React hooks scroll to element example. function which will get reference of the element.
React hooks scroll to element example A parent and a child. the value of the inputbox bt for demostrate the //example Sep 14, 2022 · @davidalvarezr. var Hello = React. Apr 4, 2021 · react-infinite-scroll-hook. Hence why the hook returns an object with properties for determining each direction. I was wondering how to auto scroll to a specific element after clicking on a link? Say for example, I am on home page. To use the hook assign the ref returned to the element that you would like to apply effects to. This container has display flex and flex direction column. 0. js file so any component can make use of it, but I've had to add the scroll event and the dynamic class to every Oct 18, 2018 · React Scroll-To provides a Higher Order Component, and Render Props implementation. In this basic example, we'll add the scroll Y className to a May 9, 2024 · Infinite scrolling is a popular feature in web development that allows content to be loaded dynamically as the user scrolls down a page. In the component below, my aim is to display the <HelperTooltip> May 9, 2023 · The process comes to Scroll to an Element in React and in addition comes to the ref for storing the reference of the element to make use of. Name myRef. Inside the parent component I have a button. Note: If your project has jquery included in it you can directly use the code in Jan 6, 2023 · Here are seven of the most important React hooks that I reuse across every react project I create. If you're coming from V2, here's a migration guide. React hook for scroll restoration Subscribe to React. 0. The useWindowScroll hook is useful for tracking and manipulating the scroll position of a web page within a React component. Dragging and dropping makes it simple for users to add files to a web app. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Jan 14, 2020 · I'd like to scroll to a given horizontal position in an element immediately after it's rendered by React. container - An optional That’s the hook… it took a lot less code than I expected! And here’s how you can use it if you are using the scroll direction to change the class of an element, for example: function MyComponent (props) {const scrollDirection = useScrollDirection (); return (< div className = {` some-class ${scrollDirection === "down"? "down": "up Dec 2, 2024 · 1. It's really easy to create a useScrollPosition hook using the useEffect and useState hooks from React. It updates the dimensions on resize and scroll events. Start with a reference to the element we want to observe, use the react hook useRef. I've set up a listener using the UseEffect Hook, which adds the listener onMount. Nov 24, 2020 · This allows me to scroll the content to the left and right using my trackpad (or drag on mobile). focus and nonfocus both are custom css classes I would like to know if anyone has different approach Jun 9, 2022 · You will learn how you can scroll an element in React using four different types of method with examples. Oct 26, 2023 · In this code, the HomeScreen component uses the useScrollToTop hook to enable scrolling to the top. It allows you to save and restore the scroll position of an element, optionally persisting it to localStorage or sessionStorage. Right, so say I have a div that I want to scroll to, because that contains my about me section. 6 that will let me scroll to a particular HTML element section on click of a navigation item. 8. I made this example using the always trusty code sandbox. offsetHeight); Aug 24, 2020 · Instead you can use useRef hook and pass the ref to your JSX element. As a test bed let's just make an example in our App. Nov 7, 2020 · Key Type Default Description; ref: object: Used to set the target element for monitoring. I have found that I can use reloadDocument to force the reload and that will work, but I want to implement a smooth scroll down to the element if coming from the same page. It covers a lot of common use cases like: Scrolling to an exact page location; Scrolling to an element; Scrolling to an element within the container Nov 23, 2022 · I am trying to get the scroll position of a div in React. scrollY: The progress of the vertical scroll. g. refs. May 28, 2015 · You will need to expand on this to find the offset of the element inside your scrolling div that you want to scroll the div down to, and then modify the scrollTop to scroll far enough to show the element based on it's height. Jun 3, 2019 · I am looking to write a React hook with React 16. 1 react-router dom stopped shipping the scroll restoration out of Dec 3, 2023 · React hook useElementDimensions measures height, width and position of a node or element. 2. ) in React, we all face performance/memory troubles. Use case. and scroll according to If you want to do this with React Hooks, this Feb 11, 2021 · Today, we are going to implement an infinite scroll with React Hooks. Here’s how we did it step-by-step: Step 1: An Example Code of a Chat react-scroll-percentage-hook does not have a specific API to work with, so it supports all browsers from early versions and will support all evergreen browsers and the latest mobile browsers for iOS and Android. It works in both x- and y-coordinate directions. observe(ref. Install . I need to scroll to a specific element automatically when that component is rendered. Subtract the scrolled height from the total scrollable height. Provide an event handler function. I want to scroll to a certain Y location within this element, when I change a useState value using a different component. css file where I had set scroll-behavior: smooth; for all elements. Then provide the hook with the prop configuration for the effects you need. Setting Up Your React App. Writing custom React Hooks allow us to write functions to share common stateful logic between multiple components. Feb 2, 2023 · Hence, the react-scroll package delivers a simple and effective way to scroll the element in React app development. Approach to implement particular element scroll/skip: It is used to scroll to Jan 6, 2020 · I'm trying to make hook for scrolling window to top of element by changing condition: import { useRef, useEffect } from "react"; import { scrollToWindowTop, getElementCoordinates } from "modules/u The first example above update updates state for demonstration only. js component. My attempt: import React, { useRef, useState } from "react" import { animated, useSpring } fr It's possible for the scroll direction to be null and this occurs when the view port or target element stops being scrolled. The custom useScrollOnRender hook. This custom hook uses the ResizeObserver API to actively track changes in the component’s dimensions, such as width and height, and keeps them available as state. scrolled all the way to the right). enabled - Whether the scroll locking is enabled. (between 0 and 1) scrollX: The Aug 26, 2021 · I am trying to show a specific component - a "sticky header" piece when the page displaying it, is scrolled X number of points off the top. In the world of web development, creating smooth and intuitive user experiences is paramount. scrollIntoView() to scroll the view. One possible way around this is to get a single ref to their parent element, and then use DOM manipulation methods like querySelectorAll to “find” the individual child nodes from it. My current example will just scroll to the end of the p Oct 2, 2021 · Now when I searched for a solution in React, I came across this library react-scroll. The problem is I don't know how to do that in separate components. I was able to get the scrolling element to work using React Spring, but I'm struggling to wrap my head around how to leverage state hooks without conditionals and only being able to set state at a component top level. present. The solutions I have found are all for previous versions of react router. js It is relatively common that we need to use a React ref to get access to a DOM element on the page. scrollHeight: The scrollHeight value for the scroller element. isIntersecting) ) useEffect(() => { observer. Scroll to an In the example below, we use the useRef hook with which we can easily obtain a handle to a DOM element we want to scroll to. Just because we are not scrolling down, doesn't mean that we are scrolling up May 6, 2022 · We can show this by example: we could have an element that has 400 pixels inner height [clientHeight], Using the Scroll Hook. But I meet some problems when I'm trying to React hooks and components to create parallax scroll effects for banners, images or any other DOM elements. Its good but I didn't want to add another dependency and change the default scrolling I have been using in my app. Access the event. js with server-side rendering, so useLayoutEffect isn't an option. Then I have a Messages component which is a ul with one li per message plus a special AlwaysScrollToBottom component as the last child that, with the help of useEffect, scrolls to the bottom of the list. You can override focus() method of the DOM element when passing it via "ref" of "register" and perform any custom behaviour for focusing, something like scrollIntoView with smooth option then trigger focus() of the element. Jul 22, 2020 · You can use document. list, table, etc. current Creating a custom hook to listen to the current window position is useful when you want to, for example, add some animation to a component when the user reached a certain point of the page. Mar 12, 2024 · In this article, we're going to delve into creating a drag-and-drop feature for uploading files using React Hooks. IE 9+ is also supported. I click on the news page. Find React Use Scroll To Element Hook Examples and TemplatesUse this online react-use-scroll-to-element-hook playground to view and fork react-use-scroll-to-element-hook example apps and templates on CodeSandbox. Jul 29, 2022 · Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash. Have a look at MDN's definitions of scrollTop, and offsetTop here: A react hook for creating simple, fast and lightweight components with infinite scrolling in any direction, supporting both windowed and scrollable elements. Often, achieving these experiences requires precise control over how different elements I have an component on my page that scrolls, but the rest doesn't. Note: A react hook to use the scroll information of an element. React Hooks Cheat Sheet: The 7 Hooks You Need To Know; React Authentication Tutorial – How to Set Up Auth with Firebase V9 and React Router V6; The Complete Beginner‘s Guide to React Router 4; How to Deploy a React Router App to Netlify: A Complete Guide; The Complete Guide to React Router in 2023 – With Examples; The React Router The useMeasure hook provides a convenient and efficient way to monitor and respond to changes in the size of a React component. Feb 15, 2021 · Using React. After this height, a side scroll appears. If not, please read the Introduction to useRef article first. This is because Hooks must only be called at the top-level of your component. Using ScrollToEnd in FlatList in React Native. My react-scroll code is this: Flexible React Hook to automatically update navigation based on scroll position - GitHub - Purii/react-use-scrollspy: Flexible React Hook to automatically update navigation based on scroll position I'm trying to control the visibility of a React Component based on whether an individual is scrolling down on the component. What you will learn: How to use the useRef hook for scrolling in React. How to implement it? I just can't figure out how to scroll to a certain element. 22. Feb 18, 2020 · As you can see in my example. Click any example below to run it instantly or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution! Aug 11, 2020 · I'm attempting to create an animation in which one element fades based upon the scroll position of another. I want something similar to the HTML "on click scroll to ID element". I tried doing this with the useWindowScroll hoo I have a container that fills the height of the page. Apr 28, 2016 · This answer is only for v4 and not later versions. This capability is useful for various Sep 21, 2021 · For example, if we display a loading indicator for the entire time it takes to download all of the data required for a page, and then display a fully rendered page, that page load isn’t going to feel as fast as a page that progressively loads as data is available (or that uses placeholder content). See full list on geeksforgeeks. If the user clicks on that button I want to do a ScrollIntoView to another button inside the child componen React Hooks Tutorial – useState, useEffect, and How to Create Custom Hooks; How to Toggle an Element‘s Class in JavaScript; React Hooks Cheat Sheet: The 7 Hooks You Need To Know; Beginner React Project – How to Build Basic Forms Using React Hooks; How to Build a React Application with Load More Functionality using React Hooks Jun 3, 2016 · The second example code doesn't works. For example, we need to use a React ref in order to attach a scroll listener to a div. My requirement is, whenever, user tries to submit the form without abiding the validating rule Feb 28, 2023 · Accessing DOM Elements. This is a hook to create infinite scroll components! It has a really basic logic that solved a lot of problems for me. scrollIntoView(); // scroll Dec 2, 2019 · I have two components. If it's true, the target element has become at least as visible as the threshold that was passed. Jul 9, 2019 · use-scroll-position is a React hook that returns the browser viewport X and Y scroll position. Also when the page scrolls, I would like to update state of the App with that HTML section. use-scroll-position is a React hook that returns the browser viewport X and Y scroll position. hello. I would use refs, but I need to be able to link to Jun 3, 2024 · In this article, we will learn about how to scroll or skip a particular element in React JS, We can do this using React hook useRef and React styled-components. 2 and there when you navigate to another page you weren't taken by default to the top of the page, so we have to manually take the user to the top of the page after navigation, but with v5. The relevant code for this is Element. Sometimes, though, we might need the DOM element, for example, to focus on an element and scroll to it. React onScroll not firing. Feb 17, 2019 · React Hooks are a new addition since React 16. The hook function useOnScreen(ref) { const [isIntersecting, setIntersecting] = useState(false) const observer = new IntersectionObserver( ([entry]) => setIntersecting(entry. Sep 10, 2022 · Scroll to a new element in React. It has code that controls the scroll position based on the scroll position of another list and other code that reacts to user scrolling of this one. This is a custom React hook that facilitates scroll restoration for a specific element. This super simple hook is the result. How to use useRef to scroll to an element. Mar 26, 2019 · This is one of the first times I am actually using React Hooks properly in a project so bear with me if I am not quite there. const Jul 18, 2019 · First of all, with a class component, this works fine and does not cause any issues. 20. I achieved that with class using something like ref={component => (this. To make it so that the page will instantly go to the top, I had to specify in the scrollTo function that I wanted the scroll behavior to be instant. checkout the best practices of hooks for better use of Jul 19, 2020 · The problem which I met is when you scroll down and then change the view, your scroll position will remain as it was before the change and because of this, you will see different items then was in Feb 7, 2021 · Example: In the following GIF, you can see when I click the CONTINUE button another component (ContactData) is rendered, and with the help of reference (refs) - I can Sep 1, 2023 · React custom hook for scroll restoration. I have a Navigation component that is a sibling of the sections rendered on the page. Actually, I know how to target an element with useRef. The second example updates the progress bar's width on every scroll action by mutating the DOM and hence bypassing any react related code. In React, we do not need to manipulate the DOM often because it updates automatically to match our render output. In this tutorial, we’ll create a custom React hook called There are a lot of hash scrolling React libraries out there, so why should you pick this one? Most other libraries rely on scrolling by id, whereas React Hash Scroll relies on ref scrolling, making it more robust for large projects; React Hash Scroll offers built-in TypeScript support; Extensive testing makes React Hash Scroll more dependable Mar 6, 2020 · Im trying to scroll to the middle of my data in flatlist using React Hooks and the method scrollToIndex but i cant make reference to it. By default this is true. It is completely unstyled and just adds the functionality you are looking for so your application gives the best user experience possible. Please reference the example folder on how to use the Hook. Then add the ref to an element you want to scroll to: React Hook Scroll to bottom of overflowing div on page load. I'm trying to ref the element and scroll to it after page reloads. You can’t call useRef in a loop, in a condition, or inside a map() call. Apr 11, 2022 · This does not seem to work with react router v6. scrollTop property to get the number of pixels the element is scrolled vertically. js; Understand the different options you have for scrolling in React. Note: I wasn't able to get the containerRef prop on Scrollbar to work properly so this was the next best option. Check demo and examples Aug 11, 2024 · The useInView hook is a custom React hook that leverages the Intersection Observer API to determine when a DOM element becomes visible within the viewport. Whether you're aiming to guide users to important content, respond to user interactions, or create dynamic navigation experiences, this guide will Jul 14, 2019 · In past I got this issue that time I created 2 classes foucs and nonfoucs so whenever I was adding element in list I was changing it's class to focus and other element to nonfocus to do this I kept track of last focus class element using it's index. To handle the onScroll event in React: Set the onScroll prop on an element to listen for the scroll event. offsetHeight to get the height of the page and scroll to it using windows. Prerequisite:ReactReact Styled Components. Then you can just do **your ref**. checkout the best practices of hooks for better use of React hooks. If this is equal to the visible area, you've reached the bottom! Mar 4, 2020 · I'm experimenting with React Hooks and I'm wondering how to target elements children with useRef. It will go to the news page as usual, then it will auto scroll to an element in the middle, or a section in the middle. inView: boolean: The visible state of the target element. The useInfiniteScroll React Hook Sep 11, 2023 · useRef() Hook. Dec 16, 2020 · Here is a reusable hook that is using ref and useEffect cleanup function to prevent memory leakage when mounting / unmounting large amount of components. I found this suggestion using ref and it seems to work: Anchor navigation using the <a> tag inside a react component. In other words, we can pull out all of the infinite scroll logic and put it inside a custom React Hook called useInfiniteScroll. currentTarget. First, let’s set up a basic React application. React In React, I've moved my isInViewport() function to a global Helpers. Start using react-easy-infinite-scroll-hook in your project by running `npm i react-easy-infinite-scroll-hook`. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to maintain scroll positions across Jan 27, 2017 · I've been trying to use the react-scroll library with my HTML to be able to click on a cube i made up of divs in a wrap, scrolling down to another part of the page. org Jan 4, 2024 · scrollIntoView: scrolls an HTML element into view; scroll / scrollTo: scrolls to a set of x y coordinates; scrollBy: scrolls a given amount of pixels; All of these can cover different use cases depending on what you’re trying to achieve. Give them a try today and see if they're as useful for you when building your own React apps. scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "start" }); Example, Your variable declaration. Create a state variable isVisible, we are gonna use it to display a message whenever our box is in the viewport. list = component)} but i can reached with useRef. When the user start scroll, will add a background class to the header. from 'usehooks-ts' // Example 1: Auto lock the scroll of the body element The target element to lock the scroll When rendering a large set of data (e. You can easily set the onClick prop across the element to the maximum. (i. function which will get reference of the element. Feb 2, 2023 · Scroll An Element On Click In React# Scrolling the element on click with React is quite a simple process. When scrolling up, it provides infinite scroll behavior. The documentation for React Router v4 contains code samples for scroll restoration. Jul 20, 2022 · The thing we are focusing on though is referring to DOM elements directly. Using the speed will automatically apply a translateY css style (or translateX if the scroll axis is horizontal). js Examples. Create a React App Feb 2, 2016 · /** * @description Common and reusable functions * * @requires react-dom/server * * @public * @module * */ import ReactDOMServer from "react-dom/server"; /** * @description Retrieve the width and/or heigh of a React element without rendering and committing the element to the DOM. Jun 22, 2018 · I have a UI problem to solve in React. However, in functional component with hooks, whenever I try to set state from my scroll event listener's function As the element scrolls past the viewport a css translate effect is applied based on the original element's position relative to the viewport. It is highly optimized and using the special technics to avoid unnecessary rerenders! It uses the default react hooks rendering lifecycle, which allows you to fully control its behavior and prevent Nov 18, 2021 · I should have mentioned that I am working on refactoring the code for the following site to use redux and React hooks and switching my top level component from class style to function style. Starting simple. All May 23, 2019 · Now, that hooks are here, I thought it might be useful to show how an infinite scroll component could be built using both Higher Order Components and Render Props. scrollTop: The scrollTop value for the scroller element. I have been using React in old way before React Hooks and l was able to create event listeners without any problem inside ComponentDidMount lifecycle hook and remove them safely in ComponentWillUnmount; use-chat-scroll is a React hook for chat-like scroll behavior of HTML elements. const violationRef = useRef(null); Your JSX element which you want to Mar 6, 2018 · Steps to follow: 1. If you only need to scroll to one component, like our Alert component example, you don't need a reusable hook (since you don't need to reuse the code anywhere else!). Since this is a React hook, we need to create a component that can The hook returns a tuple of two things: A RefCallback which needs to go on the last element of your scrolling container. Optimized to reduce jank on scroll and works with SSR and SSG rendered React apps. useScrollLock accepts two optional arguments. It allows you to easily access the current scroll coordinates (x and y) through the “state” object returned by the hook. Oct 19, 2020 · For my React hook based component(I am using Ant design framework), I have a large set of form inputs. The Hook primarily snaps to elements using the wheel and touchmove events. React useRef hooks. With React Hooks we can control state and execute actions in components simplifying the management of drag and Sep 5, 2022 · For me, the problem came from my App. import React, { useLayoutEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import Scrollbar from 'react-perfect-scrollbar'; Oct 26, 2021 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Navigation Component JSX Now whenever the alert prop is a truthy value and the component renders, our useEffect() will run and scroll to the element. Call the scrollIntoView() method when the element is clicked on the ref object. In this article, let's look at a simple application of the useRef Hook. Hook onScroll event listener to document by: window. The ref is passed to the ScrollView component, and the useScrollToTop hook takes care of the rest. Latest version: 2. For context, I'm using Next. You can use useChatScroll for getting both features or useStickyScroll to only keep scroll at the Jun 13, 2024 · The solution lies in leveraging React’s useEffect hook along with refs to manage the scrolling behavior dynamically. scroll. Jun 9, 2022 · You will learn how you can scroll an element in React using four different types of methods with examples. setItem("scrollPos Sep 11, 2019 · On scroll, I'd check each element with the animate class and if that element is in the viewport, add the animate--active class to it, which will fade it in. e. I'm building a wrapper around RHF for multi-step forms that you can persist on the server. If you already have one, you can skip this step. 4, last published: a year ago. scroll-lock is the most reliable scroll-locking library from my experience, and I wanted to use it in hook form. 1. Here is a small example that illustrates what you want to do. See this fix: Jun 19, 2023 · The scroller element. That way, if a user is on step 4 and refreshes, they return to the same place and the form state rehydrates. Then, after clicking on the button, we call the scrollIntoView() method. A custom hook that locks and unlocks scroll. Type Declarations# Example . If you need to support IE11 and lower use window. Before we begin, it's important to clarify that not every custom React hook needs to be written by you. A boolean value which tells you whether bottom has been reached or not. SandBox An even simpler way to do it is with scrollHeight, scrollTop, and clientHeight. Apr 7, 2024 · # Handle the onScroll event on a div element in React. Jan 17, 2017 · Use scrollIntoView to scroll down to the element and React's refs to get the DOM of your component. It turns out this is not always straightforward. addEventListener("scroll", this. useDraggable is a React hook that allows a wrapping div to have a draggable scroll with an inertial effect. The visibility is passed into the Fade element as the "in" property. handleScrollPosition(e){ sessionStorage. on('scroll',()=>{}) callback function. scrollLeft = <some large value>. So here is a custom hook I When you would like to scroll to a React component, you need to forward the ref to the rendered element. Because we require a referent to a DOM element to scroll it into view, we may run into problems when the DOM element is created in response to state changes in React. It is quite convenient for setting the ref pop-on element that you require to scroll. current. Jul 5, 2022 · I have a question - I have a list that is in a separate popup with a limited height. scroll(0, document. May 2, 2024 · From fundamental approaches using refs and element IDs to advanced strategies employing React Scroll library and custom hooks, we'll explore a range of methods to achieve precise scrolling control. js Now let's see an implementation of the intersection observer API using react. It is highly optimized and using the special technics to avoid unnecessary rerenders! It uses the default react hooks rendering lifecycle, which allows you to fully control its behavior and prevent unnecessary renders. FlatList is a simple list component provided by React Native. Below is an example of my jsx code Nov 19, 2019 · So handle scroll now is triggered successfully if i removed fixed from content div. Main features: When scroll is at the bottom of container, it would stay there whenever new data is added. createClass({ componentDidMount() { alert("I will scroll now"); this. scrollLeft: The scrollLeft value for the scroller element. Let’s use a very simple example - imagine we want to attach a scroll listener to a div on Jan 28, 2022 · Welcome to another article of A Look at React Hooks, a beginner-friendly series on React Hooks. When scrolling to the top of the page, header background disappear. Jan 27, 2022 · Let's say that I have for example the main page, and in the first component (the main section which is located at the top of the page) I have a button, and when I click on it I want it to take me to the last component of the page (which is located at the very bottom). For example, first page is only loaded at first time but next page is loaded as soon as user scroll down through contents Aug 27, 2019 · I have read through the entire react-spring docs and there doesn't seem to be a clear way to do this. Before reading this, you should have a basic understanding of the useRef Hook. scrollWidth: The scrollWidth value for the scroller element. Utilizes Parallax Controller to add vertical or horizontal scrolling based effects to elements. Apr 19, 2015 · An example using classNames, React hooks useEffect, useState and styled-jsx: How to add class in element on scroll React js. Here is their first code sample, which serves as a site-wide solution for “scroll to the top” when a page is navigated to: Jul 14, 2019 · Another simple option is to add a span to the bottom of your content and then scroll that into view. I tried getting the window the scroll values the values are always 0. onHandleScrollEvent will be your handler function it is analogous to the $(window). After that, you can collect the DOM reference from . Thanks. There are 11 other projects in the npm registry using react-easy-infinite Nov 23, 2021 · React Scroll With more than 200k weekly downloads and 3. 5k start on Github, it's safe to say that react-scroll is the most popular React scrolling library out there. Jun 18, 2022 · My understanding was that by using a hook to track the scroll position, and by using useState/useEffect to only update my variable "scrolled" in the event that the scroll position passes that 10px threshold, the component shouldn't be re-rendering continuously on scroll. And then, how the same component Jul 20, 2022 · The thing we are focusing on though is referring to DOM elements directly. - tomisu/react-element-scroll-hook. But I really would like the default scroll position to be the maximum horizontal value. Oct 17, 2015 · Thanks for bringing into the notice, the solution I have given is applicable for a react-router dom version less than v5, I was using v4. All effects are applied based on the So, I am making this project with React and react router dom. current property. onHandleScrollEvent); this. React hook for scrolling to elements on the same page (Anchor Link) Installation This module is distributed via npm which is bundled with node and should be installed as one of your project's dependencies: Feb 14, 2020 · I'm trying to figure out how to scroll to the element after page reloads. Starting from the top is scrolling to an element. I have figure out how to add the background while scrolling and modify the state, but how to detect whenever user scroll to the top of the page? A minimal React Hook for JavaScript scroll snapping. There're some great libraries already available but most of them are component-based solutions that provide well-defineded way of using but increase a lot of bundle size. Its a react library for animating vertical scrolling that provides functionality to scroll to a component on an event. Part 1: Scrolling to an Element with scrollIntoView. . body. From the above-explained example, you got an idea of how to scroll the element Jul 7, 2021 · I am building a SPA in React and I need to make the navigation scroll to the the page sections when it is clicked, like we do with anchor tags in html. The React useRef hook enables us to handle the DOM manipulations. wmst ywahi mudyx ccnddw pjyk valjg nporv omgl oax xyccpe lisiju gdzqp woyjila gvrreth pvlyk