant // Warden often permanently answering a creature since we can put it on top of our opponent's deck and then mill it away, Run Away Together offering some fun tricks where we can bounce our opponent's best thing and one of our enters Feb 24, 2022 · Mono Blue Mill by Christian Calcano – #1096 Mythic – October 2020 Season. Finishing The Job Any mill deck will need some graveyard hate for cards like [[Emrakul, the Aeons Torn]], [[Gaea's Blessing]], etc. Having trouble viewing images?Click here to revert to the legacy image format. A-Circle of the Land Druid Sep 16, 2024 · A creature with five power, flying and card advantage is straightforward blue Magic, and this card gets even more tempting with the intriguing new mechanic: Impending. Mill is a mainly Yellow playstyle that also has Green and Blue cards. A-Lier, Disciple of the Drowned. COM store. As is tradition, all results are ordered by EDHREC score. A balance of burst and continuous self-mill is often best. 5: Replaceable, overall bad filler. Cards Aetherdrift. Discord Facebook Twitter Instagram Threads Reddit Patreon A diverse community of players devoted to Magic: the Gathering, a trading card game ("TCG") produced by Wizards of the Coast and originally designed by Richard Garfield. Mono-White 39 decks. Nov 4, 2019 · Why this is one of the best Blue Cards. Trend That's why I put on many mill cards (16 + Thought Scour ), Visions of Beyond will increase my chances to draw a Consuming Aberration or a Wight of Precinct Six . Reply reply I've been brainstorming an unconventional mill deck lately and would like to hear some opinions on "the best" non-blue mill cards as I've hit a wall myself. In Modern, this usually results in UB Mill or Lantern Control, since these lists have proven to be the most playable decks that run the opponent out of cards, which is a shame, because UB mill is generally pretty bad, and Lantern Control doesn’t really feel l Today we examined several great anti-blue tactics, but remember that blue is a versatile faction with numerous tricks. Whenever Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm attacks or blocks, other Rats you control get +X/+X until end of turn, where X is the number of Rats you control. Past that, I really like milling with cipher cards and unblockable, aka the dimir decks, lol. The mill: 4 copies of drowned secrets will each mill 2 cards every time you cast a blue spell (and all your spells are blue). (Evolving Wilds, Archon's Glory, Flick a Coin) 2. Aug 4, 2023 · All Mono Blue Mill Decks. Card Details 509 Magic cards found for +!mill, +mill. Mill can be split into 3 groups: cards that make your opponent draw (and cards that benefit from this), cards that trigger when your opponent discards, and cards that directly destroy cards in the opponent's deck (like 2 days ago · Here is a list of the most played Blue Mill cards in Commander sorted by their popularity. You won’t see much milling going on in white MTG decks, but black, green, and occasionally red see a mill card or two. Mono-Blue 6. [[Drowned Secrets]] and [[Jace's Erasure]] as mill engines For mono blue, there are a lot of different ways you can go, from generic combos and good stuff cards to things that are really specific to your commander. Continuous mill like [[Drowned Secrets]] is really good but any big mill spells would be good too. Archive Trap Oct 24, 2024 · Blue decks currently benefit greatly from drawing extra cards. Sets. There's a lack of creatures, although I don't think that should be a problem. Card Details 1 – 60 of 506 cards where the card has the keyword “Mill”. 75% of 6132 decks +69% synergy. Aug 19, 2022 · In Pioneer, Tome Scour is the best low mana cost mill card available. Pay for its ability to make opponents lose life for each card milled that turn and just take multiple people out in a turn. blue black mill the goal is to out mill by turn 5 any suggestions would be welcome Mar 7, 2024 · Criteria: Cards within the Dimir color identity that have each player mill cards, either simultaneously or as a universal triggered effect. Dec 10, 2024 · The two-drop 2/2 Mount with 3 to saddle has a combat damage trigger to give your spell flashback this turn, with a zero cost if it was saddled. Archmage's Jan 28, 2025 · Here is a list of the most played Blue Mill cards in Historic-Brawl sorted by their popularity. Last updated: 2025-01-18 07:41:47 Feb 7, 2023 · Even though it may feel discouraging to invest in Modern, Mill is a pretty affordable strategy that offers enough options to keep things fresh. Mono-blue is a little sad, but I like mono blue mill more than Syr Konrad's mono-black mill. Favorite thing to do is have a Dimir Guildmage(I believe that's the name of the card). Then Mill them out or hit … Sep 26, 2024 · That means that, even in mill decks, being able to actually threaten life total is still a large way to win the game, as the actual mill kills won’t always come, but Consuming Aberration beating people to a pulp is always a reliable way to close out games with a mill plan. Hedron Crab is certainly the more flexible of the two because you can use it to enable your own graveyard, but both of these cards Of course, I'd prefer to put in more Archive Traps. Last updated: 2025-02-04 04:56:20 Jan 23, 2022 · Mono Blue Mill Modern deck list with prices for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). Consuming 5 days ago · We then divide this number by 730 (365 days times 2 years) to determine how many copies of that card are played per day over a two-year period. Even outside the command zone, it’ll mill more than enough cards to be worth including even if it’s the only creature on your side of the battlefield. Elite Commander Mill/Pump Deck - The Wise Mothman - Sultai Green Blue Black - EDH cEDH - 100 Card - Custom MTG Deck - Very Strong! $119. The only mill spell that's more mana efficient than the burn spells is Archive Trap. Last updated: 2025-01-28 04:24:28 Firstly, with instants and sorceries that mill target player, you can copy on cast with things like [[Mirari]] and [[Twinning Staff]. be/mFf57dvW5kA Dec 17, 2022 · Keening Stone really only works when the opponents has a few cards in their graveyard so we are using low cost mill options like Mesmeric Orb, Teferi's Tutelage, and Ruin Crab to get things started. Need some help with the list as it's sometimes difficult to find all the pieces before it's too late. Sets; Card ×. Blue Mill with control. We use the most popular card as a 100% popularity benchmark, and all other cards are adjusted in percentage based on this reference. Any recommendations are appreciated! Fraying Sanity+Traumatize ensure that an opponent WILL be milled to death, while Talent of the Telepath, Startled Awake and the rest of the mill conditions help achieving this goal. By utilizing cards with low mana costs, consistent effect cards, and a range of combos, this deck becomes incredibly fast and powerful. Jan 9, 2024 · That being said, here’s my list of the best Mill Cards in the game of Magic! The 50 Best MTG Mill Cards 1. Oct 15, 2023 · All Mono-Blue Mill Decks. As you can see, Blue decks don't have to rely on control magic to win, there are many other strategies to try out. Displaying all 6 decks Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Tabletop Price; 2023-08-05: Mono Blue Mill: RvBelial - - Card ×. Jace, Cunning Castaway can create an enormous army of Illusion tokens and help you shift the tides to your advantage. Secondly, choosing Mono-Blue Mill streamlines your game plan. Updated Jan 30, 2024 by darkmage987 using our MTG Deck Builder. Mono-White 40 decks. Mono-White 11 decks. Answers. Aberrant Researcher // Perfected Form. For sale is a 60 card custom Magic the Gathering blue mill deck. See full list on hobbylark. Mono-Blue 731 decks. Trend Mill is also known as Dimir Mill, deck or Rogue. 99 $ 64 . com Mill. They’re often reasonably priced, and many have very powerful effects that other colors aren’t able to recreate. It has done surpisingly well in the standard tourneys I have taken it to. Just went into Magic Workstation and picked out cards that I think would work well. Card usage: all. Dec 18, 2024 · Here is a list of the most played Blue Mill cards in Premodern sorted by their popularity. For instance, against counterspell-oriented decks, you'll want cards that can't be countered or prevent other spells from being countered, but when facing blue mill themes, you'll want things that can refill your deck. A-Phantom Carriage. Popular Mono-Black Mill EDH commanders. We’re already onto some proper absurdity now with Fractured Sanity. Even its second clause is worded in a very forgiving way, allowing for Out of the Tombs to be removed or cards to be shuffled back into the library with no ill effects. Since Duskmourn doesn't have expansive bonus sheets like Outlaws of Thunder Junction did - just its 10 Special Guests - we'll put these cards right in with their respective colors. Dec 4, 2018 · People have tried to make mill work since the oldest days. I’ve thought using Winged Words as we have 6 flying creatures in this deck. Maddening Cacophony. 1K decks. Plus its an easy one-two punch with [[Traumatize]] Obligatory nod that several of these commanders have special synergies and combos of their own. The faster your deck is, the more burst self-mill you need to fuel your Jan 11, 2025 · Here is a list of the most played Blue Mill cards in Historic sorted by their popularity. This sorcery-speed card enables you to mill ten cards from an opponent’s library, making it an efficient and effective choice In the early game, the deck likes to ramp and mill a ton of cards. Jun 13, 2023 · You’re looking for mill-related cards like Mesmeric Orb or Mindcrank which can affect everyone instead of “target opponent mill X cards. Probably main deck 2 [[Surgical Extraction]] with 1-2 more in the sideboard. As lands count as 0, it card can mill upwards of 10, sometimes up to 20 cards on its own. 3 days ago · A list of the most played MTG Standard Blue Mill cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. While cards like Mind Sculpt and Maddening Cacophony do more, they cost more. A high singularity means that the deck is running cards that are less common in that archetype. Of all the colors, blue seems to have the best selection of instants and sorceries. These cards should be dropped instantly, whenever you can. I love impending's similarities to evoke, and casting this card for its impending cost is Mulldrifter Mulldrifter-adjacent with graveyard synergy. 95 $ 119 . Any suggestion will be welcomed. Especially with this new age of swarm, the monster removal and deck disruption of the mill has made most other decks rendered useless. 0: Mediocre filler that normally is your 20-23rd card(s). Nov 27, 2024 · Play more evasive creatures and deal more damage, mill more cards. Some card prices and other card data are provided by Scryfall. Last updated: 2025-01-29 10:46:43 3 days ago · We then divide this number by 730 (365 days times 2 years) to determine how many copies of that card are played per day over a two-year period. It’s a Beaut. Blue enchantments embody many of blue’s core traits. In your command zone, this blue commander turns mill into a combat-based strategy. Articles EDHRECast FAQ Newsletter Patreon Self-Mill. Jan 29, 2025 · Here is a list of the most played Blue Self-Mill cards in Modern sorted by their popularity. This color combination was previously called “BUG” – black, blue, green, or “Ana,” thanks to Apocalypse and cards like Ana Disciple and Ana Sanctuary. Keep in mind that these cards are just example upgrades, as you should take your mono-blue mill in any direction, even to your local trash can if you like. Making a mill deck for the standard block sets. Oct 11, 2024 · Blue enchantments in MTG are cards with the enchantment type that have blue in their casting cost. For three Blue mana, this is a Sorcery spell that makes each opponent mill fourteen cards. More Tabletop Formats; Oct 10, 2024 · Increasing the cards milled each turn is an attractive solution, creating a reliable one-card mill engine for any format. High Synergy Cards. That combo is 3x the spell resolves and you can choose new targets for the copies. Popular Self-Mill EDH commanders. Jan 26, 2025 · We then divide this number by 730 (365 days times 2 years) to determine how many copies of that card are played per day over a two-year period. Whenever it enters the battlefield, a target player must mill the top four cards of their deck straight into their graveyard. Thought Scour lets you mill and draw cards. Be happy to know if y'all think there's a place for a green/blue mill deck. Arcane Infusion. −1: Create a white Aura enchantment token named Mask attached to another target permanent. That card advantage can often allow you to win matches more easily. . ” You may need very specific combos like Fleet Swallower with Bruvac the Grandiloquent, which mills all of a certain player’s cards. Monument Puzzles: Blue Solutions. Stop your opponent from playing spells to slow them down. To play those black cards, you'll need to run with… #1 Captain N'ghathrod 4 days ago · A list of the most played MTG Modern Blue Mill cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Magic: The Gathering Fallout Commander Deck – Mutant Menace (100-Card Deck, 2-Card Collector Booster Sample Pack + Accessories) 3K+ bought in past month $64. And i used one Jwari Disruption. Blue Mill Blue Mill Blue Mill: Anonymous 34 tix $ 244 - mill mill mill: hfjiuiwdawdhwdd 2 tix $ 73 - Mono Blue Mill Mono Blue Mill Mono Blue Mill: Anonymous 33 tix $ 240 - Mono Blue Mill Mono Blue Mill Mono Blue Mill: Anonymous 38 tix $ 257 - Bruvac the deck killer Bruvac the deck killer Bruvac the deck killer: Bearlord cards 7 tix $ 190 - Jan 9, 2025 · Here is a list of the most played Blue Mill cards in Pauper sorted by their popularity. So the Deck is with 61 cards and works well. Card Mar 21, 2021 · Costing one Blue and one Black mana, this card is the best value you can get out of a Sorcery-speed mill card without relying on gimmicks like Archive Trap does. Tome Scour is going to make your opponents mill five cards for a single blue mana. Mono blue mill Pioneer deck list with prices for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). The main focus is to counter all that landfall ability Zendikar … 2 days ago · Black Reveal - https://youtu. Here is how the combo works: activate Duskmantle's ability, and tap Ghoulcaller's bell so each player mills 1 card. Mono Blue Mill is also known as Rogue, Mono-Blue Mill. Jan 11, 2025 · Here is a list of the most played Blue Mill cards in Pioneer sorted by their popularity. It’s a deck that I want to focus around the rad counters, buffing creatures, and milling then bringing Thassa’s Oracle from the graveyard to the battlefield using one of multiple reanimating cards that I have in the deck. 191 Magic cards found for +mill, +B. Trend Best mill cards in blue black green Looking for good/best mill cards for my [[The Wise Mothman]] deck. This card does spread that “mill damage” to every player, which Dimir Mill is also known as New Deck (20). The Wall of Lost Thoughts is an iconic blue card that’s perfectly ideal for any mono-blue mill deck or mill decks with multiple mana types. Cards such as Mind Grind can be huge, late game spells where X is large enough to mill out the table. Sideboard is useful in order to defense me with dangerous decks, like burns,tokens, and Eldrazi: 4x Extirpate and 4x Surgical Extraction are very useful with mill decks. Mono-Green 387 decks. Fractured Sanity. Related: Magic: The Gathering - Best One-Mana Blue Spells Jan 26, 2025 · Hedron Crab and its newer iteration Ruin Crab are easily the best blue landfall cards. Last updated: 2025-01-11 04:34:22 Nov 28, 2016 · For example, the original build of Mono-Blue Mill was not only missing a sideboard but also running only 20 lands along wiSeth multiple six drops. 0. It's meant to be casual and budget, but I will appreciate if anyone has any suggestion on what to add in the sideboard or just cards to replace in the main deck. I have played against low-to-the-ground aggressive shells where it would get rid of half of the opposing library. +2: Untap each enchanted permanent you control. Displaying 1 deck Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Tabletop Price; 2023-10-15: Mono-Blue Mill: codycooper: Card ×. Mar 4, 2024 · Players will lose rad counters for each nonland card they mill, so Vexing Radgull Vexing Radgull pecking at players and proliferating rad counters each turn to ensure they don't go away is pretty flavorful. You could make an Abzan mill deck with Anafenza, the Foremost as the commander (due to colors + her exiling ability) running for example: Jan 29, 2025 · We then divide this number by 730 (365 days times 2 years) to determine how many copies of that card are played per day over a two-year period. Continuous cards tend to mill a smaller number but put more cards in the bin than one-off effects. However, other colors can get in on the action too. I would love to mill someone, but if necessary, the unearth cards can help chip away. Now let's turn to answers, since we're in Blue, that's with counters! Mono Blue Mill is also known as Mono-Blue Mill, Mono Blue Mill or Mill. Jun 16, 2023 · EDH mill decks sometimes restrict themselves to just one color - blue - but others add black, and there are some very good reasons to do so. These cards are wonderful in builds, but these rankings are about the best blue cards with self-ETB Updated Oct 15, 2024 by jags using our MTG Deck Builder. Oct 28, 2024 · Each of the colors in Magic has its specialties. I had a white/blue control deck that worked out pretty well, but I can't play in standard:P. To share some insight, this can go from "not really mill" ones like Wheel of Fortune to the easy-to-spot and great ones like Mesmeric Orb , thoughts? As an added twist, you could run cards that exile cards from libraries as an alternate form of mill. To have the same efficiency, mill would need 1 mana mill 8 cards, which don't exist. Join us discussing news, tournaments, gameplay, deckbuilding, strategy, lore, fan art, and more. Mono-Green 389 decks. In terms of budget, starting with Mono-Blue Mill enables you to enter the format affordably and figure out if the playstyle is for you. My [[Kykar]] storm deck loves getting a full yard and a [[past in flames]], or uses things like [[finale of promise]] and [[invoke calamity]], as well as a couple flashback spells (memory deluge, increasing vengeance). Mono Blue Mill is also known as Mono Blue Mill, mill or Mono U Mill. Monocolor. Reply reply Mill is also known as Deck, Dimir Mill or Mill. Milling 10 cards, this gets rid of This is the blue white control mill deck I have spent a lot of time contsructing. Mono-Black 2. 7 drop 6/ 6 demands an answer; Mills a terrifying half of their deck and you round up; And that is reoccurring on attack, this card ends matches by itself Jan 11, 2025 · We then divide this number by 730 (365 days times 2 years) to determine how many copies of that card are played per day over a two-year period. #7. ” I won’t be ranking cards like Necroduality that trigger when other permanents enter or cards that read “may enter…” like Spark Double. MTG card design Here is a list of the most played Black Blue Mill cards in Pauper sorted by their popularity. Even the second best mill spell, Glimpse the Unthinkable, is less efficient than Boros Charm. Last updated: 2025-01-09 10:47:43 Jan 29, 2025 · Here is a list of the most played Black Blue Mill cards in Commander sorted by their popularity. When this happens, each player takes 1 damage, which triggers Mindcrank to mill a card, which triggers Duskmantle to cause damage. Dimir Mill. Medium tier puzzles are accessible once you've obtained a blue card from Basic (green) puzzles. be/pxAIWpec0hAGreen Reveal - https://youtu. (*) Prices based in average price in TCGPLAYER. 19. The dimir mill decks run both surgical extraction and [[Extirpate]] to get rid of all the problem cards when you mill them. 5: Decent playable and the bar I hope nearly every card in my deck to reach. Commanders. Jun 2, 2022 · In the Deck Budget BO1 Mono Blue Mill, I’ve trade the 2 Overwhelmed Apprentice and 2 Islands to 4 Frantic Inventory. So mill ends up having to play several 3 or 4 mana mill spells, which means they My personal pick for anti-mill is to just use my graveyard. Trend Mar 4, 2023 · Arguably both the strongest and the most variance-prone card in the deck. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck on that archetype. The Holy Trinity: Instant Mill. Either card are good on their own, but perfect together. Mindcrank. Standard October 27, 2020. 9K decks. kiuhsd medv zvreu qazgs osrkk perj ltenz tncjcle jwinvdx kgsdpgw akk kjjihi ormmqmt nlo snhxx