How long bleeding after medical abortion mumsnet I’ve had 2 miscarriages before I’m 29 years old and found out I was pregnant a couple of weeks ago after contraception failed. Immediately started bleeding, cramping and clots. I'm just wondering how long it takes to stop bleeding after a miscarriage?. I put the 4 in at 8. i realised I was pregnant not long ago. Was over at a friend's house for dinner last night too. Earliest appointment is Wednesday in 3 days time. Many healthcare professionals recommend that you wait until post-abortion bleeding stops — usually about 2 weeks — to have vaginal sex after a medication or procedural abortion. 30/7pm (although I didn't feel the need to take the codeine, paracetamol and ibuprofen worked well for me but it is personal preference of course) - I was informed that the pain and bleeding would be at it's most severe upon passing the pregnancy, which tallied up perfectly with the timing of which things I had a medical abortion this week at 5w4d. No cramping, tiny bit of bleeding that day but hardly anything. Unfortunately I had two abortions, one was the medical and the other was the surgical. I got my pills the day after but was at work. I had intercourse yesterday and I started bleeding again, not much but it's red. Completely unexpected. Hi, I had a medical abortion (pills by post) just over 3 weeks ago. So I waited until I was 9 weeks. Quote How long did you wait between taking the 1st and 2nd please? I’m due to take my 2nd lot at midnight tonight! I’m terrified and feeling lots of regret. Methods: Women fewer than 63 days from the last menstrual period and desiring termination of pregnancy were offered medical abortion with 200 mg oral mifepristone and 800 micrograms oral misoprostol or MVA Hello . I just felt tired for the 2 days after but think a lot of that was from the emotion of it all. Luckily I was wearing black leggings and had on a long coat but Objective: To prospectively determine patterns and predictors of bleeding after early abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol or manual vacuum aspiration (MVA). Clots can appear red to dark purple. Took the first tablet Friday and the 4 yesterday. I was sick once yesterday after about 1. I didn't bleed very much at first the day I took the second pills, but now, 3 days latering I am bleeding a lot more. After the surgery I had a period like amount of bleeding, tailed off after a few days to a small amount, sometimes needing a pad and sometimes not but it was almost always there to some degree. The constant trips back to the clinic to check retained tissue and infection isn't great. Abortion pills are also very effective at ending early pregnancies — you can use abortion pills for up to 77 days (11 weeks) after the first day of your last period. I’ve been bleeding non stop since. I feel so wiped out and like I need to sleep all the ti My period came back 7 weeks after the abortion. Quite soon after I had a lot of cramps that would When did everyones period return after a medical abortion? i had my medical abortion at 5 weeks - 4 weeks & 2 days ago (from miso dose) my period I had a medical abortion 3 weeks ago. The first set of 4 pills I took was excruciating, with terrible cramping to the point I was scared to take the second two but after they had been put in my cheek I had dull cramping and then went to the toilet, where without being Hey - just to give my story. I had even taken the morning after pill to be safe so I was really shocked when a test came back positive. It really wasn’t any where near as bad as I was expecting. I cried more than I cried being pregnant. I am also just as nauseous as before, if not more. If you have had a medical abortion, you may continue to bleed for up to eight weeks after The cramping and bleeding can last for several hours. I Do remember being extremely tired, exhausted - and needed to rest for several days. I bled heavy the week after it and then it was very light second week but for the past 4 days iv been really heavy again! I had some very mild cramping from 12:00 until about 13:30, and was thinking I’d have to insert the extra 2 tablets, as it was very manageable and I still had no bleeding at all At 14:00 (4 hours after inserting) I was debating topping up with the extra when I stood up to go to the bathroom and felt the sensation of bleeding. I'm terrified, not going to lie. Hi, so I had a medical abortion just over 5 weeks ago. After 4 hours I went to the toilet and only had the tiniest bit of blood when I wiped so I inserted the remaining 2 tablet. Medical abortion not bleeding help i eventually started bleeding 42 hours after taking the first tablets! seems to have worked now xx. Have tried calling Marie stopes but there’s no answer from there 24hour line. taking mifepristone before 24 hours of misopristone Taken misopristone at the intervals of 12 -12 hours Then bleeding and clots had come. Thought it was my period coming back, blood got heavier with lots of gushing & palm-sized clots. It’s normal to see large blood clots (up to the size of a lemon) or clumps of tissue You'll likely experience heavy bleeding for several hours following a medical or surgical abortion. I am still having bleeding - though not a lot but it's still present. Most post-abortion care can be managed at home. 10am. When you have a medical abortion, a doctor prescribes 2 medicines ("abortion pills"), called mifepristone and misoprostol. A had a few clots after. I just confirmed it with a test. I hope today goes ok for you. An hour after the 2 additional pills I’m experiencing super light bleeding but only when I wipe am really worried please help!! Three weeks ago I had a medical abortion because the discovery of a surprise pregnancy took me completely aback. I was uncertain about whether to have my abortion, and so waited a few weeks, so I knew I was making the right decision for me. I still haven’t got my first period and was wondering how long after a medical abortion should I get my period. It caused extremely heavy bleeding to the point where I went straight to a&e and they suspected a haemorrhage (it wasn’t but they said it does cause very heavy bleeding). I know some are 24 hours apart but my only advice would be to follow the guidelines you were given. I have had 2 abortions. I had a medical abortion at 9 weeks last year. As it was a surgical termination I wasn't told to do a test after 3 weeks but the after care booklet said to call if still bleeding after 3 weeks. I also started my adhd meds in the last 3 weeks and have been abit away with the fairy’s me and my boyfriend stupidly had sex using the pull out method after week 2 I I had a medical abortion last Thursday, I was so scared as I was terrified of the pain because it was so unknown. I’m currently in the middle of one due to personal reasons and I took my first pill yesterday (mifepristone) which they advised I could go about my normal day but I could barely stand due to feeling dizzy and like I was going to throw up every second. So apart from a rough couple of hours when passing the first clot , everything was simple . The following day, yesterday, at 5:30pm I inserted the second lot of pills, 4 of them, inside me. I was only 4-5 weeks pregnant at the time. It’s normal to have some bleeding and spotting for several weeks after your abortion after this i continued to cramp and passed maybe a few more tiny clots and continued to bleed when peeing. If you have medical concerns, Share Bleeding after abortion 6 replies cherrytomato1 · 22/11/2023 20:12 I had an abortion almost 6 weeks ago when I was 8 weeks pregnant. Hello could anyone offer any advice as to how long the fatigue lasts after a medical abortion. Medical abortion. Took tablets 2 weeks ago for a medical abortion and long story short they didn’t work. I found out I was pg 2 weeks ago, but 10 days ago I started spotting, which turned to red bleeding after 2 days. This red bleeding continued for 3 days, but never very heavy - didn't really need to change my protection all day except for obvious freshness reasons! (sorry TMI). Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, I didn't start bleeding till about 2 hours after inserting the tablets so approx. You may need to wear sanitary pads until the bleeding stops. I waited another week but was still getting a very positive test so contacted my EPU. Hi I had a medical abortion nearly 3 weeks ago and I was 5 and a half weeks pregnant. After two weeks, bleeding stopped entirely and i started to notice egg-whitey discharge in larger quantities than id normally have. Use sanitary pads only, not tampons, for bleeding after the procedure. I had the tablets at 2pm. Human chorionic gonadotropin, the pregnancy hormone, may take a while to leave the body at first, so you should wait 3-4 after medical abortion to take a test. Most people finish passing the pregnancy tissue in 4-5 hours, but it may take longer. And it wasn't even that bad, I was 7 weeks, cramping like a period. There are 2 types of abortion, medical or surgical. Still bleeding but today it’s gotten lighter. Start with GP, but call soon or they won't have How long do you bleed after a medical abortion? The amount of bleeding varies from person to person. My first normal period is due sometime in January. Really, really, seek medical advice urgently. Woke up around 7am, with pains and bleeding. I told the nurse and still went ahead with the termination. Took the Misoprostal, then I took 4 pills 24 hours later by inserting them vaginally. after 14 days spotting has been started and normally bleeding one spoon a day is coming what should I do I took another 2 codeine tablets 4 hours after the first two, so an hour after the second tablets were inserted. i had taken abortion kit. One surgical. I wasn't told to do a pregnancy test. Been getting waves of pains and cramps and just a little bleeding. anyone with helpful information and advice Hi, so I had a medical abortion 5 weeks ago now, all my tests had been very strong postive since even the test from the clinic. This bleeding normally continues for up to 2 weeks, depending on how many weeks pregnant you were. My sore boobs have only just gone down and feel relatively normal now but I have heard this can take 10 days or longer to settle. I took codeine half an hour later, I'd say another half hour after this I was vomiting, For most people, the cramping and bleeding usually starts 1-4 hours after taking misoprostol. i completed a medical abortion yesterday, Good the bleeding has slowed today after the procedure. It was a vaginal medical abortion, and the bleeding wasn't really heavy; my normal period is heavier than the abortion. I think at 13 weeks your most likely going to need a surgical abortion, in which case youl be basically asleep and won’t see anything. They did bloods first and my HCG was still 9400 had a scan and although I’d had really heavy bleeding after the abortion meds and passed lots of big clots there was still lots of tissue left and an empty pregnancy sac. Am concerned because the bleeding had to last for 1-2weeks but it’s been 3 weeks now. Bleeding began shortly after, pain was at it's peak around 6. I've been reading other peoples posts here for a week or two about their medical abortion experiences and they have Skip to main content Skip to main navigation I’ve had a medical abortion July 10th. Liners are only needed now for the bleeding. This is so horrible, it just feels like it's dragging on and this is my karma for having the abortion 😔 Hi, I’ve just read your post and wanted to say I experienced the same. I was six weeks pregnant. I inserted a further 2 tablets again vaginally 4 hours later. I was also sick. I was fine after a I had a medical abortion pills 6 and half weeks ago at 4 weeks pregnant, Mumsnet doesn't verify the qualifications of jump on an old post and hope you all recovered well did anyone else have minimal bleeding but then day 3 have heavier bleeding it say it should calm down after 24 hours and mine seems to be getting heavier I took another 2 codeine tablets 4 hours after the first two, so an hour after the second tablets were inserted. The actual process itself wasn’t as bad as I had worked myself up to. Some tests are really sensitive and seeing as it wasn't that long ago then I'd be wary it might just be a sensitive test picking up low levels of hcg from your previous pregnancy. I was 7 weeks pregnant at the time. Thats it. I started taking Desogestral immediately after (as advised), I bled heavily for 2 weeks, stop for a week the. I had a medical abortion 8 weeks ago. I also had a medical termination 9 days ago. What happens after an abortion. And then it came to the day and I was really panicking. This bleeding may Whether you’ve a surgical or medical abortion, you’ll experience bleeding. They gave me the 6 tablets to take home and I inserted I’ve taken 4 tablets and a following 2 after having no blood and light cramps. Are you considering a medical versus surgical abortion? Find information here on suction curettage and medical abortions to help in making your decision. I didn't stop bleeding & 3 weeks later was still getting a blazing positive so went back for another scan to find some retained products, took more misoprostol & nothing happened, had to go back for another scan then repeat the surgery so all in all it was 4 visits to the clinic which impacted far more on us all as had to get children looked Hi all, I had a medical abortion 8 days ago, bleeding has been pretty consistent all the time, yesterday it seemed a bit less and more brown. You may continue to spot for a couple of weeks after depending on how many weeks you were It is normal to have some bleeding or spotting, possibly with some small clots, for 2-4 weeks after a medical abortion and for some people it can be for up to 8 weeks after. I don’t remember much pain or bleeding at all after either procedure OP. Medical the pill arrived the day after my consultation over the phone. I am a bit worried. Tough decision between me and DP especially sinc I think i was told bleeding immediately after the abortion isn't a true period but logically it makes sense that it resets your cycle, guess it depends how long it takes for hormones to get to a level where you will ovulate again. I've just got bad visions in my head lol. I had normal I had a medical abortion 2 weeks and 2 days ago (3rd June). I had an abortion beginning of august, a medical termination, I was about 7 weeks along. Some pain and large clots are to be expected. Ive made the call to get my Hi. The guilt I felt taking the tablets makes me worry how I will cope next week. But with you only being 6/7 weeks pregnant, you'll be offered a medical abortion which is two tablets. Going off dates I think I’m 6 weeks today. I turned to many of these forums for experiences and stories of Hi, please I need help I had a surgical abortion 06/17/23 was 5weeks + 3 days since I had that after 3 days have been feelings pregnancy symptoms more and more, my boobs getting bigger, I can’t eat, morning sickness, vomit. Hey, im posting for some reassurance really & I'm sorry to everyone thats found themselves here too. Further tests can confirm whether the abortion pill worked. Hi. hi, I had a medical abortion 4 weeks and 1 day ago. Like you, I found it a horrendous decision to make but ultimately, it was the right decision for us. I had a surgical abortion initially so was never told to do a test at 3 weeks as they're meant to be almost certain everything Hi @elaine31. Bleeding continued, symptoms remained (although not so bad) & pregnancy test I had retained products (they called it a collapsed sack) after a medical abortion. Just cramps now and again but only Thankyou for your reply. We had discussed it a couple of days before I found out and I agreed and he was going to get a vasectomy. When you go for your appointment you’ll be scanned to check how many weeks you are. You then need to: long winded post ahead! I have just been through a medical abortion at 7 weeks gestation on the NHS and wanted to share my experience with you all as I found much comfort from mumsnet whilst going through the process, I just hope to be able to help at least one person. I had a medical abortion 10th Sept. I have never had an abortion but I did have a d & c for a miscarriage at 11 weeks. Life is a struggle sometimes and we are both early 40s. I had quite severe cramping for about 5 hours post taking the misoprostrol and quite a lot of bleeding every time I got up to go to the bathroom during the night. The cramps and bleeding started after about an hour but we're just like bad period cramps and didn't feel too bad. The pain instantly stopped. It was a very difficult decision and I kept changing my mind. I had a medical abortion nearly 8 weeks ago (mid December time) and all I've been bleeding again the last 4 days and it's heavier than the light bleeding I had immediately after taking the tablets. I was back in the car on the way home at 10. 24 hours later I took the misoprostol orally which made me feel really sick & had to lie down for a couple of hours but soon wore off, Bleeding started a few hours later & was barely heavier than a period, zero pain at all I had a medical abortion on the 26th Feb this year. I was given a pregnancy test to do a week after taking the abortion pills, which was negative. Started bleeding at 7pm. I got very slightly hot in the face about an hour after the second tablets were inserted and then felt a slightly larger clot come out when I went to the toilet. If women want a termination that's fine. These were pretty painful but each one didn't last long and as soon as it was over, I relaxed my body as much as possible and breathed. I’ve had an abortion at about 11 weeks, and also a d&c after a missed mc. Only bleed for a week and had strong cramps for just the one day that I took the medical abortion pill. A 2 clot has come out of me; it is the size of a coin, and I am not sure if it was the baby or not, but after that clot, my period has become slower i didnt experience any sevier cramps only light cramps and I only bleed for 2 Still bleeding after medical abortion 30 replies lexi873 I’d give it another week or so, but tbh it should start to slow down and become a trickle soon enough. Am now almost 12 weeks pregnant with twins and booked in for a surgical abortion on Monday. 5 hours I started getting contractions once every 30 seconda or so. 5 weeks. All seemed okay. I had a medical abortion at just under 5 weeks because I am only 23 and in med school and did not feel like having a baby was a feasible option. I was still cramping when I got into bed at 10pm but less intense than they were throughout the whole process I only had to change my heavy flow pad once as most of the bleeding was when I was on the toilet I had a medical abortion 5 weeks ago now. I was diagnosed with hyperemesis again in this pregnancy and knew i wouldnt be able to cope so i believe i made the right choice. Took the tablets for a medical abortion 2 weeks ago, had light cramps and passed 3 clots then the bleeding subsided the next day. However Some women don’t start bleeding for a few days after the abortion; for others bleeding will stop and then start again, and still others pass clots and have strong cramps for 2-3 days. as per now I hardly wear a pad,a pant liner is enough and its just a day since I did the abortion,,am worried it might not be successful please I had been bleeding every day since my first surgery 3 weeks ago, the day after the scan i didn't bleed at all for 2 days, then bled the next & nothing today 🤷♀️. I was in pieces the weeks before the abortion, period cramps started about 2-3 hours after, bleeding started about 5 hours after. I passed large clots and what I am guessing, the pregnancy. The first pill, mifepristone, was fine, total non event & just waited for the 24 hours to be up before taking the next lot to actually start the bleeding. I had one, it would be 3 weeks Thursday and the bleeding and cramping started within the hour. This bleeding normally continues for up to 2 weeks, depending on how many weeks pregnant you How long you will bleed for after an abortion depends on whether you have had a surgical abortion or a medical abortion (abortion pills). I had an abortion recently (already have one DS 12mo) and am at college. 30am. I’m waiting for my abortion pills to arrive (they should be here tomorrow) and I, like you, cannot tell anyone and I’m very nervous. And the bleeding etc was slowing down but today all of a sudden im in pain, loads of blood and big and small clots. So long as you expect to have this on your holiday (just in case it doesn't all go smoothly) then that's fine, just don't expect to be fully done by the What happens during an abortion. I took the first stage of the medical abortion 10:50am on Wednesday and the second stage (4 vaginal tablets) 11:00 Thursday. So missing that period, I just knew. I stayed in bed for 5 hours just as a precaution but was up and about for the evening and able to have tea. I've recently had a surgical termination & had bleeding for 4 weeks & a very positive test (same as control line) turned out I had retained products & just had the procedure repeated. I’ve called the doctor and also have a post appointment where they told me in no longer pregnant and that bleeding for this long is normal. Bleeding will typically lessen over two to three weeks. At the scan they found I was still retaining some pregnancy products so needed further treatment. . I was only 4ish weeks so very early on for me. I wanted to wish you luck. I'm absolutely terrified because of the stories I've read about medical abortions. Bleeding was very light, period type cramps with it but nothing major. Expect heavier bleeding for one to two days. Call 999 if you experience extremely heavy bleeding (see Flooding image 5) and feel unwell Please be aware that, if I experienced light cramping but no bleeding or brown discharge. Passed some clots after taking the last 2 of the 6 tablets, but no pain or cramping! Spoke with two different midwives at NUPAS who reassured me pain or lack of doesn’t mean anything and as long as there is bleeding and clots the treatment is working. The bleeding was heavy to begin with with lots of clots but soon settled down to just moderate bleeding. Then continued spotting until a couple of days ago, so a week in total. I went to BPAS clinic yesterday to take the first tablet. Fast forward to last week - I started bleeding very heavily at exactly 4 weeks post medical abortion. Bleeding finally stopped, then 2 Hey again @Confusedandlost1812 i just wondered did your bleeding get worse again after getting better? I took the first tablet a week ago tomorrow and the second the day after. Whether you’ve a surgical or medical abortion, you’ll experience bleeding. Took 4 more 3 hours later in my cheeks of my mouth for 30 minutes but they didn’t dissolve. Has anyone else had this with this . It didn’t last long and it was a massive relief once it Had a medical abortion through BPAS who were really helpful. I’ve been told this could be the desogestral but I’m really concerned. As soon as everything passed , bleeding was light and has been like that gradually reducing. After the pregnancy tissue comes out and your abortion is over, the cramping and bleeding should ease up over time. I bled for a week it stopped a week ago. Blood was quite dark. Great, based on conception I'm roughly 3/4 weeks at most so it's good to know it could take longer for The first was a medical abortion for a pregnancy which was just over 6 weeks at the time of taking the pills. After 3 weeks, (today) i took the HCG test to confirm successful termination, and i was all in the clear. I started cramping a couple of hours later but no bleeding. But I bled continually for the 3 weeks, with a positive pregnancy test after the 3 weeks, ended up with an infection, retained products, had to have 3 more internal scans and antibiotics. It wouldn’t be abnormal if 4-5 days after the Heavy bleeding 5 days after surgical abortion 35 replies Bexicle22 I agree Psipsina -- I had an infection after a surgical abortion, had exactly the same symptoms (sharp pains, heavy bleeding a couple of days after the procedure) and was in hospital for five days on IV antibiotics. One medical. As awful as I feel saying this, I’ve decided to go for a termination. Cramping and bleeding are signs that can mean the abortion was successful. I fell pregnant using contraception, my son is 2 and my daughter was 5 months when I fell pregnant and not long over 6 months when I had the abortion. Mild cramping & bloated / tender tummy but not bad enough to need any My bleeding didn't start until 24hours after the 3rd lot of tablets. I took the first one this Friday night (now approx 6 weeks 3 days) just gone. but the bleeding was very little the clot was in a very small size and that's it,in the morning,the bleeding was very very light. 30. 5 weeks ago. @User0610134049 hi yes they advised that I take one 3 weeks after the procedure but I took it a little earlier - I had to take a low sensitivity one because HGC levels can apparently still be quite high for a few weeks Mumsnet hasn't checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. There was talk (before it started) of me going to the clinic for a scan to rule out eptopic pregnancy but because i started bleeding that no longer was needed. It's a very long, drawn out process that lasts weeks and weeks. You end up in the clinic for several hours but the actual procedure is quite quick. 5 hours of using the first four tablets (putting them up rather than orally) and then just after I was sick the pain started to get quite bad, like constant bad period pains so I took two codeine and after that, I had no more pain, other than a few niggles before I went to sleep so took two more codiene just to be safe. Hi @Chocolate93, you're welcome - always helpful to hear from others with similar experiences. I have pre- hypertension along with other conditions and I had a termination (medical) 2 weeks ago at 10+2 weeks pregnant. OP posts: See next See all I was 3 weeks pregnant,I took medical abortion pills,,my cramping was really bad all night I couldn't sleep. The health advisor was lovely On 7th July, in the evening, I then inserted the 4 misoprostol pills vaginally. You may experience cramps for a few days. For a medical abortion they will give you the first tablet in the clinic which stops the pregnancy from progressing. Have been HEAVILY bleeding for 4 weeks. I had the passing of a big clot last week after I took Cramping and light bleeding started around an hour after inserting the tablets vaginally. I had a medical abortion approx 3 weeks ago. That passed then the rest really wasn't too bad, bleeding was manageable & had no pain at all, I too am fortunate that i don't have painful periods I was sent home with medical management tablets which I took on bank holiday Monday. It took about 2 hours for the bleeding and pain to kick in, I did have to push quite hard to get Apologies for the long post x. 2 and a half weeks ago I found out I was pregnant, It was a complete shock and the past few weeks have been a difficult emotional roller coaster for me. Medical abortion consists of two visits to the clinic, 1st visit I was given one pill to literally terminate the embryo. I contacted my clinic as I was concerned that I hadn't passed enough and that the bleeding was scant. I administered my medical abortion yesterday at 7 weeks pregnant, taking my second set of pills that enduce the bleeding around 9:10pm. People say you can't get off the toilet cos you bleed so much. But if the bleeding is so heavy that you're soaking 2 pads in an hour, you'll need medical attention. The bleeding has slowed down a lot , now I’m just spotting. Pregnancy test still positive after 2 weeks. Other symptoms I'd probably ask to get this moved to pregnancy choices too, lots of information on there. I How long you will bleed for after an abortion depends on whether you have had a surgical abortion or a medical abortion (abortion pills). I had a medical abortion just over a year ago & to not knowing what to expect was horrible. I took the mifepristone on Saturday, and followed with the misoprostol x4 on Sunday (yesterday). The bleeding felt worse than I would have done pregnant. At just 3 weeks I found out I was pregnant. I think women need to be told about what happens after an abortion too. The procedure itself was not a big deal. The pain was very manageable and the bleeding was not horrific. I chose to have same day treatment one tablet orally and four tablets internally. I went through mine last Thu and Fri. was a really hard time of my life regardless 5 weeks after had my first period it was heavy gloopy and smallish clots, sorry for TMI got advised it maybe heavier anyway, I bled for around 8 days then had another period 24 days later that only lasted 4 days again was moderately heavy thick and few small I agree Psipsina -- I had an infection after a surgical abortion, had exactly the same symptoms (sharp pains, heavy bleeding a couple of days after the procedure) and was in hospital for five days on IV antibiotics. I have a medical yesterday. If you have had a medical abortion, you may continue to bleed for up to eight weeks after I had heavy bleeding that day, passing large clots, but with no pain surprisingly. I was sore afterwards and the bleeding was quite heavy for about a week (needed maternity pads for at least the first few days and then had a day of gushing blood and massive clots at day 7). My workplace are aware of my situation and was somewhat supportive until now. It also depends on how far along you were in your pregnancy. 5 hours of using the first four tablets (putting them up rather than orally) and then just after I was sick the pain started to get quite bad, like constant bad period pains so I took two codeine and after that, I had no more pain, other than a few niggles before I went to sleep so took two more codiene Hello. Mumsnet hasn't checked the qualifications of Bloops · 29/04/2024 14:50 Scheduled a medical abortion for next week, where I will be around 8 weeks pregnant. All tests were negative by 5 week though. Small blood clots are normal. Hi, I’m looking for some advice around a medical abortion. I've counted back and I would be about 17 weeks by now. It's a difficult situation isn't it 😕 I too Sorry this is going to be long and detailed. The last 4/5 days I have been feeling twitches and a fluttering feeling, that remind me of early movements. The main bleeding was a few days but she had some residual bleeding and cramping for a couple of weeks. I bled for 8 weeks, spotting, stop starting, but mainly very light. The first, mifepristone were fine, nothing happened & no side effects at all. I had very light spotting but then two weeks later, Wednesday just gone, I had really heavy bleeding and Had a medical abortion 2. This usually goes away within 1 day. I have no medical experience, I’ve just been through a medical abortion which I completed yesterday and I had to take mine 48 hours apart. Medical abortion at 10 weeks during covid Any pointers on the type of pain/level of bleeding would be greatly appreciated pads and have the hot water bottle ready. it’s been a long tough decision for me for the past few weeks of deciding if I want an abortion or not, it’s been hell and back. The doctors told me to expect to bleed for up to three weeks. My 1st loss was at 11weeks. as the abortion was not that long ago this may be why there is still a positive result I had one in lockdown in October (non surgical ) and it took about 8+weeks before I got a negative result and my first period didn’t come till after that not long before i had the negative result a large lump of tissue removed itself when on the toilet. I continued to have pregnancy symptoms for around 2 weeks afterwards, so the morning sickness is totally normal. Definitely shouldn’t have after the second one (the surgical) With the medical abortion - I bled heavily for about 3 days but it wasn’t so bad after the first day that I couldn’t handle it with tampons and pads. Im over a week post treatment now and still hardly had any bleeding at all. Obviously I've name changed for this. in a week bleeding was stopped. I was 6 week pregnant. A medical abortion can be done in a clinic, or sometimes at home if you're less than 10 weeks pregnant. This lasted around an hour before I suddenly felt a gush and that was it. With me now having some time off work for a few days, this was now the perfect time for me. I already have a 15 month old, a I had an abortion beginning of august, a medical termination, I was about 7 weeks along. Hello, OP. Honestly, I'm at my wits end with it all and I feel that I'm getting nowhere. I started to bleed very lightly after taking the first tablet and inserted the second set of tablets vaginally 24 hours later. Bleeding stopped for a day after a week and 5 days, commenced bleeding the following day and it’s been heavy bleeding. June 26th, I went in for a medical abortion at 5 weeks pregnant. After a week, bleeding became more like spotting. I honestly don’t know what to do. Not heavy enough to concern me but definitely heavy and slight aches. If you have any questions feel free to ask me but the wait is the worst part, the relief after is like a huge weight being lifted. I had a medical abortion & my shop tests at 3 weeks were still positive but the one they sent me was negative. No idea if that means it's resolved itself - although seems unlikely that happened the The abortion pill is a nonsurgical option to end a pregnancy. Nothing that I could see in the toilet to be alarmed by at any point. I had a medical abortion at home at the end of December (which was horrendous). The 2nd part/pill, which is what I was most worried about, was no where near as bad I expected. Quote Thanks Add post Share Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, I had a medical abortion at about 2pm. So here it goes, on the 6th June I had a medical abortion after being told I could be pregnant with twins and one off which was in my fallopian tube (all turned out to be normal and just one). Hiya, I've never posted on here but I've read some threads about medical abortion on here & people's stories have been incredibly comforting! I'm currently 3+4 weeks (from conception that is, Ive not been going by the first date of my last period), got a scan booked in for this Friday & will be able to pick up the tablets then. didn’t start bleeding until 8ish but have been bleeding extremely heavily and saturating sanitary towels/clothes pretty constantly. Me and my partner want to try for a baby as soon as possible but I have no idea when I'll ovulate with the bleeding stopping and starting. Stopped bleeding the day after, started bleeding again on day 4 with mild cramps and that's been it. Just spit out the rest. Wishing you well. your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters Some tests are really sensitive and seeing as it wasn't that long ago then I'd be wary it might just @kittykat261514 my friend who lives with me had a medical abortion earlier this year. The pain was awful but bleeding was lighter than a period and only a small amount of mucus/clots seemed to come out. My main concern is being in pain and bleeding heavily and having to hide it. I did bleed for the full three weeks and then was still testing positive so had to go in for a scan. It started quite light and then got heavier and by 12 I was bleeding quite a lot, everytime I went to the loo it was covered in blood. I didn't have any pain during the abortion but did heavy bleed for a few days then light peroid type Hi there, over this weekend I have just gone through similar at 5. I am in day 2 of my medical abortion. I called the clinic they put me in an appointment in 3 days. I feel so bad and guilty. it has now been 35 hours and I have not experienced any bleeding, spotting or discharge whatsoever. My husband said he 100% didn’t want another child. After 2. Went to toilet and had a medium sized clot. My mental health suffered. I had bad cramping and bleeding but then bleeding really slowed down for a few days. Long story short, I decided to have a medical abortion. Within an hour of inserting the tablets vaginally, I began heavy bleeding, lots of different sized clots and severe cramping. You can also get an ultrasound 2 weeks after the abortion or a Ive only really had brown spotting for the last two weeks. I went back to work the next day after both. I just really want to know when the bleeding should stop. I know you only wanted unemotional facts, but I just wanted to say that the medical abortion is not pleasant. Failed contraception. My appointment was at 9. Currently on day 7 after taking the second tablets and the bleeding hasn't particularly eased anymore since day 2. No pain at all. Other I had a medical abortion due to health issues. Doesn't sound too bad then, just keep and eye on the bleeding. This bleeding will feel like a period. Hope you're doing ok. Methods: Women fewer than 63 days from the last menstrual period and desiring termination of pregnancy were offered medical abortion with 200 mg oral mifepristone and 800 micrograms oral misoprostol or MVA Cramping, bleeding and spotting, breast pain, and other mild side effects are common after an abortion. After an abortion, you may get: tummy cramps or pain for a few days; vaginal bleeding – this can last for several weeks after a medical or surgical abortion; The medicines used in a medical abortion can also cause diarrhoea and make you feel sick. My first reaction when my period was late was to look up medical abortion, we took the morning after pill too so my head is telling me to trust my gut but still makes it hard. I was two months gone by then and had no idea. Sigh of relief. Bleeding during and after a medical abortion pill up to 10 weeks. I had several loose bowel movements and then a small passing of tissue. So I went to my medical abortion appointment on the 5th July. I was 8/9 weeks when i had the abortion, i went for an appointment to discuss my options etc, and booked medical abortion. I like you was very scared. I still have Both me and my partner agree that we wouldn't cope with another with our 4 boys already. I ( not looking forward to bleeding for weeks and then doing a test to even see if it worked :( ill get some codeine in and Someone asked us: How can I tell if my abortion pill worked? Is there a way to know if your abortion worked or not? Abortion is extremely effective. In-clinic abortions work more than 99 out of 100 times. After an abortion, you may be advised to sanitary pads rather than tampons while the bleeding continues. Although, with hindsight, I think I knew all along that I was going to do it, and I was adament I didn't want the medical abortion, as the thought of it terrified me. After the medical abortion took place at home and I saw the foetus (horrible experience), I regretted the whole thing right My bleeding has completely stopped 6 days after a medical abortion, is there a chance it hasn't worked? Feeling very anxious that I'm going to have to Skip to main content Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to talk navigation Advertisement Search Objective: To prospectively determine patterns and predictors of bleeding after early abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol or manual vacuum aspiration (MVA). I drove myself mad searching online and looking at horror If you still feel any side effects associated with pregnancy more than 2 weeks after your abortion, or if you didn’t bleed at all after taking abortion medication, follow up with a healthcare This isn't easy to talk about but would please like some insight or any experience anyone has had with medical abortion. I had a medical abortion at 6+4 earlier this year. I had the first pill on Tuesday. Within a few hours I had bad cramps and bleeding, followed by contractions-like pain for around 2 hours. I felt terrible for a couple of hours after taking the misoprostol, really sick & generally just terrible. I am now 3 days post abortion and 💯 back to myself. I didn't do much research prior to the medical abortion and I wish I had because that is the worse pain anyone could go through. So I’ve recently had a surgical abortion I was 12 weeks and 3 days I’ve been bleeding for a week and 2 days I very much regret my choice and decision, and for the people who have had surgical abortion and tried to get pregnant straight after I was wondering how long it had taken to conceive again? Thanks for you reply, I got my pills through BPAS and I’ve been on the phone to them twice previously due to it taking so long for me to start bleeding. Hi hope you’re ok. I started bleeding about 3 hours after quite heavily for a few hours but by early afternoon and all of today I’ve barely had to change a pad. The next 2 days I was able to go out and about, with the bleeding easing up to be just like a Many healthcare professionals recommend that you wait until post-abortion bleeding stops — usually about 2 weeks — to have vaginal sex after a medication or procedural abortion. I have 3dc so know this feeling. @Lesh22 I am in a similar place to you except finished the medical abortion on Monday and have been bleeding really heavy bright red blood today (after it slowing down Tuesday & Wednesday)? Also not flooding pads & mostly bleeding into the toilet and there have been some clots too. I have rang Bpas who have booked me in for a scan. lrhbo oeds qxdevs tmxq wkrzg konia bcnhh min rpmwlgb xlor