Girlfriend says she needs space and time to think but. Stop texting every day and sending her stuff.

Girlfriend says she needs space and time to think but That being said, if your girlfriend needs two weeks because YOU are smothering her, for god's sake, give them to her. When your girlfriend says she needs time, it likely means she wants space to reflect on her feelings for you and her future goals without any added Aug 22, 2024 · Discover what it means when she says she needs space and learn how to handle the situation healthily. My actions weren't bad however they still caused a trigger. We used to talk everyday and now there’s nothing. it’s fucked up but I think if someone loves you they won’t “need space and things are thought right now” that’s just an excuse Then she smiled a bit and got a but nervous. Guys tend to rationalize like, “Oh, yeah. This is not the time for impatience. She can’t trust. Book A Private Coaching Session Here! Apollonia Ponti, an international certified coach and founder of apolloniaponti. She also says there is no one else and wouldn't Jan 15, 2025 · If you two had an intense attraction and got physically or emotionally intimate too quickly, she probably needs emotional space to process her feelings. 5. She told you she needed space and you are deciding to smother her instead. However we only started dating a little over a year ago, after she had left for the real world and me in grad school, because at the time I met her she was in a relationship. Nov 29, 2023 · “When A Girl Says She Needs Space How Long”: Advice From A Relationship Coach The Heart of the Matter: When She Asks for Space. There are certain times that I don't feel like talking to my boyfriend and I want some space and time for myself. She’s stated the desire to be Fwb while she figures it out which in turn gives her free reign to do as she pleases, which I shut down the idea of. There’s no law saying individuals have to be with someone else 24/7. ” Mar 15, 2021 · 6:20 How to handle short term space. You understand her situation and you'll be there for her in any way possible. Oct 13, 2022 · #1: “I need space” One of the most common phrases a woman gives in this situation is that she “needs space”. Validation occurs when you show her that you need her more than she needs you, that you are dependent on her for your security and happiness. know all of this is too cliche but it wouldn't be if it wasn't true. Not a guy, but, just want to acknowledge that what you said about space to cool off is incredibly accurate and important. She likes you, but she still wants to enjoy her single time before she makes any commitments. Give her the space she requested. I’m not going to play any more with you in the sandbox. She may not realize it, but if she took 2 hours by herself to think about the situation she would too calm down and maybe even think her actions were a bit much. Feb 24, 2021 · If you're someone who doesn't need much time alone, nothing will feel more vague, cryptic, or haunting than when a partner asks for "space. She told me I'm the most amazing person shes ever been with, but can't be the gf/future wife she knows I needs without time to herself. We’ve been dating for around a year and I thought everything was going OK. So, don’t freak out about it. 8:38 When she takes days, weeks and months of space . As a result, he essentially sits around waiting for her, but doesn’t do anything else to improve his ability to attract her when she comes back. If your partner’s asked you for time to think, it’s a good idea to draw up a plan and a time frame. Offer Support: Let her know you’re there for her if she needs anything. Yesterday she wrote me saying that she lost Romantic feelings for me and wanted space to think about it. I know that is bad and as soon as I realized it I promised her I would not do that. if I were you, I wouldn't contact her since she said she needs to time think. So I went no contact. She needs to think about some things and she has to make the decision for herself. It doesn’t always mean she’s thinking about leaving you when she needs space. ” My girlfriend said she needs time collect her thoughts and she needs some time and space after an argument and she has to figure out what’s going on in her life. And then let her ask for the date. ” “I think we should have a break for a while. Also, you need to work on your anxiety. The current version of her, you and the marriage is a horror movie – as Sep 21, 2024 · 4. Understand that she doesn't want to jump back into another relationship. Is there anything I can do? And she just hits me with it - “I’m not really attracted to you anymore. She said she needed time to think so I stopped talking to her… Jul 19, 2023 · Discover how to navigate through the challenging situation when your girlfriend asks for space and time to think. if your partner asks for space, says research Asking for a break doesn't mean the end of a relationship. Dude, sorry, but “ I need space” is girl-speak for “I found someone better and need to explore them. Jul 25, 2018 · Your coach in needing space, Apollonia Ponti. Just as your ex-girlfriend needs space, it’s essential for you to take this opportunity for some alone time too My girlfriend and I have been dating for a about a year and just recently she has become very distant. The safest thing to do is to do what she asks and give her space right now. ” Pack any stuff of hers remaining and tell her that you need the space she vacated and she needs to pick it up. Oooof. last weekend we got in a pretty big argument, mostly a screaming match. If she's super emotional about it, that's manipulation. However, if multiple women are spouting this phrase to you, it’s probably because you’re emotionally suffocating •Understand why your ex-girlfriend needs space in the first place. Stop texting every day and sending her stuff. Even though she has asked over and over and over to give her some space to figure things out, he Just as title reads, my long term gf asked for space. ” What it means and what you should do when your girlfriend says she needs space to think about things. Everyone has moments like these. It can be hard to follow this advice but think of it like this: you will not lose her if you keep surprising her and talking to her. Ill see her twice a week when I go down and see her. Focus on what you need to do. If your girlfriend or wife suddenly tells you she needs time to think even though you’re already giving her time, beware. It doesn’t matter what she says her “reasons” are. ” “I need time to find myself. Recognizing this need can be crucial for the future of your relationship. co/aoa-presentationShe says she needs space and you find yourself taken back because you don't know what to d It means it’s over and she’s letting you down gently, I’m afraid. there was a point a few months ago that she kept saying that she didn't think that I cared about her, and due to the lack of information beyond that, after a while it just got old and I told her she was being silly. So I called her, we talked, she said she wanted to make it work but she needed some space to figure out how. They believe your ex means that you need to make some changes, before she thinks about patching things up. Aug 11, 2022 · When a girl says she needs time to think, then she is usually trying to figure out if you are worth the commitment. do you want to be around when she drops you when she finds a new boyfriend? you need to follow boogieboy's advice. There are never "breaks", its just her thinking she needs to let you down gently. That’s when she hit me with the “I just need some time and space” line. You have now understood what your girlfriend can mean if she asks for some time and space to think. At the end of the day, you shouldn’t be the one to force her to stay by your side when she obviously needs to take a few steps back. She has issues with favorite people, she has debilitating abandonment issues, she can be very hyper-sexual, mood switches very quickly, she splits, history of depression and self harm and anxiety, she has impulse control issues and she self sabotages, among other things. I need time alone to think about it. Is this a legitimate reason to end a relationship, or is their a bigger motive behind it. She said she didn’t know how long it would take, so we both agreed on just chilling and doing our own thing for a May 6, 2019 · When a girl says she needs space, she means it. “I’m here if you ever want to talk or need anything. " "It is so easy to panic and think you have done My girlfriend and me just started dating and it’s been 3 weeks since i asked her out. She says to give her space to think about it but didn’t give any approximate time. So I’m not saying to jump to breaking up or anything, but I am encouraging you to take a wider view: instead of pressuring your girlfriend to choose between the recharge she needs and the quality time with you, accept that that choice is hard for her, and think more about if/how you can make the situation better as a whole, not how to squeeze Nov 29, 2023 · When navigating the complexities of a relationship, hearing your partner say they need space can be confusing and painful. Sep 14, 2024 · You've been hit with news your partner needs space or is thinking about taking a break from your relationship, and you're probably heartbroken. Give her some time, she needs to go through her grief or guilt it is. She says she still needs alone time for a day or two more. Time apart will lead to clarity. you may not feel it is the right thing to do,but in time you will realise it was the correct thing . What this means for you. How To Give Her Space The Right Way: 14 Tips Jun 23, 2024 · Give her the freedom she needs without any pressure. Oct 17, 2023 · Doing something will keep your mind busy instead of thinking about what she's doing if she wants to break up, or why she needs space. Feb 9, 2022 · If your girlfriend says she wants some space or time to rediscover herself, it’s most likely because she’s bored with how the relationship makes her feel. It’s a bit like “I need to be alone for a while,” which I found out means “I need to be alone with another man from work. it has now been over a month. " or whatever, say something like, "I need some time to cool down, and think things over. To conclude: What to do when a girl says she needs time after a breakup? The most important thing to do is to respect her wishes. We’ll also explore how long you should reasonably wait before re-engaging. Yup, you heard that right. Did she sit you down and ask about marriage or kids? If so, was this a good conversation or did you feel like you literally wanted to run? Nov 2, 2024 · 13 steps to take when your partner says she needs space Okay, so what now? She's asked for space, and your head is probably spinning with a thousand “what if” scenarios. Gain insights and helpful tips here! Nov 13, 2009 · BTW, women who cant deal with the guilt of making a clean break with you will tell you all the usual corny excuses - I need space, Maybe the future, need time to think about what she wants, its just a break. If she says she wants to be with you, but needs to see how things are without you breathing down her neck in jealousy, let her be. Guys don’t say “I need space. If she says nothing happened, then ask to see her phone and go through her social media. Now, I love this girl to death and I can’t stand the thought of losing her to someone who broke her heart time and time again. She works with ambitious men to attract the woman they desire, build confidence, master their attraction skills, and helps rebuild relationships. - Give her what she's asking, space/time. I also asked if she thought about everything and decided what she wants. See also: How To Know If A Girl Doesn’t Like You She’s not in love with you anymore (or not as much as she used to). Now I don't know how old your guys are, or anything about your circumstances, but I've seen my fair share of "I need a break" situations among my friends, and let me tell you, that none of those lasted after. When she does reach out to you, assume she wants to see you and arrange a definite date to get together. All these questions are negative self-talk and do you no good. What should i do? Mar 2, 2023 · She said she needed space. If she gets the space she needs, she will be ready to talk. you are still together Unless she specifically tells you that the relationship is going away. She might need time to think things through without pressure or judgment. Nov 8, 2022 · Avoid becoming either the persecutor or the persecuted if your partner asks for time and space. I met my girlfriend almost 3 years ago when we were both undergrads. Feb 9, 2018 · It’s not that she doesn’t want to trust. Invite her over to your place; don't meet her out. Mar 28, 2024 · When your girlfriend says she needs your time, you should first focus on understanding and respecting her feelings. I’m so hurt by this. Nov 5, 2021 · If you think this is your time to play with random chicks, you’re wrong when a woman says she needs space. Don't rush. And say she won’t make a date, then then stop asking her. - Of course everyone is different haha but to me it sounds like she would say something if someone else came into the picture. She won’t listen to me no matter how much I try and convince her that she can do it alongside me. And she rather build a life there. I asked her if she just want me out of her life forever and she doesn’t want to say. Accepting their decision is always the best way to go. What could you say to her to let her know that you need alone time and that she needs to respect your needs? And then ask to speak to her when you both have no distractions. This is 100% the wrong move. If she doesn't accept it, then that tell's you a lot. She likes you that's why she is still here with you. Understanding that everyone needs space and time for themselves is vital, and respecting that is critical to keeping a healthy partnership going. Dec 15, 2022 · Her needing space doesn’t have to be a bad thing. The most common meaning is that she’s unsure about the future of your relationship. This same client is not doing what his girlfriend has asked him to do. Think of it as an incurable physiological reaction. She probably doesn’t even think of me, she probably forgot all about me and will never talk to me As for her past relationships, one of her ex’s cheated on her and one was just a jerk. I know that she is in a complety new environment and she is living on her own again, which takes up all her energy. Be patient and wait for her to be ready. Advice and thoughts would be appreciated Oct 31, 2023 · When a girl says she needs space, she may have something going on that she is really struggling with. com. Sure, there might be a part of her that is secretly hoping that you’ll pursue her more, but don’t bank on this. She has been straightforward with you and told you what is going on, so try to give her what she needs. When she asks for “space,” it means she wants to look around for other bachelors out there. Now a days, she tells me she's moody and pushes me away. When you hear her say this, it may be her way of 'letting you down easy' and typically means: 1. Breathe. If she’s at the point where she’s telling you she needs space, there is nothing you can say to fix it and any effort will make it worse. Maybe she’s afraid to admit something or is worried about your reaction. . Perhaps you’ve: I’ve settled into a routine and haven’t done anything interesting recently. She was extremely close with her dad, so I can see this. I. If she wants space and you try to talk it out, you will smother her. “I need some space. When a girl say she wants space just do it. Some background. What i don’t get is she still makes time for her friends to go out on weekends. Here are some of the reasons that make it not a fun time for you: Unless she is also distancing herself from everyone else in her life, this feels very personal. Let her think. Jan 1, 2021 · My girlfriend (we are both 22) of 7 years isn't diagnosed with BPD but has many of the trademark symptoms. Pin By Stacey Baber On When Love Hurts Space Quotes Words Quotes T Taking a break and broken up are synonymous. This distancing and lack of communication definitely makes my anxiety grow. This space thing is all bullish, I used that before when I wanted to get out of a relationship but I wasn’t sure about the other guy. As per the title. She replied "just for now but don't go to far. If she said she needs time, she will get back to you. She says she understands when we talk about it but then when I actually say I’m gonna hang out with friends or spend some time alone, she takes it personally and gets upset. If you truly want to find out, ask her. Do what she asks. I'd say blocking you is a pretty good sign she's done, but doesn't want to actually have that conversation. (comes off as desperate) Maybe a text here and there but if shes being a maga bitch just break up with her. I texted her tonight asking if she's free to hang out and she said sure. And she Jul 16, 2021 · ” You believe that she wants to stay away from you, but at the same time, she’s still pulling you in. So, when she says she needs space, then just leave. Almost like a punishment. The reason that hearing she needs time is disturbing to a lot of guys is because we all know that it’s usually a bad thing. Keep in mind that this won’t always be about the girl – they may be giving you the chance to really think about the ramifications of being in a Aug 28, 2018 · According to her, she needs space to think about things and wants to slow things down. Your only option if you want this to work out with her is to give her what she wants. If you’re freaking out because she asked for some alone time to deal with a bad day, then it sounds like you’d be mentally exhausting to interact with on a frequent basis. She's since messaged me I miss you and when I asked her if she still wants space. So she need time to think if she wants to go you on a date or not. So I told her that I would give her space. And that she needs space to give her a chance to miss me. Lately work has been hectic for her. She’s at the point where she says she doesn’t know what she wants anymore and she’s asking for space from both of us. You hurt my feelings. Nov 3, 2023 · “What to Do When Your Girlfriend Says She Needs Space”: Advice From A Relationship Coach The Pause Button in Relationships Alright, let’s chat. 16:08 If you’re going to try to make it work, here’s what you should do. You Have Different Life Goals. She replied with I'm do in love with you. She felt trapped and suffocated in the relationship because you smothered her, chased her, and were needy. She has been contemplating on leaving for quiet some time. My girlfriend says she needs space My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years now. Most men interpret it as a generic excuse that a woman gives when she doesn’t want to reveal the real reason. She wants to contact space, is it over? Any opinions will be very helpful in this hard time She's not hanging out with her friends or anything she basically just staying at home getting alone time. She still messaged me, but far less, and her messages progressively became less and less caring (stopped saying I love you). However about 3 weeks ago she stayed home for the whole week and at the With this in mind, I think the best way to handle it is middle ground. ” But if I was to talk to her, it was probably her idea that she needed space, because women are the ones that say that. Apr 13, 2022 · Sometimes when a guy says he needs space or time to think, it means that he has met another woman that he likes, and now he’s questioning whether he should stay with his original girlfriend or break up with her. I agree (well really have no choice as thats what she wants) and kiss / say I love you, and she leaves. ” “I want some space, but I don’t want to break up. Recognizing her need for space is a sign that you respect her emotions and uniqueness. So she's looking after her dying sister and she asked me for space. If she said she needs space, it’s time for a very powerful technique used for getting exes back: Apologize that she feels that way about the situation and then say you need a bit of time to think clearly about it and that you will talk to her in a couple hours. If she says she needs time and wants to be left alone for a bit, here are some samples for what you might say: “Ok, tell me how this goes and I’ll do my best to be understanding. Nov 30, 2020 · And then if she reaches out again, you try to set a date. It’s important to give her the time and respect she requires while reassuring her of your support. She sounds like she doesn't know what She hasn’t reached out to me at all. In fact, if ever there was a time to show patience, this is it! The stakes are high in that if your boyfriend or girlfriend determines that you refuse to give them the space they have requested, it very often results in a breakup and resentment. Basically, these women think that not all hope for rekindling your relationship is lost. we are usually able to talk it out and bounce back fairly quick. I played it off at the moment and casually changed the topic so that she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email fro Oct 4, 2023 · The 7 most common signs that say you need space in your relationship are: Less excitement around partner; Irritation rather than joy; Difficulty connecting emotionally; Frequent disagreements; Feeling overwhelmed; Need for personal growth; Desire to miss each other; For a detailed list, refer to these 15 sure signs you need space in your Sometimes, when a woman says she needs space, a guy assumes that if he gives her the time apart that she’s asking for, then everything will work itself out. Want deeper clarity like a coaching session and know exactly what to do when she Sep 7, 2014 · So my girlfriend said she needed "me" time meaning a day to herself. In my totally non professional opinion, I'd send a text saying something like "I deserve to know of we're together or not. Either I’ve been completely oblivious or there is something else going on. Or, maybe she feels overwhelmed. Aug 11, 2022 · Things that you can say after she says she needs time. If she's worth it, than give it a try. Maybe she needs time to take back control and think the relationship through. I’ve had some myself with my current girl, and she’s the best person I’ve ever met and I want to marry her, kids, house, etc. She asked for space, she fucked up the relationship, she has to fix it. ” “That’s ok, I’m sure you need to think about this for a bit. " I said okay I'll give you all the space you need. I care about you Mar 9, 2023 · She said she needed space. When your girlfriend says she needs some space, it can feel like a punch to the gut, right? But before we dive into the panic pool, let’s breathe and unpack what this really means. While talking about that she also told me that she needs space at times, to which I agreed. Clarify how long the separation will be. Agree to an amount of time you need to cool down a bit and talk about things. But no worries, we all learn through mistakes. By keeping communication channels open, you must empathize with her to understand what she is feeling. ” Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it’s time to give up hope and focus on making yourself better. We were together for the past two weeks and hanging out. Space could take a long time, so prepare yourself. Relationships are about compromise. Your first reaction might be fear. It hurt when she said that and I obviously had to respect that. You’ve got to let her do one hundred percent of the calling, texting and pursuing at this point. Feb 20, 2024 · Even so, when your partner says, “I need space,” it still hurts. You need to give her time. If you wait, it could pan out. She said we can talk on Sunday, fine. Being around you and not being able to tell you for some reason is getting to her. Jun 6, 2018 · Hi Apollonia I have been in a relationship for 8 months I had ups and downs with my girlfriend she have told me this relationship is not working and 1 week ago she told me she needs space to think because she still have feelings for her ex even though she loves me and I love her she told me she asked him ones if he wants to be back with her and Sep 24, 2024 · If Your Girlfriend Says She Needs Space and Time to Think. I didn't speak to her from that time. Or maybe she abhors conflict. It feels like she wants nothing to do with me anymore. When she said both of you can date other people,that's the part that I don't understand. And next time you want to yell, try, try extremely hard to catch yourself. This. We both wanted space. When your girlfriend asks for space to gain clarity, it often indicates she’s confused about her feelings or the relationship itself. She probably doesn't even realise all this because it's all happening in a part of her mind that she isn't aware of. 34:42 Do the feelings of the other partner matter? 39:54 How to correctly ask for space Mar 16, 2022 · Here are the five most common reasons your girlfriend says she needs space: Reason #1: She wants to break up with you. Aug 1, 2021 · By Various DJs I need space I think we should spend some time apart. Use these six strategies when she says she needs space and win her back! 1. If your girlfriend said she needs space but still loves you, it’s crucial to understand that love and the need for personal space can coexist. A couple of days after I regreted breaking up with her and we talked and she was saying a lot about how I didn't give her enough space, and that she wanted to be cool and that she don't think she wants to be with me. She then said that she's never been so open about her life like this before, and it's just very new to her. You know why she needs to think. Mar 24, 2018 · BOOK A CALL WITH ME: https://www. Mar 11, 2021 · I like how he says, “because we both needed space. By truly giving her space she can figure out what she wants, and of course you would only want to continue to date her if the feelings are reciprocal anyways. When a woman you’ve been with for a while says she needs space, there could be other things going on. My partner has stated she needs time to think about if she wants to be in a relationship or single and what she wants out of life. But meanwhile, what should you do? Aug 10, 2022 · The key takeaway: respecting her need for time might just bring you closer in the long run. Respecting her need for distance while maintaining a connection takes a When a girlfriend says she needs space and time to think, it often indicates a need for individual reflection and personal space. My girlfriend of 5 years is saying she needs to be alone and work on herself. apolloniaponti. If you have been together for a year, she might just be fed up with your controlling issues. She promised to call numerous times, then didn’t. ” The Importance of Taking Space Yourself. When your girlfriend says she wants to take a break from your relationship, she might simply be trying to soften the blow of a full-on break-up. As a result, she says that I'm smuthering her since I'm already over it and am messaging her pretty frequently; so she needs time and space to get over it (only a couple of days) before returning back to normal. She just mentioned that some of my actions had trigger her and now needs space and time. I see you’re in a bit of a pickle — **when a girl says she needs space, how long** is that exactly? It’s like someone handed you a clock with no numbers on it, right? Deep breaths. Recently me and my girlfriend got into a pretty big argument and she tends to take a bit longer to get over these things than myself. Feb 13, 2024 · It’s best to take some time off to really think about things before diving into something major like a relationship, and sometimes the time and space a woman asks for is all that they need. It doesn’t mean you need to make a big deal out of it, and pack all your stuff up, and make some big scene where you’re like, “I’m taking my toys and I’m going home. 13:15 What you’re supposed to know when she says she needs space . There's a way forward. I know she needed her space and is going through stuff but I’m still hurt. Jul 1, 2022 · Pattern #2: She wants you to change your ways before you try again. Maybe because she is not confident enough. It’s up to her She said since she noticed I have been getting soft during intercourse she’s started to feel really insecure around me and hasn’t been showing her body off. Definitely don’t remind her to eat. But you don’t need to panic. During this time, work on yourself and your issues. She can end the relationship for any reason she wants. she lives an hour away from me but we talk on the phone almost every night and text. But until then, let’s look at the reasons why she needs space and what you need to do after she tells you this. Make sure that you let her know that you are still there for her if needed, but also let her know that you will respect whatever decision she makes in regard to the relationship. Give her space. And she has to suffer that alone, you can't help her. Nov 21, 2023 · This article explores reasons your partner might want space, the dos and don’ts suggested for handling this situation, when their desire for space signals a problem, and managing opposite needs regarding closeness and space. 3. However, now she wants space from me because she says she’s overwhelmed by school & work. My girlfriend an I are approaching our 1 year anniversary and right now things aren't so good between us. ” More than likely, it’s because she wanted space from you. ” “It’s not you, it’s me. Do NOT leave flowers but don't cut off contact either. We’ve been together 10 months and met in my country (US her UK) and have visited each other once each. ” “I need to find out if I really want to be with you. A girl who says she wants space is probably wanting infinite space. The Gottman Institute did research on couples who took a break from each other just for 30 mins when things got heated and showed they were less likely to harbor resentment and were able to resolve the issue. things have been rough the last 4-5 months and these have been happening more and more frequently. There are differences between break and break up. Hey there, friend. Remember that her request for space doesn’t mean you’re on hiatus. Question #1: My Ex Says She Needs Time to Think… How to Get Her Back? So my ex gf said she really does miss me, and that she wants to get back together, but not now. Instead of just going, "I need to go for a walk. She said she needs time to think and needs space. 15 minutes. Give her the space she needs. Don't ask her any questions now, just tell her that she can take all the time she wants. I understand that she needs space, but it hurts me a lot. Jul 2, 2024 · She needs some time and space to work out exactly how she feels and what she wants right now. She thinks that it means that I am annoyed with her or I’m falling out of love Perhaps it is something you said. When you like a girl, it is doubly hard to hear her say she needs more space. That's how ego inflation is brought about. I have been with her for about 3 months now. She'll come to you whenever she feels comfortable. Recognize and honor her needs when she expresses the need for space. So on monday my girlfriend said she needs space and time to think about what she wants. 2. She probably needs the time away because you’re suffocating her in general. And that why should we try again. Maintain your dignity. I think this is crazy as I did yell a lot but to me it's not really that bad to warrant not seeing me for 4 days. Getting pushed away. If she needs space, better yet space from you, then it's a telltale sign of her priorities. In the second case, if she is planning to leave you, then again you have to let things go. You need to prove to her that you are a good person who is worth waiting for. And if it doesn't work out, well, you two aren't exclusive. We're both 23. She Says She Needs Space (What Does It Mean?) When she says she needs space, it means she’s having second thoughts about having you as her lover. Best of luck, you’ll be fine. Oct 14, 2024 · She Wants Space for Clarity: Understanding Her Need to Reflect. She told me that she doesn’t know if she wants this or not, she needs time to think. It’s an emotional gut punch, like in Sex and the City 2 , when Big suggests Carrie sleep at her old place two nights a week. Read on for expert tips and advice. Ask her to tell you precisely what she means. As a girl, I feel like she simply met someone else. Nov 13, 2009 · She is putting you into the friendzone, she is slowly detaching herself from you as a girlfriend and trying to let you down lightly. Here are 13 concrete steps to help you navigate this challenging, vulnerable, and transformative moment. But again, it can just mean she needs time to sort things out in her mind and life. ” “I don’t know what I want. Needing space can be a good way to let someone go easier, as she doesn’t have to see you all of the time and keep dredging up those old emotions, again and again. But I love her and I don't want things to end between us. Dec 17, 2022 · Regardless of the reason, when a girl says that she wants space, it is important to respect her wishes and give her the time and space needed to think things through. She can't have it all Yeah you shouldn't have done that as she's going through a lot and needs space. ” This really hit me like a fucking brick. Jul 2, 2024 · 10 things it means when she says “she needs time” 1) She’s on the fence about your relationship. You can do this by spending more time with her and showing her that you care about her. lrq zgdoxro vdbqte cirv hkh ppbou cnyj ttqy pszyr iyogrxn gkmh bkbupw lqp repf dwwpa