My child hates me because i cheated. I am 42 and we were married for 17 years.
My child hates me because i cheated Whiten and go here for other clinicians in her group practice Best Life Behavioral Health. I am not really in love with my ex, I was driven by desire and nostalgia. He didn’t just wallow in self pity, he took action. We were both drunk when that happened and I felt like the worst human being ever the day after. My ex and I decided early on that we wouldn't discuss our divorce with our kids and just let them know we no longer love each I hate posts that tangentially reference cheating because people are always unhinged. I also have a tendency to get angry when I get accused of stuff like this because its not fucking true and I HATE being accused of shit I didn't do. I cooked and cleaned my share anyways but she just stopped helping. „They treated us bad so they must hate us and we suck. if the shoe fits I guess) She has also allowed Jenny to stalk my social media as well (I have blocked every known account I can find and changed my names, they still find me) , and since finding my Instagram, has told her father, Mark, that she's always hated me, she Well 2 days ago mike showed up at the house and saw my new boyfriend. I cheated on my wife about a year ago and it broke the family. It sounds like I am exaggerating, I understand that. I was irresponsible and now its just a matter of time until he speaks up. Whiten’s books, Couples As of now both of my adult children are no contact with their cheating mother, and no change in sight on that. Posted May 19, 2021 | Reviewed by Gary Drevitch She started crying then- her grandmother/my mother died a few months ago, and would apparently tell her stories about how wonderful her grandfather (who died when I was a child) was. She didn’t know how to reconcile her anger or develop a new relationship with my I asked her to at least let me talk to them and after days of me begging, she finally she got my oldest on the phone today and all my oldest said to me was “we hate you and we never want to talk to you again”. He completely ghosted me after this (which is good) and we never saw each other again. How do I bond with them when they hate me? I was only trying to protect their dad from their mothers abuse and now i'm worried she is turning her kids against me even though her kid said she can make her own mind up, but because her and her mother get on well, I'm concerned she is worrying about her mother too much and is They were laughing and stuff, it wasn't business meeting (besides that my hubby didn't tell me he will have meetings there). TLDR: I am dating a man and his kid hates me because I was a mistress. Jun 29, 2023 · She believes her husband is not vindictive, saying, "Whatever happens, he would never take my children away from me, never create a rift between me and them. But honestly it took finding my bio mum to really realise that without equivocation. Everyone in a family is affected by an affair, in one way or another. I met my now ex-wife when I was 27. I cheated on my Husband which basically is his fault because he didn’t take care of ME. I have a suspicion that the reason they hate me is because they think i am the reason their dad divorced their mother because their dad and i were FWB when they were divorcing and they assume i am the reason why he broke up with his most recent ex (whom they view as a stepmother) I hate the fact that the dad killed him self because the op told the dad his son killed him self because the depression he had as a teen and the dad is the cause of the depression. Now, my husband and I have worked through it and everything is back to normal for the most part now. My parents were surprised by me divorcing her because I made it a point not to talk her down. Tldr; My girlfriend's family hates me My ex fiancé just cheated on me, but why is she the one being so angry, distant, and telling me to move on with my life? I’m really looking for some kind of discussion TL;DR Why does my cheating ex fiancé hate me so much after cheating on me. And the dad probably died thinking his son died because of him when it was about his wife cheating oh him it’s sad to think about. I believe its because they know they hurt us for no reason, so they created a reason to sooth their self consciousness. I am reluctant on this. So imagine the whiplash a woman or anyone for that matter might feel when they discover or strongly suspect that their husband…. I understand why my girlfriend's family hates me, the way I cheated was far worse than a one-time hook up. And yes, you groomed her. I did like you guys said and begged him to talk to me. I don't mind. , couple who saw the spark in their 17-year marriage fade with the stress of work and raising children. My mom and dad divorced their first spouses, and destroyed both of their families, got married, and had me. However, in my early 20s I realised that cheating is not so black and white and that I don't really give a shit about my dad's cheating any more as I had zero idea what was going on in my parents' marriage at the time so cannot judge. He failed my mother, not me. My son really picked on things. Things have, however, become complicated because my oldest son has told my other children about the cause of the divorce. I (35F) married my husband (56 M) 5 years ago and his family has been awful to me and our son (7M) because I was the other woman. I stayed with my ex fiancé until he left me when my son was 2 months old (looking back I should’ve left after the incident) When I was pregnant with my son I did cheat on his father. I too cheated on my boyfriend and have been contemplating for some time whether to ask for my mom's advice on this or not. I'm a selfish person. I've since had another daughter. It must have been so nice to finally get the attention and love your husband should be giving you. I asked him if he was cheating on me and he said he was talking with someone, but didn't do anything with her. She not only cheated, but walked right out a couple months ago to move in with affair partner while we are still married. My wife’s a lawyer. Then I left because he started abusing the baby too. Nov 14, 2013 · My husband tries to reach out to them every month or so, but they make no effort to connect — this is very hurtful to a father who made his children his top priority their whole lives. I see him and his mistress once a year and it’s enough. I (49F) cheated on my husband back in 1998. W hen we get married and are connected to an individual more than we ever thought possible, the depth of those emotions are indescribable. My husband and I are now on good terms after some marriage counselling and the kids know about my affair. His father would reward him for being awful to me. May 19, 2021 · Relationships "I Left My Wife. My wife and I agreed to tell them it was mutual, but I guess guilt got the better of her again because she ends up crying and telling them not to blame me, that she "betrayed my trust" in the past and just told me now, and that it's all her fault. It was a terrible mistake and I paid for it by losing my marriage My sons are 19 and 20 now and they refuse to talk or see me since it happen My BF [29M]of 6 years told me [28F] that he'll never marry me because of cheating incident 3yrs ago Locked Post My BF [29M] and I [28F] have been together for 6 years, but friends for 11 years since college. Sep 15, 2018 · One of the hardest things to experience is the betrayal wound that occurs when your own child grows up to hate you. I got caught right before I planned to confess. A narcissist. Allowing myself to truly feel that rage and be OK with it, to know that it was normal and then to think about ways to constructively express and move on with that anger - I Obviously this was extremely tough. This is not an isolated Jun 25, 2019 · Traditional thinking on adultery holds that there’s either something wrong with the cheater, or there’s a defect in the relationship. One video isn’t enough to excuse or justify everything he did. Then they would both be cheaters. She had a child who I was friends with, and the two of them used that as an excuse to meet eachother. As the title states, my 16 y/o son has completely stopped communicating with me since he learnt of the reason his mother and myself separating. I received countless humiliations from him. No one is being fair to me and I'm just too exhausted to try to reason with the vocal minority. I have seen this numerous times in my life, to the point that I am compelled to I am not looking for advice necessarily but if you have a story to share I'd like to hear it. They acted as one could expect and blame was thrown at both of us. And to be frank, I still don't so your little plan didn't work Your son basically summarized what you did right here, it is exactly what you did. I’m now 17 and very thankful that my mom let me form my own opinion of him. A month ago, my son was refusing to get to school and then had a blowup when I told him he wasn’t staying home. All our family members say I overstepped. Don't be afraid of her going to look, it may even strengthen her relationship with you. (it was a post about cheaters and she cheated on Mark for the entire marriage. One child was even my exes from when she was in high school. Not my proudest moment but I went through her phone while she was sleeping and found evidence of an emotional and physical affair with one of her subordinate that began in December of 2022. Today the Sugars consider the situation of a divorced parent cut off from his or her children. Sep 15, 2022 · Acknowledge your child’s angry feelings. Nov 29, 2017 · Here are 11 tips for dealing with your child if they are angry about your divorce. I told her it was ridiculous and I wasn't going to apologize for her dreams where I was a terrible person and she was going to have to separate her own brains fabrications of me from reality because I can't control what she dreams of me and shouldnt be responsible for it. Was that a shitty 4 years ago I had an affair with a coworker. When I was 17 my parents adopted 4 more kids and that screwed me up. We had a 2y old daughter and I was pregnant with my son, both are 26F and 24M now. Are you estranged from your children because they discovered you cheated on your spouse? Here's what you need to do to win them back. As far as I could tell the last time she contacted this woman was mid October. My oldest doesn't even keep contact with me, and now the other two have skipped out on coming over to my home for several weeks now. But when I cheated I was scared and declined EMS because I wanted every one to go away) the doctor at the ER told me had he struck me any harder I could have died. Both were under school age. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. We had a total of 3 kids together. " Nov 1, 2013 · I had an affair 3 years ago and my husband found through the other man’s wife. i showed him text messages/screenshots and even got on a damn conference call with Peter and his to prove she was I was the custodial parent. My youngest was originally Ok with my ex, but his siblings are turning him against their father as well. Dec 9, 2011 · He has become CONTROLLING beyond belief, now we are divorcing because I went to my best friend's 7 yr. Also mike now wants to get full custody of the kids saying I am Point being, my dad cheated on my mom, my mom told him she wanted a divorce, and my dad killed himself the next day. We have our ups and downs. Trust In a marriage is definitely one of the ways to sustain a long lasting relationship. I literally would have let him kill me but I left because to keep the baby safe. NTA, your kids' feelings about this situation are valid, and they need to be allowed to deal with it in whatever way they choose. He begged me to stay and needed me. Love your child and be there for them even if their words are hurtful. Whiten, go here. If the only thing happening is shes teaching them to hate gay people, and you specifically, then thats where my reasoning came from. My marriage was not in great shape and my ex decided to step outside. Order Dr. And yes, I know my cheating wasn’t something he needed to fix. However, reading this - I am so sorry. At least that is what I say to myself repeatedly almost every night when I hear the silence in my home. I have two children, both adults now, with families of their own. Believe me when I say I am not sure why he decided to stay married to me after my last transgression. My parents are my parents. My mom almost killing herself(she told me she was trying to kill herself by drinking herself to death). Similar situation for me, I was 19, honestly it was the best thing that could have happened for both of them. I say all this because the thing is when I was about 20 or so I matured a I've lost my kids, the love of my life, my family, my lifestyle, my business and it's all 100% my own fault. My daughter has been like this since she was 11 years old. Well turns out that Peter’s ex wife, found out he was driving to see his gf which she incorrectly identified me as and reached out to my husband saying that i was cheating on him (2-3 months into our relationship)which was a lie. My wife finally agreed to a sit down with me a couple weeks after I posted, and as some of you said, she doesn‘t want to stay with me. TLDR: i still regret cheating once seven years ago because my husband still hates me and only stayed with me because he wanted to be with our daughter Archived post. My [33/F] step-daughter [16/F] all of a sudden hates me, and my husband [42/M] isn't doing much about it My husband (we'll call him Cory) and I just got married back in September. It’s painful to be on the receiving end, painful to be unable to “explain” one’s side of the story, and also – painful to be the person who is the friend, the lover, or the mate of the adult parent suffering from the grudge. I was thinking of telling my husband about it myself but then i also hate to ruin what we have right now. This set in motion 5 people blaming themselves and one killing themselves. But me and my sister went down different paths. As indifferent about it as I was before, as time has gone on, I've felt worse and worse and put myself in her shoes and feel so repulsed by my actions, feeling so ashamed Here's some background information: I got cheated on in my first serious relationship. It seems like a recurring theme that cheating husbands get a lot of the benefit of the doubt because it’s more in the nature of men to cheat, where as wives get held to a higher standard a lot of the time, because mothers need to be above reproach because they are mothers, and how dare a woman who has children have needs that may not be met I was furious and felt bad knowing he was cheating on me while out in Houston Tx. We all have different They have to live with the realization that the person they thought they knew could do something like this, destroy a marriage because she was bored. 3 years ago I had a short 1 month affair with a co-worker while BF and I were in LDR for 1yr. At this point I knew what was going on, he was cheating on me. Oct 15, 2016 · Dear Sugar Radio is a podcast offering "radical empathy" and advice for the lost, lonely and heartsick. I understand that you are angry at me and your mom, and that is normal. Around seven months ago, my wife caught me cheating on her. I was groomed at 20 by someone like you. My mom cheated on my dad and lied even after being caught (by me). However, this does not mean the marriage cannot be saved. You’re abandoning your children. I cheated on his dad when He was 14 and ended up moving with my then AP now husband and my son has hated it ever since, I tried to have him because of the custody agreement but he never allowed me I tried for a few months but then kind of gave up, I tried again when he turned 16 but no success he cut me off when he turned 18, I never forget his TLDR - My husband won't get counseling and plans to leave me once our son dies. I once suspected my dad was cheating on my mother and blatantly told him that if he was, I would stop loving him. I want him to let out his true emotions with me, even if he hates me. One thing I hate the most is the infidelity. Everything was going great, We were even discussing having a child. My husband is saying he doesn’t want another child with me because another men have been inside of me. Obviously, that broke my heart and since then I've had a few trust issues. My ex did the SAME thing and I never cheated on her, even though she DID cheat on me. So I would have been much more friendly to his girlfriend from then onwards (if they were still together that is). We get periodic updates on her from friends because my husband doesn't trust me to get a direct text from her bio father. Do not engage in a "he-said, she-said" type of In 10 Days to a Less Defiant Child, I explore how seemingly hurtful behavior from grown children often stems from deeper issues. When it comes to child support, he pays $1360 for my son and during our marriage he was voluntarily paying $4000 in child support for his daughter. We argued and he told me he wants to be with her because it only seems logical to stay with the mother of his child. I called my BFF and she showed up with her boyfriend and a friend of his and we had one hell of foursome (something I wanted to do with my BF). My therapist actually encouraged me to feel my full anger about what happened to me, because we found that I was suppressing a lot of anger just so I could carry on my day. His mother was with him and they both yelled at me telling me it was true and I was a cheater and liar. Please update us on how your relationship is now with your parents--I'd like to know, if that's okay. It fucking hurts. Be clear about your own boundaries, especially with older children (age 12+). Whether it’s seeing the parent who was cheated on angry and upset, or seeing the cheating partner feeling guilty, it’s Irrespective of your husband's motivations, the best thing you can do is focus on moving forward and repairing the relationship with the kids. I've been a long time lurker, never thought I'd need to post anything, but pretty much everyone in my life is telling me I am wrong… Everyone hates me, my daughter hates me, my wife is also not on my wife. My husband and I met back in college, we dated for 4 years before he proposed to me, 2 years after that we had our daughter, and around this time I started to develop a romantic feeling towards a female I've been with my husband for 5 years- My step-kids hatred is of our own doing. He even called my mom and told her. For coaching with Dr. It’s been 25 years since my dad cheated on my mom, and I still have not forgiven him. The last straw was when my son yelled at me and said that he hated me and my girlfriend would never be his mommy. I can't lose him, not now May 29, 2024 · My wife hates me. My mom got pregnant with me, but it was obvious that I wasn’t her husband’s, because according to my brother, they had been sleeping in separate bedrooms for about a year before I was conceived. She doesn’t hate you, but probably see you as a bad person who doesn’t deserve her trust. You told me the truth out of spite and jealousy, because I wouldn't see your affair partner as my dad. He started resenting me. My kids have no respect toward him either (they know). They brought me up. I felt so neglected that he only wanted me again because I found someone else. His behavior with me feels very artificial and nothing changes his facade: I can be playful, I can be sad, I can get angry and I can get seductive, his reaction is always this stupid smile and polite words. Dec 10, 2016 · - Tomorrow my husband will be moving back to the house and then we will talk (my older son has told me) - My relationship with my children has been deeply hurt but thanks to my husband (he is very keen to have my children treating me with respect and love). Then in February 2020, I cheated on her with my ex gf. My son's real father lives 2 hours away from my house, and I am afraid if my husband finds out. Me(36M) and my wife(32F) have been together for 13 years. I rather get cheated on than cheat. I was going through a rough patch. Edit: I'm tired. May 9, 2021 · Fast forward to today, I haven't signed signed divorce papers. Also, I would never date my ex-girlfriend again. the love of their life…is cheating on them. The oldest two hate him with a passion and would scream and throw tantrums whenever they were forced to visit him. Because I wasnt a problem child they only talked to me about my other siblings and what crap they were up to. I cheated on her twice with a colleague. I then felt like I wasnt good enough so they needed to try again. Men don’t cheat because they’re scumbags or scoundrels. She truly does. My dad is all me me me me. My question is how to get back on track with my kids, who are angry and refuse to speak to me, six months into the divorce process. My ex husband’s affair partner didn’t “wreck” my marriage because I was not married to her. She never said any vows to me. Also this is long. I was really angry at both of them. Aug 5, 2014 · If you’re the divorced parent and your adult child is still holding a grudge (or even acting out), it feels dreadful. “ May 18, 2023 · Imagine, I sought to be validated in my adultery by being told by my affair partner, a cheating spouse, he needed me to help ‘rescue’ him from his wife and his children from their mother. Happened to me. You may get him to go for it since he doesn't know when he will be available. It’s Nov 17, 2017 · According to my post-parent clients, more than 40 social media groups for estranged parents, and recent research, here are the top 10 reasons: You insist on being right. Although my action says other wise, i truly and deeply love her. Because the picture of her crying and being heart broken hurts more than having covid. He kept trying and trying to win me back, but I kept pushing him away because I had to bad influence of friends telling me my husband was a horrible guy. My son loves me and I am a big part of his family. He left me. That was until one night my neighbor knocked on my door and told me my wife was having an affair with a friend of his and another guy. . I nuked our family and now my children hate ME for it. Not once had the thought of cheating on him cross my mind. I know what I did was a bad thing, but I can't tell my husband under any circumstances. And i really love my baby sisters. I am flawless and it must be some cosmic intervention that prevents ME from being happy. I will not weep on his deadbed. But once you read this list, you will understand fully that if anything I am in fact understating the case. My younger son hasn't seen his father for 2 years. Ex cheated, lied a lot, left me and now hates me. Since then it has been horrible. Since then A lot of friends have alienated me or become estranged because of how badly I f#cked up, my family is really disappointed and upset with me and I don't blame them. We have 3 children and life came between us and I hardly ever saw her. But unfortunately my husband wants nothing to do with me anymore. But my girlfriend lacked imagination. My husband is known to have anger issues, so back then I was dealing with physical, mental, verbal and emotional abuse from him. Now My Adult Children Hate Me" Dynamics that often lead to estrangement, especially after an affair. old son's basketball game and to her home for a few hours on his oof day. The great part is, it effectively gives you full custody and control if in the future they don't want to go,you don't have to agree to send them. My girlfriend would abuse him by calling him a brat. I asked if Apparently this made her mad because when me and my boyfriend came over yesterday to collect the kids, she had a go at me, and started accusing me of trying to turn her son against her cos now apparently her son says he likes me more because I can buy him the lego set and she couldn't so he loves me more. I kept my family and John separate because my parents were always super nosy and my sister seemed extremely judgmental when I would bring company. For the most part of our marriage, we've been happy, no major fights, just minor disagreements. My father cheated, my mother broke, but now my mother thrives, and my father has lost most of who he is. She is my best friend. My mom also ecouraged me to forgive him, and to not end our relationship because of theirs. My father made the mistake of telling me he was my dad and I owe him respect and I never spoke to him again after that- nor did my mom make me. Oct 4, 2022 · RELATED: 'Why I Cheated' — 5 Brave People Reveal The Real Reason They Strayed So here is the real reason why he cheated on you. We're still together on my end because I feel like I need to have something to show for this shit show of a situation. She stopped being intimate with me as soon as she found out I wasn't rich. Personally I wouldn’t have forgiven him because all he had to do was talk to me or at the very least find some ACTUAL proof of me cheating. And relocated to his birth country ( United states) . We talked and basically it boiled down to she wants a divorce because I don’t trust her and think so poorly of her character that Yeah - my dad cheated on my mom growing up and I was used as an excuse for my dad to see his gf. My parents split up and I didn't speak to my mother for over 3 years. It was a tough time for me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so heart broken in my life. I've spoken to some of my friends, and they said I blew up my relationship with my daughter over original post-HereSo, it’s been a couple months now and I thought I’d update. I found out through my ex's wife that it's because they know about my infidelity. My orders say "as agreed upon by petitioner (me)" because my ex couldnt pick a set visitation schedule for himself. Btw, my dads mom also became a lifelong alcoholic. He wrecked a bunch of my stuff (broke my glasses, damaged a bunch of stiff in the garage). He got softer with me, he helped me clean up and we talked. If your adult child is acting distant, defensive, or even hostile Ok, so to show you how you sound. If shes abusive towards the kids then yes, 100% you need to fight for them. We message a couple times a year. I literally could not believe that I did what I did. Now I know why. I was completely heartbroken, my sister had recently passed away so this made my life even His behavior with me feels very artificial and nothing changes his facade: I can be playful, I can be sad, I can get angry and I can get seductive, his reaction is always this stupid smile and polite words. My ex-husband hates me with good reason. No matter what happens going forward, she's ruined that realtionship and lost their respect. Consistency is really important now, if you don’t stick to it your daughter will never bond with you again. I was thinking of somehow keeping my child quiet, I know this makes me a piece of shit but i truly want to change for the better and its not like i wanna continue this. He's the father of my child and has NOTHING to do with him, because he was a predator, and he did exactly what you did: left me for a 19 year old to have a kid. He didn't want to but I cried and yelled so much I puked all over. I tried to rationalize my cheating by telling myself that it was good for me because I was just so sexually frustrated and was blaming my husband because he couldn't maintain an erection and refused to "help me out". My Husband Hates Me Because I Cheated: I Cheated On My Husband He Won't Forgive Me. Don't act like you told me the truth for my sake. Same thing happened to me. My heart was shattered. I'm planning to reveal the truth to our son because it's the right thing to do. Looking for a more in depth answer rather than a basic one. The trust between husband and wife is broken when one party cheats on the other. My husband never knew about this and nowadays I can see how much he loves my son, but he will never be the real father. Hello everyone, throwaway account because my son uses reddit. You cheated on him because you were too cowardly, too selfish, and too self-centered to have a hard conversation wherein you say you want a divorce. My girlfriend (baby mama) found out, and we broke up; as a divorced father, I paid child support and met my son every weekend. 1. “My wife hates me”: 12 signs your wife hates you (and what you can do) 1) She rarely if ever talks to me. That’s true in many cases, including that of Beth and Jim, a Milton, Ont. He tried to kiss me My kids refuse to acknowledge me, my brother hates me, and I've been trying so hard to make amends, especially to my ex since he got out. Guess my kid saved my life. My wife spiraled and left me for 3 months. We ended up having a 6 month relationship. This really hurt me because I feel like he resents my son as well because during our marriage, his ex and their daughter would spend Christmas with us. My gf (19F) family hates me (18 M) , im an indian guy and my gf is chinese and they have always hated that she is dating someone "dark" her grandma always says why dont u date someone pale or lighter , idk why they do this to me , ive taken care of hee better than all her past exes , her exes have cheated on her , hurt her , verbally abused her and used her , wherelse the only thing ive ever As an adopted child, I was curious, and tracked down my bio mum. My husband and I have been married for three years and have a two year old son. My BF came to my place as soon as he made it back in town. I ended up sleeping with my ex-husband over quarantine because it was just so easy. My daughter (eldest by 17 months) hates me and I don't know why. I managed to keep it a secret from my wife for 3 months. Mm i see, i missed reading a huge part of ur paragraph. It was pretty hard mentally and physically (not financially), and when my son turned five, I cheated on my girlfriend (i know what I did was awful). EDIT: for anyone who is still reading this. In spite of this, I can't help but compare how fortunate I was with my ex-girlfriend's family to how my current girlfriend's loved ones feel about me. I finally blew up at her and asked her if she ever thought about why I was given custody by the judge if I was this horrible person. Everything just clicked and it seemed like he knew my every thought. Just because your child blames you, it does not mean that you need to accept TLDR: I am dating a man and his kid hates me because I was a mistress. I ended it because I felt sick and I love my wife so the colleague told my wife and sent her pictures of me in her bed. At my 20th birthday party, I introduced him to my family and everything seemed to go well. We have 3 children together and we were miserable so she forgave me. And everyone makes mistakes. I think that I forgave my dad because he was amazing to me growing up, and he still is. I am not here discuss that, I am already well aware of the extent to which I fucked up and completely disregarded my marriage vows. That was my decision because I was hurt by her actions as well. Also she has really one dimensional personality. They don't even know me and already hate me. She's my best friend, I always tell her everything but I'm also afraid that she'll hate me forever for what I did. Because I intentionally did that to hurt him he says, because I knew he needed me as he is depressed, and needed me. What should I do? I love her, i REALLY LOVE HER. He cheated multiple times and all was forgiven. She's also attacking me because I am technically still married to him. My children aren't here. I would always have wondered if I hate him because of what he did to me it if I hated him because my mom told me to. My intuition was telling it to me and the way how happy they looked at that photo just got me angry. But what really turned me on was how he took the cheating as a challenge. I get why he doesn’t want to see you. I knew her because she worked in a bakery where my husband often goes. He loves us all too much for that. I answered the door in just a t-shirt. I am just telling you want happened and how it made me feel. Beforehand, we had been together for 3 years. I know this situation is terrible, and you have every right to be angry. My son would fight woth me over everything. I am 42 and we were married for 17 years. My parents don’t know that I know. He has left japan. I am sure he is still around now solely because we have children. That relationship lasted for about 5 years and I was about to ask this woman to marry me, but then I caught her cheating on me. I strugle sometimes though. After reading the thoughts on this thread, I believe I will be staying out of the workforce until my children are of school age. I found out on my own that he was an abusive asshole when I noticed he didn’t care about me and i was a pawn to mess with my mom. I, 30M have been married to my 29F wife for 3 years. To others it may seem harsh, but when you cheat on someone you have kids with, you aren’t just abandoning your significant other. Don't know if I'm posting in the right place and I'm not sure about the format. He was rude towards my girlfriend. I found out my wife was cheating on me a few nights ago. At one point earlier this year I confessed my feelings for him, to which he said he felt the same and kissed me. So I guess I’m posting this here to ask for advice. His ex-wife dragged him through a two year long contentious divorce and got the house, pretty much everything he owned except his business, and an exorbitant amount of He has been cheating on me since we started trying again. Throwaway for obvious reasons. He told me that now that he lied and never wanted kids and now that I had my son, I could not complain about anything he did to me. At first my husband was so hurt. Anyways I drove home, told my husband the same story I told my mom but I ended up telling the both of them the truth the same day. My elder son hates me with all the passion he has. Advertisement Even if she did cheat on him that doesn’t give him a free pass to cheat back that’s not how it works. I don't why i did what i did but one thing is sure, I will never ever do that again. We got together while he was still married to their mother and his kids found out. How do I bond with them when they hate me? I was only trying to protect their dad from their mothers abuse and now i'm worried she is turning her kids against me even though her kid said she can make her own mind up, but because her and her mother get on well, I'm concerned she is worrying about her mother too much and is So you won't leave because of the kid. But showing anger when your wife thinks you're a lying asshole doesn't help your case. He was so emotional and sincere before all of this happened. Nov 17, 2024 · For therapy, go here for Dr. If, at 19, my son brought someone home who was in their 30s, he and I would have a serious talk about grooming. Still I desperately want to see my oldest daughter but my husband refuses to let me. It’s been 20+ years in that case. Also, everyone is very focused on his weight loss as the reason for our improved sex life. She then asked me if I'd ever cheated on her mother (she knows that we were on the brink of separation before the tumor was discovered). dyeo eqaipmbrp akl gdhf lohxgv uooru ribwjbs lmbwcbh qoy atcrhvtw xvkd qlllyp blzpxk ajsfqd gess