Kendo grid custom command icon. Apr 14, 2015 · Hi.

Kendo grid custom command icon Oct 27, 2018 · Desired behavior: Kendo grid has column for "isActive?" which is populated by a green fas-fa-clock icon if isActive == true and by grey far-fa-clock if false. Custom("CustomEdit"). The selectors in the CSS rules override the styles of the Kendo UI theme. Grid commands are rendered as anchors (<a>) with a span inside. Represents the command columns of the Grid. Custom("Edit"). UI; The "create" command adds an empty data item to the grid. Therefore the click handler can be attached as shown below: $( ". Name("grid") Apr 22, 2015 · I'm trying to add a font awesome icon into a kendo UI ASP. The icon for the button depends on the iconClass which is rendered as a class for the inner span. k-icon { margin: 0px !important; } . Kendo MVC Grid Custom Command Font Awesome Icon using Helper. The Grid does not support a property for setting a tooltip to its command buttons. Based on the selection in the context menu I would like to display aggregates in the Grid footer. I was also able to add icon to custom command and I was able to easily add one command button in one column as explained in the custom command demo but I really want all three "buttons/icons" in the same column. Draggable(true) . The exam Jul 22, 2021 · One way to do this is to create a Kendo ToolTip for each button and point the filter property to the button's class. The following example demonstrates how to implement the suggested approach. Even when i specify the width it does not reduce. Custom commands are supported by specifying the click option. Any ideas. You can cancel this event to prevent opening the sub menu. Toolbar. command Array. If i create custom command then i guess i have to wireup popup window & everything else. Text(" "). I've got a nested grid within my grid, and it works perfectly, but the client doesn't like to use the arrow on the left and asked for a button to be added in order to show the child grid. k-grid-name. I have a customized general message as part of Grid configuration as below. g personal, name or DNI). html()) } The Grid does not support a property for setting a tooltip to its command buttons. Width(90); Custom Commands. I've already used your second solution for my custom button. k-icon, . Example - provide an iconClass for a toolbar Nov 14, 2012 · I am using Kendo UI grid with GridEditMode. Click Aug 31, 2016 · Finally you need to say which icon to display for your km-icon, if you get the icons from fontello, you get a demo. The Material icons require specific HTML to be rendered in the column cell and you cannot display them in a command column. Custom("Copy"). 2. Defines the name for an existing font icon in the Kendo UI theme. Jul 25, 2017 · When updating, the Grid’s dataBound event is fired and the function adding the icon to the custom command button is executed. Adjusting the Size. Hi Luc, I am not sure I've understood the exact use-case scenario of the template used for the custom command button. It is different for every row Please help me if you know the solution. Jul 15, 2014 · Can someone tell me how to customize the css, the message and the text in the "Yes" / "No" buttons in the popup launched by the Destroy() method in the Kendo UI Grid? My code looks like this: @(H Jul 26, 2013 · I tried all the examples above was not able to resolve it. The Kendo UI font icons are designed on a 16px grid base. Kendo Grid add a class with the name of the custom button to it, e. Custom Method Call in Kendo. data("kendoGrid"); //Get the selected grid var tr = $(e. Destroy(); }). The generated button will be decorated with a class which follows the k-grid-[CommandName] convention and the click handler will receive the corresponding Grid as an argument. To ensure that all icons are displayed correctly, use one of the available built-in themes. Built-in commands have a predefined iconClass value. Oct 7, 2016 · I use a kendo grid in my application with custom command for each line like this: . . 1. Text("&nbsp;"); }). Here's the code in the grid to set up the button: command. Jul 9, 2018 · Here's an example that uses custom icons. Thanks & Regards To simulate the built-in "edit" command button actions (Edit, Update, Cancel), you also need to add custom JavaScript logic that triggers the corresponding actions in the Grid. But I didnt find anyway. Grid(Model) . Specifies a selector for the elements within the container which will display the Tooltip. The "edit" built-in command switches the current table row in edit mode. The URL Jun 22, 2016 · I am new to Kendo and are trying to add a custom command to a grid. Command(command => command. It is important to me that the icon is displayed in the edit popup. What I am trying to do is change that icon to a custom icon that I have created. Edit() button. In kendo grid, I want to create button in field column. preventDefault(); If set the column would display a button for every command. Width(160);" and also i had my custom command button as well in my child grid, let say "columns. If your content folder is in your home or project directory then recreating the url with the text from Priority col might work. NET Menu. The example below demonstrates the two options of how to use custom icons for the action buttons of a Kendo UI Window. and k-delete is only for delete icon so I tried following and it works: Hello, Thanks for this - this really helps me a lot! I have one more question relating to this, but it's a little off topic. The reason why the icon is lost on Cancel is that the buttons are being redrawn when the popup is closed but the function adding the icon is not called. body. Commands can be custom or built-in ("edit" or "destroy"). Menu() May 9, 2018 · However, the grid adds a custom class that contains the name of the command. Usually in web forms, I use the RowDataBound function to check the value of the column, then use the cssClass to set the icon shape and color. Jun 23, 2020 · In addition to the standard edit/delete buttons I have a custom command button defined in a kendo grid: { name: "submit", text: " ", visible: ";isSubmitable&quot;, click: I have a KendoUI Grid I'm using an MVC web application, all working fine however I want to add a custom command button that is shown conditionally in the UI and simply executes a command on my controller passing it the required parameter. Feb 27, 2013 · I want to add multiple command buttons (let's say, for View, Edit and Print) in a single grid column so that I see them for each row. Click("CopyPOLine"). command: [{ name: "MyEdit", click: myFunction, temp Apr 2, 2013 · Based on the description - "Grid with ajax binding, custom icon button to edit a record" I assume you want to display only the Edit Icon, if so you can hook up for the DataBound event of the Grid and remove the button text. Environment. Command(command => { command Jul 19, 2023 · Click on the custom command button - only the click handler is executed; Click on the icon button - a change event is fired and the click handler is executed; Expected/desired behavior. As an alternative you could use a custom popup editor with additional fields or buttons as demonstrated in the attached example and in this Code Library. Can be one of the built-in commands (see below), or a custom command name. I prefer a different approach where I can use a How can I show a tooltip for the Grid custom command buttons? Solution. Solution. Create the grid and attach handler to every button. Grid<WEB02. Awad Kendo Grid custom command button shown Description. comman Oct 14, 2013 · I need a custom text for each command button. The following example demonstrates how to use FontAwesome icons with the built-in buttons of the Kendo UI Grid for jQuery. Custom("Remove"). AlarmRespond> Jun 23, 2017 · I have a Kendo Grid which is linked to a custom popup editor template. Follow answered Jul 10, 2018 at 6:57. e. Use in the same way as the Button component Icon. Destroy()). And I came out with this example. This is why the Update and Cancel buttons are not working. Share. k Mar 1, 2019 · I'm stuck on a problem. Click Apr 23, 2013 · Hi, I have an NVC4 kendo grid in which I want to place a button which, when pressed, will call an ActionLink with an ID taken from a column in the mvc grid custom command to call actionLink with parameter from grid in UI for ASP. I want to add custom commands in the Grid context menu. It will be something like this: Oct 6, 2015 · I want to add icons and change the size of a kendo grid button. G Nov 11, 2013 · In Kendo UI is it possible to use icons instead of buttons for the custom commands in a KendGrid? I need this because the buttons seem to have a minimum width which is too big for my page. Please help. Allows the usage of custom icons. Columns(columns => Aug 14, 2012 · What else do I need to make kendo grid's custom toolbar command work? 0. Aug 26, 2015 · The problem could be caused by the '/. It's working fine, but the problem is with custom command of the grid. Destroy(). Therefore the headerTemplate cannot be used. The same toolbar also has some "built-in" commands (Export to Excel, Export to PDF) All works as designed, but the built-in commands render as buttons with icons on the left. The icon has an onClick to toggle betw Sep 13, 2016 · I've tried to add one of the kendo web icons next to the button but it doesn't render. template($("#popup-editor"). Click()) Feb 25, 2015 · Hello Kiril. How can I use Google Materal icons in the edit command buttons of the Grid?. You can add a custom command to the ContextMenu and implement the desired behavior. status = "new" or status = "open" but when status = "complete" - the user shouldn't be able to edit the record. For example you can define all needed commands and then on dataBound event of the grid to iterate over the grid row, get their dataItem and based on values from the model to hide some of them using jQuery. Hi Sami, As of now, the Grid component does not provide such a built-in property that would allow the developer to add the unsort icon. How we can achieve that? Also ,the command actions is taking a square block instead of that i need to show only font awesome icons like in second attached picture. <a role="button New to Kendo UI for Angular? Start a free 30-day trial CommandColumnComponent. k-grid tbody . NET MVC Grid. This Grid example is part of a unique collection of hundreds of jQuery demos, with which you can see all Kendo UI for jQuery components and their features in Mar 6, 2015 · Hello Everyone, I am using kendo ui tooltip to display the content of the fields. HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "copy", title = "Copy this event" }); List of Icons. Mvc. The Kendo UI for jQuery Grid provides the functionality to define custom inputs and components that will be used when the cell is opened for editing. Window(). 1. k-grid-edit-command, . k-grid-cancel . Oct 29, 2014 · You can use Kendo UI grid localization for changing the popup titles. The code looks like this: columns. Custom("copy") . Kendo UI version: 2023. To achieve the desired behavior you can add a footerTemplates in the columns with an empty span element with custom class. Command(c => c. /' at the start of your url. Command( However, the option to change the icons is scheduled for the next major Kendo UI release at the beginning of next year. Fires pdfExport grid event. Apr 22, 2016 · Update: You can add custom css to the button in MVC with the HtmlAttributes method. Let's say I need to conditionally add the edit button only on rows where one of the fields is a certain value - i. Custom("CustomButton"). Custom("UnlockAccount"). Here is what I have for my code Feb 12, 2016 · I would like to conditionally disable custom command button when a specific value existing in a column field. The engine is razor and here is the code: @(Html. The "pdf" command exports the grid data in PDF format. Custom("name"). But the behavior is still expected. I have defined Grid Custom Commands for Edit, Delete, and Detail. I'd appreciate it if you could help me. Ic Jan 27, 2017 · As my title says, im trying to change the icons of the command buttons in my inline grid. command as follow: Jun 25, 2018 · <kendo-grid-column:command="[{name: 'open', click: open}]"></kendo-grid-column> It works fine, but I want it to show a bootstrap glyphicon and no text instead of the text "open" that is showing now. I just wanted to change "button" to link? Jun 25, 2015 · Get your data first, then create an array for the grid columns based on the data and add a column for the buttons. I need to pass the ID of my model to my custom delete function. k-grid-new" ). TestGrid Nov 1, 2013 · I wants to enable/disable custom command in kendo-ui grid based on some other column. HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "fa fa-file-text" }); But to avoid repetition, I'd like to use CSS. The end DOM looks like this: Apr 12, 2018 · The following image shows a small button with a custom edit button on each row of Kendo Grid, I implemented the button using the below code. Columns(columns => { columns. k-icon:before{ content: "\e400"; } Feb 12, 2013 · I've followed this post and I was able to add icon form my custom command (Remove). Close: Fires before a sub menu or the ContextMenu gets closed. The URL SVG Icons. Areas. Here is Sep 6, 2012 · That works for the tool bar buttons, but I can't get it to work for row level buttons, my code is below: @(Html. Sep 11, 2013 · I have a grid with some columns, one of them being the built in kendo command. Custom("DetailsCommand"). k-grid-toolbar . To achieve a pixel-perfect icon display, scale up by maintaining the 16-unit measure (32, 48, 64, and so on). @(Html. I have a Kendo MVC Grid that has the following edit and delete command buttons. editButtonChangeColor {background-color: Red; color: Red; border-color: Red; font-size: 20px;} Databound function of grid: I am trying to setup a button to do a post back to a function using a Kendo UI grid. Could anybody show my how it is done Following is my view @(Html. Edit(); command. k-grid-save-command . NET Core Grid HtmlHelper. Apr 30, 2013 · There are several ways to achieve the desired behavior and which one you would use depends entirely on you and the exact setup that you have. The configuration of the column commands. You can configure the Toolbar and include any of the built-in commands: Apr 23, 2013 · Telerik Kendo Grid custom command icon. So i tried to see grid html code in firebug and I found there is a span for the icon which has two class "k-icon" and "k-delete". here is my Kendo ui grid command: columns. please i have create my grid and set bootstrap theme to it and add 3 custom button on it and every thing works fine but buttons not centered in each grid cell it's align to right (i have add rtl css) as you can see in attached image May 22, 2019 · @(Html. DC. Width(300) ) The sample uses a kendo template to display the details, so you could add a kendo list in there (you would need to use . /. Defines a URL which is used for an img element inside the Button. HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "k-copy-icon"}); }). Built-In Commands. k-grid-edit . The example below demonstrates how the pages in the Grid can be changed using custom commands in the ContextMenu. Now I've managed about 73% of the way; by setting the edit icons in the 'dataBound' event and the update icons in the 'edit' event. I'm trying to add a custom icon to a button that is displayed within the Kendo UI grid but I'm stuck. When I click the button I created it just passes null for the object. 130 and I've been able to get svg icons on a button or other places Now I'm trying to add svg icons to a Custom command in a grid Sep 3, 2018 · As mentioned in attached picture for OnHold the icons are displaying as edit, Cancel and OnHold but for approved we need to show only edit and cancel. icon: string. Kendo(). These icons are integrated into the Telerik and Kendo UI components. Defines a CSS class—or multiple classes separated by spaces— which are applied to a span element inside the Button. Command(comman Apr 17, 2020 · I found several icons list, but I would like to know which list works with commands. <style> . This Grid example is part of a unique collection of hundreds of jQuery demos, with which you can see all Kendo UI for jQuery components and their features in Mar 20, 2017 · I have implemented edit and command button for my kendo grid and now need to replace the buttons with icons that I have. The magic happens with the classes k-grid-delete and k-grid-edit I believe these are the classes kendo also uses to bind to its own functions. Only the click handler should be executed on click of an icon button representing a custom command. I Feb 5, 2019 · Im new to mvc but i had 2 years experience with web forms applications in C#, I have a problem with coloring the commands in Kendo grid. SendDataKeys(true). Open your browsers developer tools, look at the cell can see what url is there. This demo showcases how to add a command that displays the row data in a Kendo UI for jQuery Window . NET MVC | Telerik Forums The ToolBar() configuration option of the Grid allows you to add command buttons and allow the user to invoke built-in Grid functionalities. Note that the custom Window action name takes part in the generated CSS class of the icon's span element in the Window title bar. My current code looks like: c. This way the developer would have the possibility to control how the button would look like. Dto; @using Kendo. CSS:. How do i achieve that? Below is sample code @(Html. My source is: @(Html. The class for the web font icon of the button that will be rendered in the toolbar. k-grid . target). Meanwhile, you can achieve the same with CSS rules, as demonstrated in the following example. Admin. Mar 6, 2013 · columns. This article provides a complete list of the icons available in the icons font. I have been going over example pages, StackOverflow, and Telerik's site and found multiple examples that has the following: colu Jun 29, 2015 · command. Mar 18, 2020 · I've tried to disable the web font icon on condition in the Kendo grid but I don't know how to do this! This is my code snippet but it doesn't work. For changing the Edit title you should define in the grid: editable : { mode : "popup", window : { title: "Create", } }, For changing the label of the buttons we need to do a little trick Those labels can be localized in column. Flipping of icons. Mar 14, 2024 · I'm upgrading to Kendo 2024. The label/text of the button depends on the data (E. click( function (e){ // note that the class is k-grid-new since the name of the command is new Custom Commands. The color is not for some reason. I am using Kendo MVC and want to display font awesome icon in Grid Custom commands. As of the R1 SP1 2023 release, the Kendo UI for jQuery supports rendering of SVG icons instead of the traditional Font icons. I am attaching a project that uses a popup window to display the row data of a given row the template that is loaded is defined as follows: icon: string. k-grid-edit Feb 24, 2014 · Hi there, I have a kendo grid with a custom, unnamed command like this: { command: { text: "Download PDF", click: downloadPdf }, Icons for custom command. iconClass: string. Name("Grid") . k-grid-add, . The CSS is being called because the font size is changing. And I am using Editor popup. As you can see from the example, I'm already changing icons to commands, but the point is, that i cannot change the icons to the "save" and "cancel" buttons, those that you see when you are in edit mode. Popup which works great with inbuilt edit command. Text(" ") . Now this button has a standard icon associated with it from kendo. May 1, 2013 · Credit for this actually belongs to Adarsh K answered Jun 10 '14 at 15:00 But I believe I read that you should not post links to other answers so, please if Mr OnaBai would stop answering these posts and ignoring the fact that everyone is doing a POPUP NOT the on-grid command buttons we all could be much happier and now Mr. Destroy(); command. Mar 24, 2021 · But when using grouping the DOM representation of the Grid is different (please notice the additional empty column headers added to the beginning of the Grid) which is why the applied custom styles no longer provide the same visual effect. Modal(true) . Feel free to make the needed tests locally with the sample project attached and let me know if this is the desired result. Width(250); Aug 1, 2016 · You can use the dataBound event of the Grid to apply a k-state-disabled CSS class to the desired buttons in the first and last row of the Grid. Custom("ViewDetails"). Title("Customer Details") . You have to define the content of the column inside an <ng-template> tag. When executed fires saveChanges grid event. columns. The URL Jul 15, 2014 · Hello, I have a question based on my current situation, I have a grid with ClientDetail / Child grid inside of it. Grid<Model>() . The "excel" command exports the grid data in MS Excel format. The Web Components Icons font is part of the Telerik and Kendo UI Design System and consists of more than 400 unique icons. Commands can be custom or built-in For example, a custom editor allows the user to enter a date in a cell by picking it from a calendar rather than typing it or select a value from a drop-down list instead of typing in the grid cell. TemplateId("commandsTemplate"); }). closest("tr"); //Get the item from the Jun 4, 2014 · I was searching for if any direct command for removing x symbol. Grid<Swisslog. For this reason, utilizing the HeaderTemplateDirective with the suggested code snippet remains a valid approach for achieving the desired functionality. But when the user clicks 'cancel' (in edit mode) kendo resets the icons to the kendo standard. However, you can work around this issue by using a custom approach. Dec 26, 2013 · I have a Kendo grid where I need to customize the delete confirmation message box based on data in row being deleted. He could decide to use use a default kendo button (with all it's features) like this: I want to add an icon to the column title in a kendoGrid table. Command(cmd => { cmd. If you need to bind to a custom edit/ delete function that is possible too. To include a command column which will render a button for triggering the command in the column cells: Add a custom command column by using the column definition. Icon - the command button icon, which can be a font icon, an SVG icon or a custom icon. imageUrl: string. This demo shows how to implement a custom command column in the Data Grid and use a Kendo UI for jQuery Window component to display details about the selected Grid row. An example on configuring a command button to contain only icons with no text in the Telerik UI for ASP. ToHtmlString() since it is a nested control). InCell and I need to add a hyperlink for delete/destroy command in the grid column instead of the default "Delete" button. k-grid-cancel-command . Unfortunately I can't find an example at Kendo on how to do it. Visible(false) . Text("&nbsp;"); command. k-grid-update . 0. g. When I cancel out editor window without making any changes to the data, added icon in my custom remove button disappears. You can also add custom commands to the contextMenu. I'm not using the default Add button that Kendo provides, because I need to have several different buttons which pass an addit May 6, 2015 · Vash: Many thanks for the detailed answers. Is there any way to template the column so that I can get the click event and also use any content I want inside the column? Feb 6, 2017 · The KendoUI Grid for Angular2 supports the following commands out of the box: kendoGridAddCommand kendoGridCancelCommand kendoGridEditCommand kendoGridRemoveCommand kendoGridSaveCommand For my cu The generated button will be decorated with a class which follows the k-grid-[CommandName] convention and the click handler will receive the corresponding Grid as an argument. Click("copyNAddEvent") . Dec 6, 2014 · I have a Kendo UI grid control with a couple of custom toolbar items. Jul 5, 2013 · I'm trying to change the color of the grid command button but the CSS is not taking effect. ConfigurationModel. e. It simple //Add this line of code to the grid columns. Replace edit and delete buttons on kendo grid with icons. In this, one column will be rendered with Button (placing Button in all the row for a column). Telerik has option to create own custom command as defined here. editable: { confirmation: "Are you sure that you want to delete this record?", mode: "popup", template: kendo. This works so far. Adarsh K's elegant answer & my addition . If set, the column will display a button for every command. In my parent grid there is a custom command button, let say "columns. (the first is not correct, because the image is implemented by the inner span) but were not satisfied for the following reasons: If inline edit enabled in grid, then pressing Edit then [Cancel] the custom button hided, then recreated and this deletes the classes from the inner span. You'll notice that I'm trying to pass in a static '5' Use a custom icon, which is not provided by or related to Kendo UI. Jul 10, 2018 · You might now be wondering how the delete and edit functions are bound to these custom buttons. i need to change custom command icon depend on row field for instance "Status" i tried this code but it doesn't work @using EliteInsurer. So I added a workaround (which I found from another post) using cancel event by adding . But currently it only display for the first row (Any idea how to solve this?). html where all the unicode-codes for your CSS are stored, if you get it from the fontawesome site use this cheat sheet. The "save" command persists any data changes done by the end user. NET Core Grid. k-icon:before{ content: "\e143"; } . You can implement custom commands for handling the records of the Grid. Width(86); As you can see, the box each icon is in is way too big and takes up unnecessary space. Aug 20, 2014 · Hi , I'm trying to add custom delete command in the grid , When clicking the delete button I have to call a popup window with textbox entering reason to delete the record and save the reason in different table and delete the selected record from the grid Custom Command. 606; Browser: [all] columns. Apr 4, 2013 · In the current scenario when the custom command is clicked, the Grid is not entering edit mode, it is just opening a custom window. You can also define custom commands or use templates to customize the Toolbar of the Telerik UI for ASP. The Kendo UI for jQuery Grid enables you to create your own custom command buttons. p/s : I know another option is to use command but I already used that for edit and delete button and I wanted to make separate column for Remark field. Keep in mind that k-state-disabled only applies a "disabled" look, but the click event will still fire and the command function will execute. Improve this answer. IconClass("k-icon k-i-calendar")); The icon is represented out of the box without any text. How can I use FontAwesome icons with the built-in buttons of the Kendo UI Grid widget for jQuery? Solution. This Kendo Grid is having different columns. When I read the data, I can able to see the Button on the column. Command(command => { command. I show only the icon for the cu Jul 1, 2015 · Please try with the beloe code snippet. but my grid is configured to use GridEditMode. Set a name to the custom command button to produce a k-grid-commandName class in the button HTML output. Kendo Grid custom command button shown dynamically. The ToolBar() configuration option of the Grid allows you to add command buttons and allow the user to invoke built-in Grid functionalities. Fires excelExport grid event. You can either copy-paste the icon directly from there with the developer-tools, but since you don't have the Jan 6, 2016 · I'm trying to create a custom command button to fire a custom delete function. Application of icon colors. Title("Commands"). Columns( columns =&gt; { //fields 1 //fields 2 columns. Set a name to the custom command button to produce a k-grid-commandName class in the button HTML output May 17, 2018 · I have a Kendo Grid where I can add new rows and edit rows with Inline editing mode. k-icon class is used for other icon also like filter or edit. Width(175); Update2: Also you should check out the custom command demo on the kendo ui website. Mar 8, 2017 · When you add the kendoGrid*Command directive to a button, it should not add the k-button and k-grid-*-command classes, instead it should only manage/call the grid events. The code is as follows: @(Html. Click("removeItem")); //Java script function to remove function removeItem(e) { //Get the instance of the grid var grid = $("#grid"). Click("showEdit"); command. The "destroy" built-in command removes the data item to which the current table row is bound. Name Icon fonts support the following options for visual enhancement: Application of different sizes. Kendo Grid with Button Column Event Description; Open: Fires before a sub menu or the ContextMenu gets opened. Name("Details") . This Grid example is part of a unique collection of hundreds of jQuery demos, with which you can see all Kendo UI for jQuery components and their features in Learn how to use custom button templates instead of the default commands to edit and delete records in a Kendo UI Grid in inline edit mode. Edit(). Apr 14, 2015 · Hi. May 14, 2015 · This initially display as expected with the kendo buttons being replaced by the font awesome icons, however when we click on the Add or Edit buttons (icons), we get a screen flicker in the background where the old kendo buttons appear behind the add/edit template pop-up. Click("handler"). How to trigger the function inside kendo window? 1. Entities. How can I change default edit, delete, update and cancel button and replace them with buttons with my icons ? My command code: command: [ { name: 'edit', template: icon: string. OnClick - the event handler that the button will fire. zfdq wxvizcw mxlctha fbs oouk ahq pql rekjq snjch dqsdz nsfcdend epixty ddoxjn gmewip akt