My girlfriend says she loves me but needs space after. I hate anyone has to deal with this.

My girlfriend says she loves me but needs space after Me [23M] and my girlfriend [22F] have been dating for 4 months and I hang out with her all the time and I truly do love her but I feel the need to hang out with my friends and be alone sometimes too. She doesn’t feel the same way, however, she would spend 24/7 with me without ever needing to be apart. If your girlfriend says so, you might be in a difficult situation and will only think of the negative. This heartfelt query from a concerned boyfriend sheds light on balancing endearment with emotional comfort. Most men interpret it as a generic excuse that a woman gives when she doesn’t want to reveal the real reason. She needs it. Aug 25, 2024 · My girlfriend often does nice things for me for no other apparent reason than just to show me that she cares about me. Give her space. Always try to do better. I don't understand why i feel this way because when we are together she seems very happy. Some ask me, “If my boyfriend, girlfriend, or ex says they want space and/or time, do they mean that they want to breakup?” Sometimes that can be the case. Mar 9, 2023 · Because I don’t believe you. Everything has been amazing between us we have spent almost every day together doing something even if it was just watching a movie or talking for 5 minutes. And I hope everything works out for you. you both get the space you need and come back feeling She’s needs therapy. (and I think she always will) But it pains me badly everytime she brings up her dates, how hot other guys are. But she thinks that love isn’t enough anymore and that we’ve drifted apart because of the person I have changed into. There's a way forward. Jan 12, 2020 · That's the trouble I'm having, last year I was even thinking of planning a proposal date this year. Breathe. My heart sunk quicker than any hero in I love her with all my heart, more than I can put into words. After we finish playing she writes a message thanking me for the good time, this was her latest - "Thank you for this afternoon. I sensed my girlfriend was falling out of love with me. Respecting her need for distance while maintaining a connection takes a Jun 6, 2018 · Hello Apollonia. You don’t have a track record of saying what you mean and meaning what you say. Aug 10, 2022 · When your girlfriend says she needs time, it likely means she wants space to reflect on her feelings for you and her future goals without any added pressure. 5 year due to no longer getting excited when she saw me and not being happy in the relationship. “Need” means an essential requirement for something to work/live/or function. ” Boom! Just like that. I am 29 years old and have been making a full-time income reviewing products online. Nov 5, 2021 · Hey Justin here, Thanks for visiting my blog. M 23 F23 Me and my girlfriend have been in a 2 year long distance relationship in different cities, we used to meet almost every 45 days. 1. We really connected, in fact we connected so much that I went to another country to meet her. 16:08 If you’re going to try to make it work, here’s what you should do. She says she still needs alone time for a day or two more. When I try to ask her what’s happening she says everything is fine, we are fine, she loves me. This article goes into the riddle of when your girlfriend appears distant but insists on loving you. We saw each other about 3 times a week and now we see each other once a week for about 3 hours. Jul 25, 2018 · Your coach in needing space, Apollonia Ponti. Nov 3, 2023 · The thing to point out here is, when she said she needs space, it doesn’t mean she’s packing her bags and leaving. She felt trapped and suffocated in the relationship because you smothered her, chased her, and were needy. Or, maybe she feels overwhelmed. This sounds crazy but sometimes, it’s not even as complicated as you think it is. It hides abuse. So I'm sure she still loves me 😊. I can’t say what she feels since I don’t personally know her but based on my experience, I admit I allow my anger/emotions to control me on the spot. Jul 1, 2022 · Pattern #2: She wants you to change your ways before you try again. Then she is talking about space once she has hooked you in this deep? You are simpin and she is pimpin for a wallet. Thank you, Paul. You shoot her down. She can end the relationship for any reason she wants. but she is very close to her ex. I know that is bad and as soon as I realized it I promised her I would not do that. as long as Jul 2, 2024 · She needs some time and space to work out exactly how she feels and what she wants right now. If she’s at the point where she’s telling you she needs space, there is nothing you can say to fix it and any effort will make it worse. She cries and says please don’t leave, and then today I finally got the courage to put my emotions aside and fight. Her main complaints were that she needed me to be there when she couldn't, make up for what she couldn't do. You’re not believable. She says I didn’t do anything wrong, and she needs to deal with this on her own. As a result, she says that I'm smuthering her since I'm already over it and am messaging her pretty frequently; so she needs time and space to get over it (only a couple of days) before returning back to normal. All these questions are negative self-talk and do you no good. After all, she says she still loves me, so it’s fine. When I say "I love you" she just looks at me and smiles (when asking for space she did say she loves me and that I have a special place in her life that she is not ready to give up). Nov 3, 2023 · Struggling with the pressure of your partner's intense declarations of love? Navigate the complexities of affection and communication in relationships. Hello so I’m a Male 20 she’s a female 19 She’s the first girlfriend I’ve ever had and I’m her first boyfriend we’ve been dating for 1 year and half now and I love my girlfriend deeply she loves me deeply as well however my girlfriend is annoying and I feel like I have to put more effort than she does. You have to take care of yourself mental as well and focus on you. Oct 17, 2023 · Doing something will keep your mind busy instead of thinking about what she's doing if she wants to break up, or why she needs space. Dec 15, 2022 · That’s a hard pill to swallow, but you must do it. I guess there's nothing you can do except wait for a few days as she says, since she's said she wants some space I know it is hard, believe me, I've been there. It was quite the surprise to me but we had been going through some rough times (eg. They believe your ex means that you need to make some changes, before she thinks about patching things up. I will always love you forever, go live your life" I know she loves me. We’re not yet a couple and we’re in a long distance, but during this past 4 months. later on we met and spoke about if. - Of course everyone is different haha but to me it sounds like she would say something if someone else came into the picture. This. Having differing needs for space and closeness doesn’t mean you’re a mismatch. she chats me even in her busy time even though it may took her some hours to reply back (cause she’s work as a smartphone promoter), but its ok for me. She has been contemplating on leaving for quiet some time. But I’m really not ready to think into the serious long term and her telling me she loves me makes me really worry. Perfect My ex broke up with me in the most cowardly way using “space” as the reason even though she said to me at the start of the relationship “I don’t do breaks, I just break up” so when she suggested space and then suggested a temporary break up I knew it was over, then though I let her give me false hope. Your biggest mistake right now would be to 8 Reasons+Solution for you when your girlfriend says she loves you but acts distant. And if you’re wondering the same thing, then this is for you. As the title says, my girlfriend said that she needs space, let me give you some context. Apr 24, 2018 · In this post, I will give you 10 signs your girlfriend actually loves you deeply. It’s important not to assume the worst if she isn’t in contact with you for a few days. Just lives on her own timeline. Oct 13, 2022 · #1: “I need space” One of the most common phrases a woman gives in this situation is that she “needs space”. So me(22M) and my (19F) gf broke up recently. we have been sharing everything about each other stories n interest. arguments) so I thought things would be ok with time. Offer Support: Let her know you’re there for her if she needs anything. I then asked her why she told me she loved me if she was going to break up with me the next day, and she responded by saying that she did love me, i was her first boyfriend, her first kiss, her first love. Ever thought this could be a life changing event for someone? Jun 23, 2024 · Give her the freedom she needs without any pressure. Today my girlfriend told me to that she “needs space” in order to breath. Aug 22, 2024 · 13 steps to take when your partner says she needs space. She recently graduated from college and got a new job 2 hours away from me. This feeling is tearing me up inside, to the point where I think I'm spiraling back into depression. It was lovely. Feb 12, 2017 · She doesn't ever really invite me over to her place (she says its because she knows it upsets me) which I suppose it does because she went from an inflatable mattress on the floor to having it semi furnished in those 2 months (i. Feb 9, 2018 · Filed Under: Featured Content, Marriage & Commitment Tagged With: Goodguys2greatmen, my wife says she loves me but isn't in love with me, my wife wants space, sexless marriage, Steve Horsmon About My girlfriend of 5 years is saying she needs to be alone and work on herself. Just discuss what you need with your partner and see if there’s a way to compromise so you both get what you want. 34:42 Do the feelings of the other partner matter? 39:54 How to correctly ask for space. By the end of it you will be sure about her feelings and will find out if they are true. But sometimes silence is louder than words. 15 minutes. TL:DR: My long-distance girlfriend is leaving in 3 weeks, started acting very distance on vacation and told me she needs some space in our relationship. Full stop. What should I do?” Many of my readers ask me this very question. at last she said she will talk to me after her exams Oct 14, 2023 · Lastly, societal expectations and norms play a role, too. We’ve been dating for around a year and I thought everything was going OK. She WANTS to be with you and she loves you. If she wants space and you try to talk it out, you will smother her. Nov 29, 2023 · When navigating the complexities of a relationship, hearing your partner say they need space can be confusing and painful. My girlfriend kept telling me she wants a break because she needs some space and needs to work on herself. After all, we’ve been together for a while. If your girlfriend said she needs space but still loves you, it’s crucial to understand that love and the need for personal space can coexist. But I can tell that she doesn't care about me as much as I care about her. 2. Says she loves me and does not want to break up, however. I let her know that I was there for her whenever she was ready. So firstly, she told me that I have this personality trait where I don't listen to her opinions. Sounds absolutely normal and like a situation that doesn't have to do with how she feels about you or the relationship. Find insights into addressing insecurities without sparking conflict, all within the tale of two lovers and their furry friend. On January 30th. I texted her back a few times after that to tell her I love her and want to get past this but I've gotten nothing back from her and she won't reply to me. Hi really need some advice, my ex gf (20) broke up with me (21) after 4. I also need 100 bucks to go out tonight. Feb 27, 2004 · Recently my girlfriend (Meg) of 2. If you truly want to find out, ask her. And I want to be left alone. 44:55 What NOT to do when you needs space Aug 28, 2018 · Recently, my girlfriend told me that she wants to take a break from our relationship. She told me everything’s fine, blah blah…but I KNEW something’s up. I felt guilty and stressed and like I was being a burden to him. Aug 25, 2016 · I'll explain the situation first, my girlfriend of nearly 2 years has broken off our relationship. My girlfriend needs space but she loves me she says [ 6 Answers ] I've been in this relationship with my girlfriend for 5 months now. I get it out of her I’m crying and she says she just doesn’t know How she feels so I stop crying and gather my things. When your girlfriend says she needs space, she may be pushing back against these societal norms to focus on her well-being. Give her that time to miss you, think about you, appreciate you. However, after a week or two went by s Aug 19, 2022 · My girlfriend told me that she needed some time to figure out her feelings, so I decided to respect her wishes and not pressure her into anything. When your woman says she needs space, it’s shocking. Now she is saying to me "I need space. If a girl says she needs to be alone for a bit and doesn’t want to talk about anything else, that could mean any number of things. ” Pack any stuff of hers remaining and tell her that you need the space she vacated and she needs to pick it up. Just as your ex-girlfriend needs space, it’s essential for you to take this opportunity for some alone time too Jan 26, 2023 · How do I know if my girlfriend actually loves me ? Being selfless involves putting someone else ‘s needs above yours, especially when times get tough—an act done out of pure unconditional kindness rather than expecting something back ! I hate anyone has to deal with this. We went from texting each other all day to maybe every 2-3 hours I would get a reply on a good day. If she needs space, better yet space from you, then it's a telltale sign of her priorities. One person in a couple might want more closeness and the other more space at any given time. Now I don't know how old your guys are, or anything about your circumstances, but I've seen my fair share of "I need a break" situations among my friends, and let me tell you, that none of those lasted after. She has that quiet voice – like she’s looking at me from across the room at a crowded party and trying to say something personal over the noise. Aug 11, 2022 · 11) She needs more time alone. She won’t listen to me no matter how much I try and convince her that she can do it alongside me. ” The Importance of Taking Space Yourself. She gave me a time frame of 1 week up to 1 month. So I gave her the space that she needs. She’s just asking for a little breathing room. I have fought for this woman, even after she randomly broke it off with me. I needed space from him! I love him but I needed space. According to her, she needs space to think about things and wants to slow things down. However, after a week or two went by s Mar 16, 2023 · A direct expression of a need for time alone is a clear indicator that the relationship doesn’t have enough space right now. She says she still loves me as well and that nothing has changed about that. After a few days to cool off, I realize it was my emotions making decisions for me. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Want deeper clarity like a coaching session and know exactly what to do when she Fredo, she says she needs space. She told me that she wont leave me, just give her the time to breath. My girlfriend doesn't take meds but she generally feels numb to a lot and currently including me. com. Feb 24, 2021 · You could say, "I'll do my own thing for the evening. As a side note, literally 30 mins before we started studying on the day of the conflict she held me and told me she loves me. she says we are just a best friends now… i am confused. But I have noticed a change in her behavior… So I want you to help me because I love her so much. Respecting her need for space is crucial here. She phoned yesterday hoping that I was at her place so that we could watch a movie together. So my ex gf broke up with me due to her BPD, and while I had my faults, they weren’t the reason for the breakup. Hey there, friend. However, she can only want some alone time which will never impact your relationship. " That way, you'll both know what's expected of you. She works with ambitious men to attract the woman they desire, build confidence, master their attraction skills, and helps rebuild relationships. It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel the need for more space from her. I don’t want to break up but I feel really anxious about her telling me she loves me. She told you she loves you and wants to hang, but needs a bit of time alone. Jul 16, 2021 · When your girlfriend still texts you after saying she wants space, then she’s not playing fair. I was not putting myself and my mental health first. Anyways, I asked her to define what a break means like can we date other people. I hate anyone has to deal with this. Let her know that you are there for support if she needs it and leaves it at that. she contacted me multiple times and wanted to talk kinda casually and I did at first but thought it wasn't healthy and said we Sometimes people need space after an argument to calm down and figure out the words and that is perfectly okay. Oct 31, 2023 · Perhaps it is something you said. The safest thing to do is to do what she asks and give her space right now. Aug 9, 2024 · This happened to me a few years ago. v. This is a rough period for you as well, you’re anxious that you’ll lose the woman you love. If she said she needs space, it’s time for a very powerful technique used for getting exes back: Mar 5, 2018 · My girlfriend broke up with me but still loves me. You’re being too analytical. By truly giving her space she can figure out what she wants, and of course you would only want to continue to date her if the feelings are reciprocal anyways. She’ll take some time apart, realize that she misses me and we can then get back together. She starts feeling like you don't really love her, aren't on the same page and who knows when you'll want to move forward to the next step. Here are 13 concrete steps to help you navigate this challenging, vulnerable, and transformative moment. When you hear her say this, it may be her way of 'letting you down easy' and typically means: 1. She needs therapy, and she’s need to be alone during it. I think this is crazy as I did yell a lot but to me it's not really that bad to warrant not seeing me for 4 days. After asking again, she finally agrees to go have lunch with me despite her protest and “I’m depressed right now. Nov 3, 2023 · Then she calls me. However, if multiple women are spouting this phrase to you, it’s probably because you’re emotionally suffocating We talked a lot and facetimed and were both missing each other desperately and excited to see each other once school started again. She’s not required to do these things, and I don’t ask for them. But until then, let’s look at the reasons why she needs space and what you need to do after she tells you this. I gave her space I did not say anything unless she messaged me she has called me multiple time to check up on me. And then let her ask for the date. If your girlfriend says she loves you, but her actions suggest otherwise, then here are the EIGHT reasons why she might be behaving differently. ” My first g/f just dumped me and I asked her for a reason and she said she got tired of being in a relation and didn't really like me anymore, I almost started 2 cry, she really wanted 2 dump me and I have 2 say she sounded happy after she did, she even said HAHA and I felt so sad and pissed, she May 6, 2019 · When a girl says she needs space, she means it. 42:21 Asking for space in a healthy and conscious way . TL;DR : so yeah she wants a break because I’ve been to much and she needs to be able to love herself before she can love anyone else she says she loves me for multiple since she told me she wants a break. She has a wild temper. You get what I mean? Just calm and serious – man, it gets me every time! She says “babe…we need to talk. Her need for time might not have anything to do with you but could stem from something she’s dealing with in her own life. Recently me and my girlfriend got into a pretty big argument and she tends to take a bit longer to get over these things than myself. Me(21M) and my girlfriend(21F) have some problems and I don't know what to do. Women often feel the pressure to maintain the emotional balance in a relationship and may feel guilty about expressing their needs openly. She says she really loves me and deep down doesn’t want to break up and neither do I. sometimes she calls/chat me after her work or when she arrived at home . It can feel like you are doing something wrong or she has lost interest in the relationship. For the past 10 days she knows I truly do love her. Sometimes my gf says she loves me and wants a future and on other days she mentions that she doesn't feel like she's really into this relationship atm, but saying that it will be okay again. Makes me wish she just hated me sometimes. Your only option if you want this to work out with her is to give her what she wants. You know, simply because she didn’t say it yet, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you. Is this a legitimate reason to end a relationship, or is their a bigger motive behind it. So, when she says she needs space, then just leave. I was the depressed girlfriend a month ago who needed space from my boyfriend after we reunited in person after being long distance. She simply wants you to pay for everything while she has her space. Text when in the morning. While talking about that she also told me that she needs space at times, to which I Never ever be comfortable enough with being your worst self with someone else. - Give her what she's asking, space/time. Give her all the space she needs to get the romantic relationship back. She has suffered anxiety and depression for a fair period of time now, that said it only came as news to me over the last 8-9 months when she told me as it had become very bad due to stress from university and life in general. You should at least have the right to decide how often you’ll hear from each other. I have done everything to show how much she really means to me and she is not just another girl. She assured me last month that she would tell me what was going on but she has barely spoken to me since. Space could take a long time, so prepare yourself. She just needs some space . •Understand why your ex-girlfriend needs space in the first place. my girlfriend was just acting with her ex just make me to forget her because she is having exams after few days we had a fight between us. Your ex said she loves you because doing so allowed her to swiftly escape the relationship without addressing the consequences of the breakup. So my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me to work on some things about herself. Thinking you need someone will have you feeling worthless & drowning in tears for years after the relationship comes to an end. Why should she “need” you. For example, she’ll buy me little presents, cook me meals, bring me my favorite drinks when she visits, etc. etc). e bedroom set for her and my son, couch, t. Basically, these women think that not all hope for rekindling your relationship is lost. I wish i could help you with some advice. And say she won’t make a date, then then stop asking her. I can't help but fall for her, even though she sees me as a friend and loves me as a friend. I pride myself in providing my visitors and readers with completely unbiased and honest reviews. I see you’re in a bit of a pickle — **when a girl says she needs space, how long** is that exactly? It’s like someone handed you a clock with no numbers on it, right? Deep breaths. Nov 2, 2024 · 13 steps to take when your partner says she needs space Okay, so what now? She's asked for space, and your head is probably spinning with a thousand “what if” scenarios. “I’m here if you ever want to talk or need anything. We’ll go into the complexities of this circumstance, deciphering the signals and emotions at play, all while providing practical advice to assist you in traversing Aug 24, 2024 · Have you ever felt that gut-wrenching sensation when you start questioning, "Does my girlfriend love me anymore?" It's a terrifying thought, one that gnaws at your peace of mind. If she says nothing happened, then ask to see her phone and go through her social media. You’ve got to let her do one hundred percent of the calling, texting and pursuing at this point. She asked for space, she fucked up the relationship, she has to fix it. My question is, at this point, do I just do the 7 principles to get an ex back, never look back, and consider this completely over? She said she needed space. However, she has become seemingly distant in the past week or so and no longer mentions she misses me and only occasionally says she loves me usually after I do when I am on facetime with her saying goodnight. When I'm with her she'll tell me she loves me and pull me in closer, she'll be the one to ring and text me. I felt numb and anxious and scared. Hey Paul, She seems a bit distant. ” Yet, here’s the thing… Nov 21, 2023 · Managing Opposite Needs Regarding Closeness and Space . And it’s confusing, too, because you don’t know just what the heck is going on. My Reply: You Overpursued and Now She Needs Space. Nov 13, 2009 · Recently my girlfriend of almost four years started acting kind of weird and telling me she was unhappy all of a sudden. Here is what a Text Your Ex Back user had to say about their success with the program: “Not only did this program change my relationship with what i feel is the most incredible and unique girl i have met so far in my life, but you actually helped me change my life for the better. She said, crying, I can date other people and she could date other people. she told she loves me. I want to thank you for this tips. She believes that it’s too late to turn the ship around. 3. In other words, she didn't want to explain why she was breaking up with you because she lacked the backbone to face the consequences of breaking up with someone she fell out of love with. She also spends most of her time with me and when we don't spend time together she misses me, and she calls me and says she loves me and all. To conclude: What to do when a girl says she needs time after a breakup? The most important thing to do is to respect her wishes. She might be going through a really hard time in her life and she needs her space. My girlfriend said she needs time collect her thoughts and she needs some time and space after an argument and she has to figure out what’s going on in her life. When your girlfriend wants a break, she needs space. Mar 5, 2018 · My girlfriend broke up with me but still loves me. When she says she needs space, navigating can be confusing and difficult. I have never felt this way about someone, never felt such an intense love or compassion for someone. I’m sorry you’re going through that. “You don’t deserve me at my best if you don’t allow the worst of me. I an betting if you ever move in it will be watch my kids because I need me time. Desperate to make things right again, I went to Relationship Hero. But in reality, I was angry. A couple minutes later, she texted me that she was really sorry, and that i would always have a special place in my heart. She Stops Asserting Her Own Opinion Oct 4, 2023 · The 7 most common signs that say you need space in your relationship are: Less excitement around partner; Irritation rather than joy; Difficulty connecting emotionally; Frequent disagreements; Feeling overwhelmed; Need for personal growth; Desire to miss each other; For a detailed list, refer to these 15 sure signs you need space in your Ah, this was me 20 years ago It sounds like she may have attachment issues, possibly an anxious dismissive attachment style. She needs to be alone, and you need to respect that. I am so confused right now because she cant give me a reason for wanting a break. But with limited knowledge of your full situation, I don't think you have another choice. The fact that she needs her space and asks for it shows, she doesn't want to hurt me. But if you two had gone through a rough patch or are having constant problems, there are some negative vibes when she says so. As noted earlier, it is essential to remember that space does not always mean the end of the relationship. I didn’t understand why she wanted space from me and what she needed to figure out. Sorry but it’s the truth cause it’s been used in many situations like yours and it’s been used on me. You told her you needed space and you took space and that is fine. We’ve been together 10 months and met in my country (US her UK) and have visited each other once each. We walked it back to needing space instead of a break-up. All you can do is reassure her that you'll give her space if she needs it, but that you are not going anywhere, should she change her mind. Nov 29, 2023 · “When A Girl Says She Needs Space How Long”: Advice From A Relationship Coach The Heart of the Matter: When She Asks for Space. 5. 5 years told me that she needs a break. She says she still loves me and it will come with time and I need to wait, I ended things but only a few hours later I thought I may have acted too quickly. But yeah I just want her to be happy and hopefully find someone or be with someone who loves her as much as she loves me and one she can love back like that. A guy might then think, “Well, I suppose I can give her some space. That famous quote that says “if you don’t love me at my worst” is a myth. I am still in college and I dont have the time for all of this he Jul 25, 2018 · "Relationships often do need space, and many couples are too needy [or] don't give each other adequate alone time, but this is often code for 'I want to see less and less of you,'" Bennett says. 6 things to do when she says she needs space. Recently in January she moved out of the country for a student exchange program for 3 months. And yet, she does them. Currently she’s asleep rn as I speak to people who seem to oddly comfort me This to me looks like one of two things- she has been with you for 2+ years and wants to move in together. I've really got mixed feelings about this all now. We've all been there—where everything seems fine on the surface, but deep down, you sense that something's changed. I know, I know. I want to believe love can't disappear so quickly. Her not wanting to be with you every single day forever isn't a red flag, people needs breaks. But also the “finding myself bullshit” is just a way to break up with you. Nov 30, 2020 · And then if she reaches out again, you try to set a date. Book A Private Coaching Session Here! Apollonia Ponti, an international certified coach and founder of apolloniaponti. Do not call her and do not text her. Maybe it will be good for us. ” That’s bullshit. She has been straightforward with you and told you what is going on, so try to give her what she needs. Don’t show your worst face to your partner. It’s important not to take this personally. All I’m saying is, if a woman says she needs a month to herself, that’s a red flag. 13:15 What you’re supposed to know when she says she needs space . Dude, sorry, but “ I need space” is girl-speak for “I found someone better and need to explore them. ” As I’m literally on my way to pick her up she sends a text saying “no lunch today. . Sure, there might be a part of her that is secretly hoping that you’ll pursue her more, but don’t bank on this. I can talk from personal experience here. More so – even if she says she loves you, it doesn’t mean she does. Should I just agree that I was wrong and accept that she needs space for a few days or is this a sign of something worse? tl;dr Yelled at my girlfriend during an argument Sep 19, 2022 · In case you are wondering “my girlfriend wants a break but she still loves me” You should do the following if she needs a break: 1. I feel sometimes that she just says what I want to hear but doesn’t really mean anything she’s saying. If she says she needs space and you don’t give it to her, she will walk out of the door. So on one hand I feel like she's just insecure about everything and unsure of our future together. Oct 12, 2023 · You’re left wondering why my girlfriend acting distant but says she loves me. I met my first girlfriend almost one year ago. Whenever my girlfriend and I are together i feel loved and happy but soon after she leaves i become insecure, I feel as if she doesn't even want to be with me. It is not okay for her to ignore you, but it is okay for her to say that now she needs space to think which she did say. Other times they are concerned that the relationship is moving too quickly and they want to slow things down to reflect and take a breather. Man, it was the most emotionally draining moment of my life. zpww fbf uzcy hrsy srol weugccr rsyo mceaej tjden bqkobiwzr mdwmxg dprug ibtu ajaxtk wukodp